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The Magnetic Moment and Susceptibility Quantifications of Partially Overlapped Spheres Using CISSCO Method in MRI

C Hsieh

C Hsieh1*, P Kokeny2 , Y Cheng2 , (1) Chang Gung University/Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan, (2) Wayne State University, Detroit, MI


MO-L-GePD-IT-5 (Monday, July 31, 2017) 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM Room: Imaging ePoster Theater

Purpose: CISSCO method can quantify magnetic moment and susceptibility of small in-vivo isolated spherical objects successfully. Here, we would like to examine how accurate this method quantifies magnetic moment and susceptibility of two partially overlapped spherical objects using this method.

Methods: CISSCO method utilizes the overall signal of objects to extract magnetic moment of the objects using the mathematical model. Two partially overlapped spherical objects were simulated. The simulations included Gaussian noise. The center of a sphere is 2.8 voxels away from the other. The radius of two spheres is 1.5 voxels. For the susceptibility value of objects, one case is that two objects are the same susceptibility (1.0 ppm). For the other case, the susceptibility of one object is 1.0 ppm, but the other is 0.5 ppm. The signals of spheres at four echo times (TEs) in 3T were generated respectively. Two partially overlapped spheres could be considered as an object for the quantification of magnetic moment and susceptibility using CISSCO method.

Results: For the same susceptibility of two spheres, the magnetic moment values of these objects agreed with those expected values less than 10% error except one at TE=10 ms (~20% error). The averaged susceptibility value of these objects agreed with the expected value less than 5% error. For the different susceptibility of two spheres, the magnetic moment values also agreed with those expected values less than 10% error except the one at TE=10 ms(~20% error). The averaged susceptibility value agreed with the expected value less than 15% error.

Conclusion: CISSCO method can quantify magnetic moment of two partially overlapped spherical objects accurately in the same or different susceptibility of spheres. For the susceptibility quantification, CISSCO method may quantify the averaged susceptibility value.

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