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Meetings & Travel

Policy number Policy name Approval date Sunset date
AP 53-B Policy for Including Food and Beverages for a Committee Meeting 4/21/2006 12/31/2026
AP 17-D Summer School Tuition 12/10/2014 12/31/2024
AP 101-A Registrations for State Regulatory Staff at AAPM Annual and Spring Clinical Meetings 1/19/2017 12/31/2027
AP 43-D Childcare at AAPM-managed Meetings 9/20/2017 12/31/2025
AP 61-E Regional rotation process for selection of locations for AAPM annual meetings 9/25/2020 12/31/2025
AP 16-F Endorsement, Co-sponsorship and Sponsorship of Educational, Professional, and Scientific Medical Physics Activities 9/28/2022 12/31/2027
AP 38-L Guidelines for Complimentary Rooms and Expenses for RSNA Meeting 9/28/2022 12/31/2024
AP 92-D Policy for a Specialty Meeting 9/28/2022 12/31/2024
AP 2-H Travel Reimbursement 8/24/2023 12/31/2025
AP 64-E Refund Policy for All Meeting Registrations 8/24/2023 12/31/2028
AP 58-D Student, Resident, Junior, and Postdoctoral Fellow Registration 8/24/2023 12/31/2028
AP 23-X Guidelines for Complimentary Rooms and Expenses for AAPM Annual Meeting 9/21/2023 12/31/2026
AP 93-H Guidelines for Complimentary Rooms and Expenses for Spring Clinical Meeting 9/21/2023 12/31/2027
AP 76-D International Travel Policy 3/28/2024 12/31/2029
AP 24-F AAPM Travel Policies 12/1/2024 12/31/2029

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