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Report No. 320 - Development and testing of a database of NIH research funding of AAPM members: A report from the AAPM Working Group for the Development of a Research Database (WGDRD) (2017)

Category: Reports

To produce and maintain a database of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) members, to perform a top-level analysis of these data, and to make these data (hereafter referred to as the AAPM research database) available for the use of the AAPM and its members.

Medical Physics

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Working Group on the Development of a Research Database

Brendan M. Whelan, Eduardo G. Moros, Rebecca Fahrig, James A. Deye, Thomas Yi, Michael E Woodward, Paul J. Keall, Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen

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