AAPM supports its mission by disseminating scientific and technical information in the discipline of medical physics.
Medical Physics
Medical Physics (‘The International Journal of Medical Physics Research and Practice’) is our flagship publication with authors and subscribers throughout the world. It is available in print and online through individual and library subscriptions. Subscription provides online access and sophisticated search capability through the entire journal archive at no additional charge, and a significant number of featured articles are also available without charge. RSS feeds from Medical Physics provide notification of new articles published in selected topical areas regardless of subscription.
The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP) is an open-access journal, which publishes papers that will help clinical medical physicists perform their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently for the increased benefit of the patient.
AAPM Reports
AAPM Reports are technical reports on specific topics that are prepared by experts drawn from the AAPM membership who work together in Task Groups under the guidance of the AAPM Councils and Committees. All AAPM reports are published on-line with open-access without subscription.
AAPM Ad Hoc Reports
AAPM Ad Hoc Reports are reports created by AAPM Ad Hoc Committees that answer their specific charge. 
AAPM Monographs and Proceedings
AAPM Monographs and Proceedings are reviews of medical physics topics and are primarily the output of many of the AAPM Summer Schools. These are available for purchase from the Medical Physics Publishing Corporation.
USB Flash Drives of Selected Presentations from the AAPM Annual Meetings, recent AAPM Summer Schools other meetings are available for purchase.
Medical Physics Practice Guidelines
MPPGs are intended to provide the medical community with a clear description of the minimum level of medical physics support that AAPM would consider to be prudent in all clinical practice settings. Support includes but is not limited to staffing, equipment, machine access, and training.
Radiation and Medical Imaging Communications Guide
Originally commissioned by the Ad Hoc Committee on External Communications and Social Media, this guide assists health professionals in explaining the benefits and risks of medical imaging to care providers, patients, family members, and the public.
ACR-AAPM Practice Parameters and Technical Standards
ACR-AAPM Practice Parameters and Technical Standards are the result of the collaboration of members of AAPM, ACR, and sometimes other organizations. Each has been reviewed by the membership of the contributing organizations and is subject to regular revisiting and updating as needed. |
HyTEC (High Dose per Fraction, Hypofractionated Treatment Effects in the Clinic) is the project of the AAPM Working Group on Biological Effects of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy/SBRT (WGSBRT). The WG includes physicists, radiation oncologists and radiation biologists and is charged with generating reports based on critical review of published data regarding both tumor and normal tissue response to the strongly hypofractionated regimens used in SBRT (SABR) treatments with suggestions for outcomes reporting standards that will facilitate future analyses. The project also includes several more speculative "Vision Papers" on the radiobiology of these treatments. The work is the result of the diligent efforts of numerous investigators, authors, reviewers and support personnel.
Medical Physics Electronic Content (MPEC)
Medical Physics Electronic Content generated by and approved by any AAPM committee with the intent of making such content available via the AAPM website.
Miscellaneous Reports
- 2022 ASNC/AAPM/SCCT/SNMMI Guideline for the Use of CT in Hybrid Nuclear/CT Cardiac Imaging
- 2021 AAPM Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Climate Survey Executive Summary
- ACR-AAPM Radiation Safety Officer Resources
Essential information for radiation safety officers at medical imaging facilities. 2021 Revision.
- Ethics and professionalism in medical physics: A survey of AAPM members. N. Ozturk, S.G. Armato III, M.L. Giger, C.F. Serago, and L.F. Ross. Medical Physics; 40(4): 047001-1 - 047001-8. 160 KB
- AAPM-ACMP Ad-hoc Committee on Professional Medical Physics Issues, Final Report 42 KB
- The Abt Study of Medical Physicist Work Values for Radiation Oncology Physics Services: Round IV Final Report, June 2015 3.2 MB
- The Abt Study of Medical Physicist Work Values for Radiation Oncology Physics Services: Round III Final Report, March 2008 575 MB
- The Abt Study of
Medical Physicist Work Values for Radiation Oncology Physics Services: Round II Final Report, June, 2003 559 MB
- Safety is No Accident (2019) (an update to the Blue Book) n/a
- Reference Values for Diagnostic Radiology: Application and Impact.
Gray, JE, Archer, BR, Butler, PF, et al. Radiology 2005;235: 354-358. Report of AAPM Task Group No. 7 (Reference Values for Diagnostic X-Ray Examinations) of the Radiation Protection Committee.
- AAPM-ACMP Report Recommendations on Physics Staffing for Diagnostic Radiology (1993)

- Radiation Oncology in Integrated Cancer Management, Report of the Inter-Society
Council for Radiation Oncology, December, 1991 (Sometimes called the Blue
Book) 1863 MB
The AAPM Newsletter is published for the members of the Association and carries news and articles related to the activities of the Association.
The Women’s Professional Subcommittee Newsletter is published biannually for the members of AAPM and includes selected news items and notices coinciding with the vision of the WPSC.
E-News is released to AAPM members every three weeks via email and carries timely summaries of issues related to educational and professional topics.
Organizational Subscriptions
Please be mindful that the agreements that grant AAPM Members free access to these documents prohibit distribution beyond AAPM Members. Posting these documents online is a violation the agreements and could jeopardize AAPM's ability to retain this AAPM Member benefit in the future.
AAPM has entered into an organizational subscription agreement with the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) to provide access to ICRU publications
to AAPM members at no cost to the member.
AAPM has entered into an organizational subscription agreement with the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) to provide Online NCRP Publications
to AAPM members at no cost to the member. This agreement extends to all digitally-available NCRP Publications in the past (going back to 1971), and includes NCRP Publications that will be produced in the future.
AAPM has entered into an organizational subscription agreement with the ICRP to provide access to Annals of the ICRP
, a periodical that provides recommendations and guidance on protection against the risks associated with ionising radiation, from artificial sources as widely used in medicine, general industry and nuclear enterprises, and from naturally occurring sources. These reports and recommendations are published four times per volume on behalf of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). Each issue provides in-depth coverage of a specific subject area.
This Website publishes information of interest to members and beyond and acts as the portal to all AAPM publications and to the diverse activities of this Association. RSS feeds from the home page provide notification of new topical postings.