AAPM has contracted with NCRP to provide each AAPM Member in good standing access and download privileges of electronically available NCRP reports, commentaries and statements. This report was prepared by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). The Council strives to provide accurate, complete and useful information in its reports. However, neither the NCRP, the members of NCRP, other persons contributing to or assisting in the preparation of this report, nor any person acting on the behalf of any of these parties (a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, method or process disclosed in this report may not infringe on privately owned rights; or (b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, method or process disclosed in this report.
Report No. 133 - Radiation Protection for Procedures Performed Outside the Radiology Department (2000) Price: $35 PDF (AAPM Members FREE) Category: Reports Report No. 133 (2000) is an 81 page document with five sections, two appendices, a glossary, and references. Section 1 introduces sources of occupational radiation exposure and compares occupational exposures in medicine with other sources of occupational exposure. Section 2 describes radiologic medical procedures that are often performed outside the radiology department and categorizes the procedures according to their potential for occupational exposure. Section 3 addresses conditions that affect potential occupational exposure such as time, distance, shielding, and orientation of radiation source, patient and operator. Section 4 addresses medical personnel monitoring and Section 5 briefly addresses the responsibility of management to provide safe conditions for both employees and patients. Appendix A provides information on the philosophy of radiation protection and the biological effects of medical x rays. Appendix B describes the x-ray imaging process for various imaging devices. This Report is intended for the use of clinical staff who conduct medical procedures, radiation protection staff, and those responsible for developing relevant employee education and training programs. Some examples of areas where employees may potentially be exposed are given in Table 1.3. Every medical facility operator should be responsible for incorporating the information contained in this Report into local operational and educational programs. Scientific Committee: Douglas R. Shearer, Chairman Libby F. Brateman Donald P. Harrington Mary E. Masterson-McGary Robert C. Murry, Jr. Raymond Rossi (deceased) |