Promotional Opportunities
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All Exhibitors are invited to advertise in Medical Physics, the scientific journal of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Medical Physics will be distributed to all AAPM attendees during registration. Information on rates, mechanical specifications and copy deadlines may be obtained from:
Beverly Lawrence
Advertising Sales & Content + Products & Services
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
350 Main Street
Malden, MA 02148
O: 781-388-8554
C: 781-502-5588
Advertising Policy:
AAPM publications, including Medical Physics, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, AAPM Newsletter, AAPM online services, and any other media, accept advertisements for products and services of interest to medical physicists. AAPM reserves the right to reject, for any or all media, an advertisement it feels is inappropriate for that medium.
AAPM offers a golden opportunity for you to reach each visitor to AAPM Annual Meeting wedsite-including medical physicists submitting abstracts, registering or visiting for updated meeting information.
Banner Advertising
Exposure! — Deliver your message before, during and after the AAPM Annual Meeting with highly targeted, cost effective banner advertisements (300 x 250 pixels). Meeting registrants as well as medical physicists not planning to attend the meeting visit the conference site for updated meeting information, paper submission, registration, program scheduling, and abstracts information. Your banner ad on the AAPM Meeting pages delivers qualified prospects to your exhibit booth and your website - with measurable results.
Banner size is 300 x 250 pixels. Files accepted are GIF, JPG, and Html Maximum size: 200 KB
2017 Rate: $4,690
Beverly Lawrence
Advertising Sales & Content + Products & Services
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
350 Main Street
Malden, MA 02148
O: 781-388-8554
C: 781-502-5588
Advertising Policy:
AAPM publications, including Medical Physics, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, AAPM Newsletter, AAPM online services, and any other media, accept advertisements for products and services of interest to medical physicists. AAPM reserves the right to reject, for any or all media, an advertisement it feels is inappropriate for that medium.
AAPM members and meeting attendees will have the opportunity to view the 2017 Buyers Guide in three different sources this year:
- On the AAPM Meeting Homepage, to be posted by May.
- In the June issue of Medical Physics, the official journal of AAPM
- In the 2017 AAPM Meeting Pocket Program, distributed to attendees on site
Online Company Information Entry Instructions
Please follow the instructions below to update information for your company to be listed in the Buyers Guide.
Login to Buyers Guide (Available March 29)
You will then be prompted to enter the unique Exhibitor USERNAME and PASSWORD provided to you from AAPM Headquarters. If you need your Exhibitor login, please contact Rachel Smiroldo or call 571-298-1230.
By entering the special Exhibitor USERNAME and PASSWORD, you will be taken to a record listing the following information for your company:
- Exhibitor Name
- Street Address 1
- Street Address 2
- City, State, Zip, Country
- Web Address
- Buyer's Guide Description
(500 characters with spaces max) - Buyer's Guide Contact
- Contact Phone, Fax, Email
Review the information for your company and if necessary, edit or revise. All information listed for your company at this site will appear in the Buyers Guide. If you wish to omit certain information, please leave those appropriate record fields blank.
After reviewing/updating your record, it is imperative that you CONFIRM your Exhibitor Information by selecting the CONFIRM button.
Once you have confirmed, you will be taken to a second page where you can select/edit Product Focus and Product Line information for your company.
You can enter the system as often as needed to add or revise information listed for your company up until April 27. After April 27, you will no longer have access to your company record. Therefore, as of April 27, the information listed in your company record will be printed in Medical Physics, the Pocket Program, and posted on the Meeting website.
Individual Listings of Divisions, Branches, or Subsidiaries (ISLAND FORMATIONS ONLY)
Exhibitors occupying island formations may identify up to four (4) individual divisions, branches, or subsidiaries of the parent exhibitor company in the AAPM Annual Meeting issue of Medical Physics Journal and the AAPM Pocket Program.
Each entity listing to include:
- Divisions, Branches, or Subsidiaries Name
- Booth Number
- Contact Information
- Product Description
- Product line
- Product focus
Cost PER additional division, branch, or subsidy name: $2,000
This fee is necessary to accommodate the cost of supporting each individual entity.
If you are hosting an Exhibitor Function (Users Meeting, Social Event, etc) take the opportunity to post your announcement on our meeting site. This will assist any attendees who misplace the invite!
For details, please contact:
Rachel Smiroldo
Be a Sponsor at the 2017 Annual Meeting!
