All 2020 AM presentations
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SU-AB-TRACK 3 FLASH Therapy – Current Status and the Way to the Clinic
FLASH-RT: Overview of the Current StatusPresented by Marc Mendonca Indiana University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14180

SU-AB-TRACK 3 FLASH Therapy – Current Status and the Way to the Clinic
FLASH Experiments in CanadaPresented by Tania Karan BC Cancer - Vancouver Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14181

SU-AB-TRACK 3 FLASH Therapy – Current Status and the Way to the Clinic
Proton FLASH-RT, the Fastest Way to the Clinic?Presented by Jan Schuemann, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14182

SU-AB-TRACK 3 FLASH Therapy – Current Status and the Way to the Clinic
Proton FLASH Experiments at UPennPresented by Eric Diffenderfer, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14183

SU-AB-TRACK 3 FLASH Therapy – Current Status and the Way to the Clinic
Latest Results and Advances in Towards Clinical FLASH-RTPresented by Pierre Montay-Gruel UC Irvine Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14184

SU-AB-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostics QA Phantoms
Imaging/Diagnostics QA PhantomPresented by Christiane Burton Boston Children's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14202

SU-AB-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostics QA Phantoms
Using Automated Phantom Analysis to Improve Imaging and Volumetric Quality MetricsPresented by Ariel Dickson The Phantom Laboratory, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14203

SU-AB-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostics QA Phantoms
Performance Evaluation of CT with the Mercury 4.0 PhantomPresented by Kenneth Ruchala, PhD GAMMEX Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14205

SU-AB-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostics QA Phantoms
End to End Motion QA in Radiation Therapy Treatment PlanningPresented by Rocco Flores Modus Medical Devices, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14206

SU-AB-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostics QA Phantoms Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14208

SU-A-TRACK 1 Calibrating the Radiologist: Sequential Effects in the Reading Room
The Case for Sequential Reading Effects in Batch ReadingPresented by Craig Abbey University of California - Santa Barbara
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14152

SU-A-TRACK 1 Calibrating the Radiologist: Sequential Effects in the Reading Room
Evidence for Sequential Effects in Reading from a Million Women’s Mammograms in the UKPresented by Sian Taylor-Phillips University of Warwick
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14153

SU-A-TRACK 1 Calibrating the Radiologist: Sequential Effects in the Reading Room
Visual Adaptation and Medical Image Perception: How Images Can Shape What You SeePresented by Michael Webster University of Nevada
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14154

SU-A-TRACK 1 Calibrating the Radiologist: Sequential Effects in the Reading Room Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14155

SU-A-TRACK 2 Ontologies Supporting Diagnostic Imaging, Therapy and Science
The Synergy of Ontologies and HL7-FHIRPresented by Mark Phillips, PhD Univ Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14170

SU-A-TRACK 2 Ontologies Supporting Diagnostic Imaging, Therapy and Science
An Ontology, a Terminology, and a Data Dictionary Walk Into a BarPresented by Peter Gabriel, MD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14171

SU-A-TRACK 2 Ontologies Supporting Diagnostic Imaging, Therapy and Science
Connecting the Dots: Linking ASTRO-MCode Standardizations to AAPM Ontology DevelopmentPresented by Randi Kudner ASTRO
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14172

SU-A-TRACK 2 Ontologies Supporting Diagnostic Imaging, Therapy and Science
Application of Ontologies in Imaging Past and PresentPresented by Lawrence Tarbox, PhD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14173

SU-A-TRACK 4 Anatomical and Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels; An Update
The North American PerspectivePresented by Kalpana Kanal, PhD University Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14135

SU-A-TRACK 4 Anatomical and Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels; An Update
The European PerspectivePresented by John Damilakis, PhD University of Crete
This presentation has an average satisfaction 1.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14136

SU-A-TRACK 4 Anatomical and Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels; An Update
Large Repositories: Opportunities and ChallengesPresented by Virginia Tsapaki, PhD International Atomic Energy Agency
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14137

SU-A-TRACK 4 Anatomical and Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels; An Update Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14138

SU-A-TRACK 5 Monitoring, Mitigation, and Impact of Intrafraction Tumor Motion
Real-time Intrafraction Motion Monitoring: Review of Available MethodsPresented by Jenny Bertholet Inselspital, University Hospital Bern
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14127

