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true 2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment - 2022-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Session: Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment

Experience With Upstream Plan Quality Checks Using the Raystation Treatment Planning System
Leith Rankine, MS The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Handout(s): 175-63549-16291659-186978-931993614.pdf
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All videos in this session:
Enhancing a Physicist's Role in the Assessment of Treatment Plan Quality - Dustin Jacqmin, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison
Getting It Right the First Time: Moving Checks Upstream in the Treatment Planning Process - Stephanie Parker, MS Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center
Scripting and Automation for Efficient and Effective Chart Checks in a Pinnacle/Mosaiq Environment - Badal Juneja, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Lessons Learned From Upstream Physics Peer Review of Plan Quality With the Eclipse Treatment Planning System - Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, PhD UC San Diego
Q & A -
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