AAPM Members are innovators of cutting-edge technology and therapies, champions in setting industry standards and proponents of patient safety. Here’s your opportunity to exhibit at our Annual Meeting, which draws the brightest and best medical physicists throughout North America and worldwide.
To be a Sponsor you must be a current exhibitor at Annual Meeting. To reserve a sponsorship item, please complete and submit the Sponsorship Form by dates listed below.
In addition to specific recognition associated with each opportunity, ALL sponsorships include:
- One Quarter Page B &W or Color ad of your design in the Pocket Program (Sponsorship form and ad must be submitted by May 5)
- Your Company name and link to your website will appear on the conference website.
- Your logo and booth number are featured on our “Sponsor Thank You” board which is placed in each refreshment break area in Exhibit Hall for the entire conference. (Sponsorship form and ad must be submitted by May 5)
- Your logo on a slide in Electronic Scroll in a session room which acknowledges your company as an official Sponsor as well as item you’ve sponsored
- Your logo will be posted on the online Exhibitor Floorplan.
Thank You To Our Current Sponsors!
Meeting Application on Smartphone
Download Statistics from 2016:
Apple: 1,592
Android: 754
Web: 329
Total Downloads: 2,675
Want to get our Member’s attention from the get-go? Sponsoring the Smartphone AAPM Meeting App is today’s one-stop communication tool and one of a host of innovative interactive services that you can provide to conference attendees. This reference guide is referred to throughout the entire 3-day conference and THE place where Attendees have 24/7 access to the Meeting program, speaker abstracts, exhibit hall floor plan, ability to create a personal appointment calendar, and much more…all via their Smartphones!
Two sponsorship offerings.....
Splash Screen
$20,000/ exclusive sponsorship
Form must be submitted by APRIL 10
Your Company’s Name highlighted in the Exhibitor listAutomatically displays when the App is openedCovers the entire screenSized to fit iPhone, iPads, and Androids2 Push NotificationsA main banner ad in the Meeting App
Main Banner Features
Banner posted at the top of screenBanners will rotate at the top of the screenEach banner will be displayed for 5 seconds
- Enhanced Listing
$2,500/ unlimited sponsorshipFeatures:
- Company Name highlighted in Exhibitor list
- Ability to link to more marketing materials within the icon
Annual 5K Run/Walk in honor of Dr. Charles Lescrenier
$15,000 / exclusive sponsor
Form must be submitted by FEBRUARY 28th
$15,000 / exclusive sponsor
Form must be submitted by FEBRUARY 28th
Tuesday, August 1 • 6:00am start time; Bus departs from the Convention Center's Welton Street entrance promptly at 5:15am
run location: Denver's City Park
Logo on 5k T-ShirtCompany will be recognized during at the beginning of the race.
NEW! Convention Center Banners
prices vary
Form must be submitted by JUNE 5th
We’re talking banners. These large, colorful banners will be located in prominent locations throughout the Convention Center and provide unparalleled visibility for your corporate advertisements.
This is a new feature for the sponsor who is looking for maximum exposure throughout conference meeting space. New this year, AAPM is offering the opportunity for exhibitors who appreciate the impact that a strategically placed banner conveys. The Colorado Convention Center offers several prominent locations where a company can display signage to enhance their presence at the meeting.
1) Meeting Room Banners
- 100 Meeting Rooms - 1 for $1,000 or 6 for $5,000
- 200 Meeting Rooms - 1 for $1,000 or 4 for $3,000
- 600 Meeting Rooms - 1 for $1,000 or 4 for $3,000 - 1 Sold - 3 Signs Left!
- 700 Meeting Rooms - 1 for $1,000 or 6 for $5,000
2) Four Seasons Column Wraps - 6 available - $1,500 per Column
3) Lobby A - Railing Banner - $1,500 per banner -1 Sold - 1 Sign Left!
4) Lobby A - High Glass Banner- $7,500 per banner
$6,500 / exclusive sponsor
All files must be submitted by May 5 to be included in the charging station display
All files must be submitted by May 5 to be included in the charging station display
Increase your brand awareness while attendees charge their phones and other electronics. Charging stations will be located throughout the Exhibit Hall and meeting space.
1) Welcome Lounge
The Welcome Lounge features two charging stations. Your promotional material will be displayed on these charging stations along with AAPM Meeting materials – all of which keeps the attendee apprised of what’s happening!
2) Short Video Clip (60 Seconds) Only - No Sound
There will be four charging stations placed throughout the meeting space. This is an opportunity to promote your company’s message at the meeting. Your promotional material will be displayed on these charging stations along with AAPM Meeting materials.
