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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
AP 144-A Online Group Meeting Platform 6/27/2024 12/31/2029
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Policy text
  • Any online meeting of an AAPM group (i.e., any AAPM Council, Committee, Subcommittee, WG, TG, or Unit) must use the AAPM-approved meeting platform for the consistency, security, and accessibility of all participants. The approved meeting platform designated by the AAPM Executive Committee is the AAPM-sourced Zoom. Use of an alternative personal or institutional Zoom is discouraged. This requirement is in place to ensure adherence to AAPM Rule 3.3.2:

“Any AAPM member may attend any meeting of the Board, any council, any committee except the Executive Committee, any subcommittee, any working group or any task group except for executive sessions.”

  • To ensure members and other participants can effectively use the meeting platform, AAPM will offer training and support.

Rationale: Using the AAPM-approved meeting platform will enable AAPM to better monitor group activities.

Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
AP 144-A Online Group Meeting Platform 6/27/2024 12/31/2029 Active

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