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Report No. 067 - AAPM’s TG-51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams (1999)

Category: Reports

This protocol represents a major simplification compared to the AAPM’s TG-21 protocol in the sense that large tables of stopping-power ratios and mass-energy absorption coefficients are not needed and the user does not need to calculate any theoretical dosimetry factors. Worksheets for various situations are presented along with a list of equipment required.

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Medical Physics, 26, 1847-1870 (1999)

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Keywords: Dosimetry Protocol, High-Energy Photon and Electron Beams, Reference Dosimetry, Calibration, Ionization Chambers
Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group #51

NOTE: The version published in Medical Physics Journal has an incorrect formula on page 16, number 8A. The version found here has the correction and allows you to fill out the form in Acrobat Reader and print it for your records.

If you would like a copy of the Worksheets in Microsoft Word, they are available here.

Report No. 067.A1
Report No. 385

Peter R. Almond, Peter J. Biggs, B. M. Coursey, W. F. Hanson, M. Saiful Huq, Ravinder Nath, D. W. O. Rogers

Committee Responsible: Radiation Dosimetry & Treatment Planning Subcommittee

Last Review Date:
I Disagree
I Agree

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