3) Convention Center Charging Station
The exclusive sponsors logo or image will be displayed on the four built in charging stations located in Colorado Convention Center. Sample of locations.
NEW! Student and Trainees Night Out: Great Divide Brewing Company
$500 / per sponsor
Due: June 26th
Sunday, July 30, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
This is your opportunity to support the up-and-coming leaders of AAPM. Students and Trainees organize their own Night Out event each year. This sponsorship entitles you to 3 tickets to the event, which will feature craft beer, a lounging area, ping pong, and cornhole sets.
- Company name will be announced and acknowledge during the event.
- Company representative will be allowed 1 – 2 minutes to address the audience.
- Logo and booth number will be displayed throughout the event.
- Logo will appear on event registration website and registration/ticket pick-up table on the day of the event.
prices vary
Front and center attention-getter!
The AAPM Media Wall is front and center this year. Featuring a 100 square foot LED video screen and a 15 foot tall tower, the 35 foot long AAPM Media Wall is expected to be a focal point at the 2017 Annual Meeting. It will be placed facing the front entrance of the Convention Center next to the Registration Area. Its location is on the way to the exhibit halls from the main entrance and it is also central to the two escalators going up to the sessions.
Exclusivity is the key component in this offering since only a limited number of exhibitors will be invited to use this media mecca to promote their company’s products and services with custom video content. This is a turn-key solution with included content services and spots available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact Al Tokel with neoPromo Media Group ( | 201-245-1313) to learn more about this opportunity and book your spot while spots are still available.
- A custom, 30 or 60 second video on the AAPM Media Wall on looped playback.
- A main banner ad in the Meeting App
- Main Banner Features
- Banner posted at the top of screen
- Banners will rotate at the top of the screen
- Each banner will be displayed for 5 seconds
- Main Banner Features
For details and pricing quotes please contact:
Al Tokel
Principal - WideEmotion Product Manager
neoPromo Media Group
(201) 760 - 9300
cell (201) 245 - 1313
$3,000 / per sponsor
EVERYONE uses the Internet and Evaluation Center terminals for checking email and completing the meeting evaluations...a requirement in order to obtain CEC! Over 1900 attendees completed the online evaluation for the 2017 Annual Meeting and most were completed at the meeting.
Internet and Evaluation Center terminals stations will be placed in the Convention Center.
- Logo will appear on screen of computer terminals.
- Logo will appear on landing page of the Internet and Meeting Evaluation Centers.
$2,500 / exclusive sponsor
Form must be submitted by MAY 5
Form must be submitted by MAY 5
Sponsor responsible for all costs of bag production, shipping.
This is a great opportunity to give AAPM conference attendees something they will continue to use long after the meeting. Each registered attendee will receive an environmentally friendly manufactured tote bag with your company name and/or logo and the 2017 meeting logo.
Sponsor must receive approval from AAPM of the graphic on the tote bag.
NEW! Satellite Registration
$2,500 / exclusive sponsor
Wow! This is the premier One Stop venue for the attendee. As a result of the tremendous success of our satellite registration desk at the Headquarters Hotel, we’ve seen an unprecedented up-tick in traffic for members attending AAPM committee meetings and/or staying in the HQ Hotel and who want to pick up their badges on Saturday and Sunday. Attendees found that they could skip the hassle of picking up registration materials at the Convention Center and love, love, loved the convenience!
New, new, new and just for you. Only ONE exhibitor will be afforded this opportunity. Talk about convenience – Attendees check into the hotel and grab their registration packet just a few steps away! This sponsorship includes:
- Your logo on a Thank you sign in the satellite registration area
- Distribution of your firm’s promotional material which will be distributed at the registration desk
$1,500 / per sponsor
Support the new members and your future customers! A special session has been organized and members new to the association over the past 3 years have been invited to attend. New members have a chance to win a complimentary registration for next year’s AAPM Annual Meeting and will have the opportunity to engage with the AAPM Leadership.
- Your company Name announced at the session held on Tuesday, August 1, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
- One of your Company's representative is afforded a few minutes to address the audience
- Your logo and booth number will appear on “Thank You” table tents on refreshment break displays
$1,000 per break / 7 sponsorships available
What’s better than more food!
Here’s another opportunity that’s designed especially for new or smaller companies. Refreshment breaks will be held each day in the Exhibit Hall in the designated lounge areas during the exhibit dates. The breaks are open to all attendees and are always a big hit and well attended!