SU-A-TRACK 5 Monitoring, Mitigation, and Impact of Intrafraction Tumor Motion
Motion Management for Pancreatic RadiotherapyPresented by Bernard Jones, PhD University of Colorado School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14128

SU-A-TRACK 5 Monitoring, Mitigation, and Impact of Intrafraction Tumor Motion
Intrafraction Motion Management with the MR-Linac: Status and OpportunitiesPresented by Jan J. Lagendijk, PhD University Medical Center Utrecht
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14129

SU-A-TRACK 5 Monitoring, Mitigation, and Impact of Intrafraction Tumor Motion Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14130

SU-A-TRACK 6 Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101
Introduction, History of Medical Physics Program Accreditation in North AmericaPresented by George Starkschall, PhD
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14097

SU-A-TRACK 6 Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101
Organization of CAMPEP and Its Relationship to Other OrganizationsPresented by Michael McNitt-Gray, PhD David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14098

SU-A-TRACK 6 Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101
Review Process for Graduate ProgramsPresented by David Hintenlang, PhD Ohio State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14099

SU-A-TRACK 6 Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101
Review Process for Residency ProgramsPresented by Nesrin Dogan, PhD University of Miami
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14100

SU-A-TRACK 6 Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101
Board Activities: Final Review of Programs, International Activities, Role in the MedPhys MatchPresented by Michael McNitt-Gray, PhD David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14101

SU-A-TRACK 6 Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101 Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14103

SU-B-TRACK 4 Discontinuing Patient Gonadal Shielding: Why AAPM CARES
IntroductionPresented by Rebecca Marsh, PhD University of Colorado School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14139

SU-B-TRACK 4 Discontinuing Patient Gonadal Shielding: Why AAPM CARES
A Review of Technical Motivations Behind Discontinuing the Use of Gonadal ShieldingPresented by Keith Strauss, MS Children's Hospital Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14140

SU-B-TRACK 4 Discontinuing Patient Gonadal Shielding: Why AAPM CARES
A Review of Clinical Motivations Behind Discontinuing the Use of Gonadal ShieldingPresented by Donald Frush, MD Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14141

SU-B-TRACK 4 Discontinuing Patient Gonadal Shielding: Why AAPM CARES
Understanding Technologist Challenges & Resources to Support ThemPresented by Greg Morrison American Society of Radiologic Technologists
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14142

SU-B-TRACK 4 Discontinuing Patient Gonadal Shielding: Why AAPM CARES
Navigating Regulatory RequirementsPresented by Jennifer Elee, BS LA Dept of Environmental Qual
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14143

SU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging for Proton Therapy
CT, DECT, and Multi Energy CT for Planning and Dose CalculationsPresented by Hugo Bouchard, PhD Université de Montréal – Département de physique
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14116

SU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging for Proton Therapy
In-Room CT Proton Therapy WorkflowsPresented by Jon Kruse, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14117

SU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging for Proton Therapy
CBCT for Image Guidance and Dose CalculationsPresented by Brian Winey, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14118

SU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging for Proton Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14119

SU-B-TRACK 6 Hashtags 101: Social Media for Medical Physicists
Social Media IntroductionPresented by Dennis Stanley, PhD The University of Alabama at Birmingham
This presentation has an average satisfaction 1.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14104

SU-B-TRACK 6 Hashtags 101: Social Media for Medical Physicists Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14110

SU-CD-TRACK 2 SCIENCE COUNCIL SESSION: Data-Driven Automation and Decision Making and Explanatory AI
Explanatory AI in Diagnostic ImagingPresented by Maryellen Giger, PhD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 1.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14166

SU-CD-TRACK 2 SCIENCE COUNCIL SESSION: Data-Driven Automation and Decision Making and Explanatory AI
Explanatory AI in Treatment PlanningPresented by Thomas Purdie, PhD The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14167

SU-CD-TRACK 2 SCIENCE COUNCIL SESSION: Data-Driven Automation and Decision Making and Explanatory AI
Explanatory AI in Health CarePresented by Richard Caruana Microsoft
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14168

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Overview of Radiation Acoustics (RA): Principles and TechnologiesPresented by Katia Parodi, PhD Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munchen
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14186

