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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
AP 135-A Use of Electronic Voting by the Executive Committee 11/18/2022 12/31/2027
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Policy text

AAPM is incorporated in Washington, DC and is therefore guided by the Code of the District of Columbia.  This policy documents the process for electronic voting outside of a meeting by EXCOM in compliance with D.C. Code 29-406.21, including the required signed consent by each voting member.

  1. E-voting will not be used on matters that are specifically noted in AAPM's governance documents as requiring a Board vote. (e.g., budget approval, appointments to the Audit Committee, approval of Honorary Members and Fellows, approval of Corporate Affiliate applications.)
  2. An e-vote will be initiated on behalf of the President with a specified deadline for reply, typically remaining open for 3 days.
  3. The Secretary is responsible for overseeing the e-vote and tallying the results and may delegate logistics of this process to HQ staff.
  4. EXCOM members will signify their vote by replying "yes", "no" or "abstain" and include an electronic signature.
  5. The results of the e-vote must be unanimously in favor of the motion with all EXCOM members voting.
  6. Should the e-vote not be unanimous, the motion will be taken up at a future EXCOM meeting.
  7. Wording for each e-vote would refer to this Board-approved policy to clarify that the vote was being conducted in keeping with AAPM's governance documents.
  8. The President will include both the results of e-votes and votes taken during meetings in the next report to the Board.
Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
AP 135-A Use of Electronic Voting by the Executive Committee 11/18/2022 12/31/2027 Active

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