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true 2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Ultrasound Performance Assessment and Quality Control Q & A - 2022-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Session: Ultrasound Performance Assessment and Quality Control Q & A

Q & A

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All videos in this session:
ACR Accreditation Required Ultrasound QC Tests - Zaiyang Long, PhD Mayo Clinic
Doppler Ultrasound Applications and QC Tests - Jeffrey Fowlkes, PhD University of Michigan Health Systems
Ultrasound Elastography, Quantitative Ultrasound, and QIBA Initiatives - Ivan Rosado-Mendez, PhD University of Wisconsin - ADCL
Ultrasound-Guided Procedure: Real-Time Guidance in Prostate Brachytherapy - Tian Liu, PhD Emory University School of Medicine
Automated Ultrasound QC Methods - Sander Dekker, BS Cablon Medical
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