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Recent Applications of Radiation Acoustics in Photon Therapy: Dosimetry and GuidancePresented by Susannah Hickling Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14187

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Recent Applications of Radiation Acoustics in Particle Therapy: Proton Range VerificationPresented by Stephen Avery, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14188

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Role of Radiation Acoustics in Low Dose Medical Imaging: Low-Dose CTPresented by Liangzhong Xiang University of Oklahoma
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14189

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Treatment Verification From Cherenkov Imaging During Radiation TherapyPresented by Brian Pogue, PhD Thayer Engineering
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14190

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Therapeutic Cherenkov Photo-Activation During Radiation TherapyPresented by Mark Oldham, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14191

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Superficial Dosimetry and Optical ImagingPresented by Timothy Zhu, PhD University Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14192

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics
Novel Applications of Cherenkov Light in Instrumentation for PETPresented by Simon Cherry, PhD University of California-Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14193

SU-CD-TRACK 3 Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14194

SU-CD-TRACK 4 The Era for Theranostics in Imaging and Therapy
Introduction to TheranosticsPresented by Michael Graham University of Iowa
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14162

SU-CD-TRACK 4 The Era for Theranostics in Imaging and Therapy
Physics in TheranosticsPresented by George Sgouros, PhD Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14163

SU-CD-TRACK 4 The Era for Theranostics in Imaging and Therapy
Clinical Applications of TheranosticsPresented by Mona Natwa The Ohio State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14164

SU-CD-TRACK 4 The Era for Theranostics in Imaging and Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14165

SU-CD-TRACK 6 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care
I'm just a Trainee…How Can I Possibly Help?Presented by Kristen McConnell, MS UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14090

SU-CD-TRACK 6 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care
Deconvolving Individual Dose Response to Maximize Therapeutic RatioPresented by Vitali Moiseenko, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14091

SU-CD-TRACK 6 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care
Practical Radiobiologic Concepts All Physicists Should Know WellPresented by Michael Joiner, PhD Wayne State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14092

SU-CD-TRACK 6 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care
Telling the Biological Story with Multi-Modality ImagingPresented by Emily Thompson MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14093

SU-CD-TRACK 6 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care
Opportunities for Personalized Multi-Modality Radiation TherapyPresented by Robert Stewart, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14094

SU-CD-TRACK 6 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14096

SU-C-TRACK 5 Advances in Permanent Seed/Source Implantation (PSI) Brachytherapy
Fundamentals of LDR Prostate Program Quality and SafetyPresented by Firas Mourtada, PhD Christiana Care Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14175

SU-C-TRACK 5 Advances in Permanent Seed/Source Implantation (PSI) Brachytherapy
Advances in Dosimetry for PSIPresented by Mark Rivard, PhD Rhode Island Hospital / Brown University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14176

SU-C-TRACK 5 Advances in Permanent Seed/Source Implantation (PSI) Brachytherapy
Latest and Greatest in PSIPresented by Tarun Podder, PhD University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14177

SU-C-TRACK 5 Advances in Permanent Seed/Source Implantation (PSI) Brachytherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14179

SU-D-TRACK 5 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Adaptive Radiotherapy for Anatomical ChangesPresented by Geoffrey Hugo, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 14131

SU-D-TRACK 5 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Functional Adaptation in Radiation TherapyPresented by Martha Matuszak, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 14132

SU-D-TRACK 5 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Quality Assurance and Workflow Considerations for Online and Offline Adaptive RadiotherapyPresented by Minsong Cao, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 20 responding
VLID: 14133

SU-D-TRACK 5 Adaptive Radiotherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14134

SU-EF-TRACK 7 Beam Scanning Systems
Simplifying 3D Scanning and TG-51 with Integrated Scanning SystemsPresented by Jennifer Hamilton, MEng Sun Nuclear Corporation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14196

SU-EF-TRACK 7 Beam Scanning Systems
Beam ScanningPresented by Anthony Nagle Iba Dosimetry Gmbh
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14197

SU-EF-TRACK 7 Beam Scanning Systems
DoseView 3D Better Hardware/Better DataPresented by Hugh Petersen Standard Imaging
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14198

