The AAPM Online Learning Center (OLC) is a repository of enduring educational materials to be used by individuals to continue their professional development.
One valuable feature of the OLC is the AAPM Virtual Library, which includes:
Access to the Virtual Library is included in AAPM membership. A complete list of available Virtual Library presentations is provided below.
Additionally, within the OLC and for an annual fee, individuals can access a variety of materials and complete associated quizzes in order to obtain both CAMPEP approved Medical Physics Continuing Education Credits (MPCEC) and ABR approved Self-Assessment (SA) credits.
Online Education Credits Program also known as Online Continuing Education Program Annual Fee (Calendar year) |
AAPM Members | AAPM Non-Members | |
Associate-Student | $15 | $50 - Complete Verification Form |
Associate | $60 | $150 - Complete Verification Form |
Full-Lifetime, Affiliate | $100 | $300 |
Full | $150 | $300 |
General | $300 | $300 |
Join the thousands of other AAPM members who are using the Online Learning Center for their continuing education, research, and information needs.
The Online Learning Center is committed to providing comprehensive educational resources in the field of medical physics and is managed by the Online Learning Services Subcommittee (RDCE) and AAPM Staff. We offer more than 600 MPCEC quiz activities suitable for fulfilling certification and qualification maintenance program requirements, such as those of the ABR, ACR, and MQSA.
Our group ensures the relevance and currency of our offerings by continuously monitoring presentations from AAPM Meetings and publications within AAPM Journals for educationally valuable content. We value feedback from users about their Online Learning Center experience, which can be shared directly with RDCE leadership by emailing us at ollc@aapm.org.
RDCE relies on the efforts of engaged and enthusiastic AAPM volunteers to grow the Online Learning Center and maintain its quality. If you're interested in getting involved, please reach out to the email address above or monitor the Committee Classifieds for volunteer opportunities.
Eric Lobb
Chair, Online Learning Services Subcommittee
View All Categories | View Complete Quiz List
Medical Physics Continuing Education Credit (MPCEC)
Self-Assessment Continuing Education Credit (SA-CE)
By successfully passing quizzes associated with informational sources such as journal articles, AAPM Virtual Library presentations, task group reports, and other publications, members have the opportunity to earn:
For each quiz successfully taken, a member can earn 1 MPCEC.
Each MPCEC is equivalent to a Category 1 credit.
If you elect to receive a SA-CE credit, the ABR will count the quizzes as (SA-CE) activities.
To successfully earn MPCEC or SA-CE, a participant:
To obtain credits:
Upon completion, on a daily basis AAPM transfers:
To view credits and transcripts, sign onto:
Self-Assessment Modules (SAM) – A Vehicle for Earning Self-Assessment CE (SA-CE)
2022 will be the final year that we will require diplomates completing their OLA annual progress requirement to complete self-assessment CME (SA-CME). All diplomates will still need to complete 75 Category 1 CME credits in the previous three-year period, but no SA-CME will be required after 2022. The OLA annual progress requirement is the number of questions a diplomate needs to answer each year. For most, this is 52 questions per year, but it will vary depending on how many certificates you are maintaining.
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you think about the upcoming changes to SA-CME:
If you have questions, please contact an ABR Certification Manager at information@theabr.org or (520) 790-2900.
We will continue to offer ABR SA-CE via SAM modules until the modules expire. Expiration dates are posted on the SAM selection page.
Online Education Credits Program also known as Online Continuing Education Program Annual Fee (Calendar year) |
AAPM Members |
AAPM Non-Members |
Associate-Student | $15 | $50 - Download & Complete Verification Form |
Associate | $60 | $150 - Download & Complete Verification Form |
Full-Lifetime, Affiliate | $100 | $300 |
Full | $150 | $300 |
General | $300 | $300 |
To successfully earn online SAM credit:
Members please log in to access SAM Offerings.
To obtain SAM/SA-CE Credits:
Upon completion:
To view credits and transcripts:
We are currently working to produce and post additional SAM from a wide variety of sources. Additional SAM offerings will be uploaded as they become available.
Constructive comments are always appreciated.
Eric Lobb
Chair, Online Learning Service Subcommittee
*If you have any questions or suggestions on how the Online Learning Center can be improved, please send them to Eric Lobb. Every attempt will be made to incorporate improvements as quickly as possible. Problems encountered with the website should be directed to webmaster@aapm.org for quicker response.
Online Learning Center needs Question Assignors, Writers and Reviewers.
Want to get involved? Email Eric Lobb