Refreshment Breaks will take place:
Sunday 12:30 pm,
3:00 pm
Monday9:30 am,3:45 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am, 3:45 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am
- Your logo and booth number will appear on “Thank You” table tents in all refreshment seating areas of Exhibit Hall for the entire day refreshment break is sponsored.
- Your logo will appear on beverage napkins during the refreshment break sponsored.
$1,000 plus project costs / exclusive sponsor
Name an item that 99% of attendees carry with them besides their badge? Their hotel key card!
Here’s an opportunity to provide a customized electronic hotel key card with your company logo. To take advantage of this exclusive promotion, you must first complete a form for official approval from AAPM. This is a first-come, first-served opportunity and requires working collaboratively with each hotel in the AAPM housing block that provides key cards. The approved Exhibitor will be responsible for any contracts and costs associated with the project. Sponsors will be provided with a list of the hotel contacts. The Exhibitor must contact AAPM for approval of key card design.
AAPM will implement a Virtual Press Room for the 2017 Meeting. The Virtual Press Room will consist of both Scientific and Exhibitor related press releases.
All contributing companies will be listed on the Virtual Press Room site. A link will be created from the Press Room site/company name back to the URL address of the press release.
AAPM Exhibitor Virtual Press Room Guidelines:
- Only companies officially exhibiting at the 2017 AAPM Meeting may submit materials for the Exhibitor Virtual Pressroom.
- There is no endorsement implied by AAPM.
- Releases will be listed in alpha order by company name.
- Press releases submitted for the Exhibitor Virtual Press Room by June 24 will provided to all registered press.
Details will be included in the Service Kit. We hope to attract more press personnel to our meeting so encourage you to post your releases.
As an Exhibitor, you have the opportunity for a direct mail campaign; use the list of 2017 AAPM Meeting scientific registrants.
- We receive the bulk of our scientific registrants by June 21.
- The registrant list will be sent via email within 5 days of receipt of order (For an additional fee of $50, list will be sent via email within 2 day of receipt of order.)
- Information provided for each pre-registered scientific attendee:
- Reg. Category
- First Name
- Last Name
- Degree
- Company
- Street Address
- Street Address 2
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
- Email address*
- Employment function
*Note: Email addresses will be provided for Registrants who consented to the release of personal email addresses.
To order, link here: Attendee Registrant Mailing Labels
- $0.30 per label x number of registered attendees at time order is received = $ Total Cost
Corporate Affiliate members get Two Complimentary Mailing Lists each year. The meeting attendee list may be used as one of these complimentary mailing lists. Corporate Affiliates may purchase the meeting attendee list at a reduced cost:
- $0.20 per label x number of registered attendees at time order is received = $ Total Cost
For an additional fee of $50, list will be sent via email within 2 days of receipt of order.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. How do you ship your lists?
A. via EmailQ. In what formats do you offer the AAPM mailing list? (back to the top)
A. The AAPM mailing list is in electronic format only, Microsoft Excel.Q. How soon will I get my list?
A. Under ordinary circumstances most orders are filled within 5 business days. If an order is received on Monday, we try to send it out by the following Friday.Q. What if I need it sooner?
A. We do offer rush jobs. There is a $50 fee associated with such a request. A 'rush job' is one that is requested to be received by a specific date that is less than five days after the date the order is received. Please inform us by telephone or email that you will be requesting a rush job so that we can be on the lookout for your order and handle it as soon as possible. Note: We often process jobs within a day or two of receipt, but it is not guaranteed.Q. How many times can I use the list?
A. The list are sold on a per-use basis. If you purchase one list, then you may use it once.Q. Why do I have to include a sample of the mailing?
A. In order to ensure that our list is being used legitimately, we have a validation system in place. Whenever we come across a mailing that appears to have used our list, we check to see if we have sold a label to the sending company and that we have a sample on file. If we can't confirm that we sold labels for that mailing, then we start asking questions.Q. What's to stop me from copying the names from the list that you gave me?
A. You are required to sign a statement stating that you will not do that.Q. What if I have a question that isn't on this list?
A. Email us at
Record, print and store your leads with the scan of a badge!
Information and order forms regarding the Lead Retrieval System will be included in the Online Exhibitor Service Kit.
Exhibitors are encouraged to rent the lead retrieval equipment and supplies in order to obtain mailing information of interested attendees, includes email addresses.
Should you be interested in using the AAPM logo in your promotional items, please contact Rachel Smiroldo.
In an effort to reach as many potential attendees as possible, we encourage you to link to the AAPM 2017 Annual Meeting website from your company website.