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true 2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - KAMPiNA/KSMP/JSMP Joint Symposium - 2022-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2022 AAPM 64th Annual Meeting - Session: KAMPiNA/KSMP/JSMP Joint Symposium

Pretreatment Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis Based On Radiomics and Deep Learning After Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
Taka-aki Hirose

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All videos in this session:
President, Joint Meeting Initiative and KAMPiNA Introduction - William Song, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University
KSMP Introduction - Se Byeong Lee, PhD National Cancer Center
JSMP Introduction - Shigekazu Fukuda National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
International Activities of JSMP - Naoki Hayashi, PhD Fujita Health University
Global Research Collaboration in South Korea - Tae Suk Suh, PhD Catholic University Medical College
Cross-Modality Auto-Contouring On Onboard MRI Exploiting Bidirectional Information of CycleGAN for Real-Time Adaptive Radiotherapy - Jaehee Chun
Spatially tracked whole-breast three-dimensional ultrasound system toward point-of-care breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts - Claire Keun Sun Park, Western University, Robarts Research Institute, Canada
Development of Medical X-Band(9.3GHz) Linear Accelerator for Radiotherapy - Young-nam Kang Seoul St.Mary's Hospital, the Catholic University
Enhance Creative Thinking From Studying Abroad - Daisuke Kawahara
Proton Flash Therapy - Eunsin Lee, PhD Cincinnati Children's/UC Health
Radiotherapy Cutting-Edge Technology From Japan - Mitsuhiro Nakamura, PhD Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Human Health Sciences
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