By CAMPEP category
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- Diagnostic Radiology-Radiation Protection
- 2020 AM
Large repositories: Opportunities and challenges
Presented by Virginia Tsapaki, PhD International Atomic Energy Agency
- 2020 AM
The European perspective
Presented by John Damilakis, PhD University of Crete
- 2020 AM
The North American perspective
Presented by Kalpana Kanal, PhD University Washington
- 2013 SCM
Fifty Shades Of Gray: A Medical Physicists Guide As RSO
Presented by Kevin Nelson, M.S., Mayo Clinic Florida,
Jacksonville, FL, 32224, US
- 2013 SCM
Radiation Safety
Presented by Melissa Carol Martin, M.S., Therapy Physics, Inc.
Gardena, CA, 90248, US
- 2012 SS
CT: Shielding and Radiation Protection (room, personnel and patient shielding)
Presented by Jon Anderson, PhD, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
- 2012 SS
CT: Shielding and Radiation Protection (room, personnel and patient shielding)
Presented by James Kofler, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
- 2012 SS
Risk: Biological Effects of Radiation
Presented by Lawrence Dauer, Ph.D, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr, New York, NY
- 2012 SS
Risk: Estimating Risk: BEIR VII and ICRP 103
Presented by Cynthia McCollough, Ph.D, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
- 2011 AM
International Perspectives On Radiation Protection
Presented by Madan M. Rehani, PhD, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, A-1400, AUSTRIA
- 2011 AM
International Perspectives On Radiation Protection
Presented by Orhan Suleiman, PhD
- 2011 AM
International Perspectives On Radiation Protection
Presented by Rasika Rajapakshe, PhD
- 2011 AM
Radiation & Cataract: A New Challenge
Presented by Dr. Madan M. Rehani, PhD, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, A-1400, AUSTRIA