SU-EF-TRACK 7 Beam Scanning Systems
Beam Model Validation of the MRIdian Linac with the THALES 3D MR SCANNERPresented by Thierry Mertens LAP GmbH
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14199

SU-EF-TRACK 7 Beam Scanning Systems Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14201

SU-E-TRACK 2 Medical Image Synthesis in Radiotherapy
Medical Image Synthesis for Digital Simulation and Image AugmentationPresented by Lei Ren, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14148

SU-E-TRACK 2 Medical Image Synthesis in Radiotherapy
Accuracy of MR-Based CT Synthesis: Impact on Radiomic AnalysisPresented by Harini Veeraraghavan Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14149

SU-E-TRACK 2 Medical Image Synthesis in Radiotherapy
Deep-learning-based Medical Image Synthesis and its Potential Clinical ApplicationsPresented by Xiaofeng Yang, PhD Emory University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14150

SU-E-TRACK 4 Image Quality and Dosimetry Assessments for C-Arm CBCT Systems - Assessment Options from AAPM Report 238
Image Quality Assessment of C-Arm CBCT SystemsPresented by Mark Supanich, PhD Rush
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14145

SU-E-TRACK 4 Image Quality and Dosimetry Assessments for C-Arm CBCT Systems - Assessment Options from AAPM Report 238
Measuring Dose On a C-Arm CBCT SystemPresented by Beth Schueler, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14146

SU-E-TRACK 5 TG 203: Implanted Cardiac Devices
Review of ICP and ICD Devices: Conditions in Clinical Use that can Induce Device MalfunctionsPresented by Joann Prisciandaro, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 28 responding
VLID: 14120

SU-E-TRACK 5 TG 203: Implanted Cardiac Devices
Dose Assessment ConsiderationsPresented by Dimitris Mihailidis, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 26 responding
VLID: 14121

SU-E-TRACK 5 TG 203: Implanted Cardiac Devices
Review of Patient Management and RecommendationsPresented by Moyed Miften, PhD University of Colorado School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 19 responding
VLID: 14122

SU-E-TRACK 5 TG 203: Implanted Cardiac Devices Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 14123

SU-E-TRACK 6 Introduction to Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy
Treatment Planning Techniques for PBSPresented by Mingyao Zhu Emory University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14209

SU-E-TRACK 6 Introduction to Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy
Beam Commissioning and Routine QAPresented by Sina Mossahebi, PhD University of Maryland School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14210

SU-E-TRACK 6 Introduction to Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14211

SU-F-TRACK 4 Case-based Review: MRI Safety
Safety Evaluation and Management of MR Conditional Ancillary Equipment in the MR Scanning EnvironmentPresented by David Jordan, PhD University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 14156

SU-F-TRACK 4 Case-based Review: MRI Safety
Multiple Active DevicesPresented by Anshuman Panda, PhD Mayo Clinic Arizona
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 14157

SU-F-TRACK 4 Case-based Review: MRI Safety
Assessment and Scanning of an MR Conditional Spinal Cord Stimulator with Low SAR ConditionsPresented by R. Jason Stafford, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14158

SU-F-TRACK 4 Case-based Review: MRI Safety
Visualizing MRI Safety with MagnetVisionPresented by Tobias Gilk RAD-Planning/Gilk Radiology Consultants
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14159

SU-F-TRACK 4 Case-based Review: MRI Safety
A Case Based Review of Implant Safety in Pediatric MRIPresented by Christina Sammet, PhD Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.6 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 14160

SU-F-TRACK 4 Case-based Review: MRI Safety Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14161

SU-F-TRACK 5 Clinical Outcomes Modeling
Models of Tumor ResponsePresented by Mariana Guerrero, PhD University of Maryland School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14124

SU-F-TRACK 5 Clinical Outcomes Modeling
Normal Tissue Complication Probability Models – Conventional Approaches and Modern TrendsPresented by Vitali Moiseenko, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14125

SU-F-TRACK 5 Clinical Outcomes Modeling Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14126

SU-F-TRACK 6 MS vs PhD vs DMP: A Live Medical Physics Podcast
MS Vs PhD Vs DMP: A Live Medical Physics PodcastPresented by Sean Tanny, PhD SUNY Upstate Medical University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14111

SU-F-TRACK 6 MS vs PhD vs DMP: A Live Medical Physics Podcast Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14115

