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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
PP 11-C Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 11/29/2008 7/18/2019
No section assigned
Policy source
June 2014 Board of Directors' Discussion
Policy text
1. No individual member of committee entity (committee, task group, ad hoc committee, etc.) shall unilaterally, without official AAPM authorization, approach any commercial vendor for funds on behalf of the AAPM.

2. Approval for solicitation of funds for any defined purpose from any specific vendor must be obtained from the Executive Committee (EXCOM) as the designated authorization body within the AAPM organizational structure.

3. Individual members or committees must prepare a proposal for solicitation (outlining the purpose, financial goals, target commercial vendors, protocol for solicitation, and duration of the campaign) and submit it to EXCOM for review.

4. Upon approval/authorization by EXCOM, the solicitation may proceed according to the protocol as submitted/approved.

5. Donors shall be instructed to transmit all funds/contributions to a designated office within AAPM Headquarters (and not to individual members, committees, etc.)

6. Annual reports detailing the progress of the solicitation as well as a final summary/close-out statement must be submitted to EXCOM for review no later than the RSNA meeting.
Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
PP 11-A Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 8/13/1998 12/2/2003 Inactive
PP 11-B Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 12/3/2003 11/28/2008 Inactive
PP 11-C Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 11/29/2008 7/18/2019 Inactive
PP 11-D Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 7/18/2019 12/31/2024 Inactive
AP 122-A Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 7/18/2019 12/31/2024 Inactive
AP 122-B Guidelines for Solicitation of Funds in the Name of the AAPM 3/9/2023 12/31/2024 Active

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