In 1971 the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) formed a task group to develop guidelines for the establishment of a system of secondary standard calibration laboratories for the benefit of AAPM membership and their institutions. The laboratories, later known as accredited dosimetry calibration laboratories (ADCLs), would be accredited by AAPM to provide high precision dosimetry calibrations traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (NIST). Pursuant to Article Three of the AAPM Charter, “To promote the application of physics to medicine and biology,” the secondary laboratory accreditation system was created with the following purposes:
Quality Manual: This document describes the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Laboratory Accreditation Program.
Criteria: This document describes accreditation of dosimetry calibration laboratories by AAPM. It is intended for use by AAPM and the laboratories in its purview in order to determine and/or prove the competency of a laboratory to perform dosimetry calibrations.
Data Matrix Code (DMC): This document specifies the DMC format for use in conjunction with radiation detector calibrations provided by ADCLs.
Application for (re)accreditation process:
Please submit a Letter of Intent to the CLA leadership to address the application requirements stated in the Criteria.
Still have questions?
Please contact ADCLaccreditation@aapm.org