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true 2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers - 2022-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Session: Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers

Personalized Career Development for Medical Physics Trainees
Xun Jia, PhD The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr

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All videos in this session:
Mentoring Graduate Students for a Creative and Productive Research Career - Ke Sheng, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
A Roadmap for Research in Medical Physics Via Academic Medical Centers: The DIVERT Model - Brian Pogue, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison
A Graduate Education That Sparks Creativity - Ke Sheng, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
Becoming An Academic Medical Physicist - From Graduate School to Faculty - Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, PhD University of Victoria
Mentoring Graduate Students Q/A - Ke Sheng, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
Making the Jump From Clinical Medical Physics to Industry - Young Lee, PhD Elekta
Balancing Academic Aspirations and Clinical Service - Irena Dragojevic, PhD UC San Diego
An International Lens On Professional Advancement, Through Education and Training - Ghada Aldosary King Abdulaziz Medical City
Making That Leap to Leadership - Paige Taylor, MS UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Q & A -
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