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TG-51 Resource Page

This page is a compilation of items received and scavenged from various sources on the new AAPM megavoltage beam calibration protocol "TG-51" which replaces "TG-21". Please email suggestions, contributions, corrections and updates for this page to Nathan Childress at nathan@doselab.com.

"AAPM’s TG-51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams"
by PR Almond et al., Medical Physics 26, 1847-1870 (1999)
JPEG files: Figure [4] [ 5] [6] [7] [8]
contributed by Hansen Chen

TG-51 Slides
TG-51 Figures
from Dave Rogers, NRCC, Ottawa

TG-51 Conversion Forms and Information
Radiological Physics Center, Houston

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