HyTEC is the project of the AAPM Working Group on Biological Effects of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy/SBRT (WGSBRT). The WG includes physicists, radiation oncologists and radiation biologists and is charged with generating reports based on critical review of published data regarding both tumor and normal tissue response to the strongly hypofractionated regimens used in SBRT (SABR) treatments with suggestions for outcomes reporting standards that will facilitate future analyses. The project also includes several more speculative “Vision Papers” on the radiobiology of these treatments. The work is the result of the diligent efforts of numerous investigators, authors, reviewers and support personnel. The HyTEC papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics (the Red Journal) and have been made open to all AAPM members through the following link as each one is published In-Press. To avoid future delays in access to important papers like these, members are encouraged to recommend the Red Journal to their institution’s librarian. More information on the journal can be found at www.redjournal.org/inpress.