Content Managed by the Educator’s Resource Guide Working Group
PowerPoint Presentation (5.61MB)
The AAPM Public Education Committee has created a PowerPoint presentation that all members can use to promote "what does it mean to be a medical physicist". This slide set is appropriate for talking with high school students to get them interested in the field of medical physics, for undergraduate science majors to entice them in to the field as graduate students and to others in the medical community to foster a better understanding of what a medical physicist is, does and the role they play in diagnosis and treatment of cancer and benign disease.
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A series of videos sponsored by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering that provide a basic introduction and overview of several diagnostic imaging modalities.
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The Institute of Physics's Medical Physics Group has produced a set of teaching materials which can be used to teach medical physics at GCSE/Standard level in schools. Much of the material is appropriate to use for A-level medical physics options. The Institute's Teaching Medical Physics resources, that include Positron Emission Tomography, Gamma Cameras, Electrocardiograms, X-ray Imaging, Ultrasound, Pulse Oximeters and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, consist of presentations, teachers' notes, student worksheets and videos from the Institute of Physics, Schools and Colleges Lecture 2011, "From X-rays to Anti-matter, The Science of Seeing Inside Your Body". The other files contain lessons as PowerPoint presentations and other material aimed at helping teachers to teach science with examples from medical physics. The presentations can be used as free-standing lessons at GCSE level (on the electromagnetic spectrum, radioactivity and ultrasound), or parts of the presentations may be used at A level or earlier, or for particular topics such as the Doppler effect, radiation safety or waves. The resources are free but you must register to gain access to the materials.
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