2022 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting - Session: Practical Considerations for the Clinical Physicist
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Enhancing a Physicist's Role in the Assessment of Treatment Plan Quality James Kavanaugh, Washington University in St. Louis |
All videos in this session:
Enhancing a Physicist's Role in the Assessment of Treatment Plan Quality - Mu-Han Lin, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr | |
Superficial Targets: Do I Use Photons, Electrons or Brachytherapy? - Emily Draeger, Yale New Haven Hospital | |
Superficial Targets: Do I Use Photons, Electrons or Brachytherapy? - Kenneth Hogstrom, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center | |
Are You Ready When Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Have Such Implanted Devices? - Chengyu Shi, New York Proton Center | |
Are You Ready When Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Have Such Implanted Devices? - Maria Chan, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center |