Report No. 142 - Task Group 142 report: Quality assurance of medical accelerators (2009) Category: Reports The task group (TG) for quality assurance of medical accelerators was constituted by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine’s Science Council under the direction of the Radiation Therapy Committee and the Quality Assurance and Outcome Improvement Subcommittee. The task group (TG-142) had two main charges. First to update, as needed, recommendations of Table II of the AAPM TG-40 report on quality assurance and second, to add recommendations for asymmetric jaws, multileaf collimation (MLC), and dynamic/virtual wedges. The TG accomplished the update to TG-40, specifying new test and tolerances, and has added recommendations for not only the new ancillary delivery technologies but also for imaging devices that are part of the linear accelerator. The imaging devices include x-ray imaging, photon portal imaging, and cone-beam CT. The TG report was designed to account for the types of treatments delivered with the particular machine. For example, machines that are used for radiosurgery treatments or intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) require different tests and/or tolerances. There are specific recommendations for MLC quality assurance for machines performing IMRT. The report also gives recommendations as to action levels for the physicists to implement particular actions, whether they are inspection, scheduled action, or immediate and corrective action. The report is geared to be flexible for the physicist to customize the QA program depending on clinical utility. There are specific tables according to daily, monthly, and annual reviews, along with unique tables for wedge systems, MLC, and imaging checks. The report also gives specific recommendations regarding setup of a QA program by the physicist in regards to building a QA team, establishing procedures, training of personnel, documentation, and end-to-end system checks. The tabulated items of this report have been considerably expanded as compared with the original TG-40 report and the recommended tolerances accommodate differences in the intended use of the machine functionality (non-IMRT, IMRT, and stereotactic delivery). Medical Physics, 36, 4197-4212 (2009) ISBN: 978-1-888340-88-4 Altmetrics for this report Keywords: Quality Assurance, Accelerator, Radiation Therapy, Update of TG-40, MLC and Imaging QA Quality Assurance and Outcome Improvement Subcommitte Task Group #142 *Note: Resources for testing the imaging capabilities of modern linacs may be accessed here. Recommendations supersede Table II (linear accelerator QA) of Report 46 (TG-40) Eric E. Klein, Joseph Hanley, John Bayouth, Fang-Fang Yin, William Simon, Sean Dresser, Christopher Serago, Francisco Aguirre, Lijun Ma, Bijan Arjomandy, Chihray Liu, Carlos Sandin, Todd Holmes Committee Responsible: Quality Assurance and Outcome Improvement Subcommittee Last Review Date: |