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
Opportunities in Global Health: Vision for One WorldPresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14217

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
COMP President, RemarksPresented by Horacio Patrocinio, MS McGill University Health Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14218

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
RSNA President, RemarksPresented by James Borgstede RSNA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14219

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
ASTRO President, RemarksPresented by Thomas Eichler American Society for Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14220

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
IntroductionPresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14221

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
Executive Director, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative | Introduce How I Live Documentary FilmPresented by Irini Albanti Harvard University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14222

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
Film Director | Introduce How I Live Documentary FilmPresented by Mike Rogers Persistent Productions
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14223

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
Documentary Film: How I LivePresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14224

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
IntroductionPresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14226

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
Patient Advocate, The Face of the BeastPresented by Julie Chessell Independent Consultant
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14227

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
IntroductionPresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14228

MO-AB-TRACK 1 President's Symposium: Improving Health Quality; Increasing Global Impact
Closing RemarksPresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14231

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion
Case Reviews in Mammography and DisplaysPresented by Jeff Frimeth, MS JF Medical Physics Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14239

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion
Software features or bugs – troubleshooting the Black BoxPresented by Thomas Oshiro, PhD UCLA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14240

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion
Software Features or Bugs – Troubleshooting the Black BoxPresented by Christopher Cagnon, PhD UCLA Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14241

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion
Case Reviews in MRIPresented by Nathan Yanasak, PhD Augusta University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14242

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion
Case Reviews in CT and FluoroscopyPresented by Karen Brown, MHP Penn State Milton S. Hershey Med Ctr.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14243

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion
Case Reviews in CT and FluoroscopyPresented by Rani Al-Senan, PhD Penn State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14244

MO-CD-TRACK 2 Troubleshooting Issues in Diagnostic Imaging: Case Studies and Discussion Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14245

MO-C-TRACK 3 A Point/Counterpoint on Current and Future Directions for Patient Specific QA
Patient Specific IMRT QA—Yesterday, Today, and TomorrowPresented by Xiaoli Tang Yale New Haven Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 14276

MO-C-TRACK 3 A Point/Counterpoint on Current and Future Directions for Patient Specific QA
Patient Specific QA Measurements Will Remain An Essential Part of Medical Physics PracticePresented by Andrea McNiven, PhD Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 14277

MO-C-TRACK 3 A Point/Counterpoint on Current and Future Directions for Patient Specific QA
Limitations with IMRT QAPresented by Stephen Kry, PhD The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 14278

MO-C-TRACK 3 A Point/Counterpoint on Current and Future Directions for Patient Specific QA Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14279

MO-C-TRACK 4 Image Guidance for Therapeutic Ultrasound
Passive Cavitation Imaging for Drug Delivery and Tissue AblationPresented by Kevin Haworth, PhD University of Cincinnati
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14266

MO-C-TRACK 4 Image Guidance for Therapeutic Ultrasound
Microbubble-mediated ultrasonic therapy and treatment monitoring via sparse hemispherical transducer arraysPresented by Ryan Jones Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14267

MO-C-TRACK 4 Image Guidance for Therapeutic Ultrasound
Closed-loop FUS for Targeted Drug Delivery in Central Nervous SystemPresented by Scott Schoen Georgia Institute of Technology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14268

MO-C-TRACK 4 Image Guidance for Therapeutic Ultrasound
Incorporating MR Imaging Information for Control of Transurethral Prostate AblationPresented by Rajiv Chopra, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14269

MO-C-TRACK 4 Image Guidance for Therapeutic Ultrasound Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14270

MO-C-TRACK 5 Multiparametic MRI for Precision Radiotherapy: From Physics to Clinical Applications
Multi-Parametric MRI for Precision Radiotherapy: Physician’s Perspective of Clinical ApplicationsPresented by Feng-Ming (Spring) Kong Case Western Reserve University- School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14212

MO-C-TRACK 5 Multiparametic MRI for Precision Radiotherapy: From Physics to Clinical Applications
Commonly Used Multi-Parametric MRI in Radiation Therapy: Current Status and Future PromisesPresented by Jihong Wang, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14213

MO-C-TRACK 5 Multiparametic MRI for Precision Radiotherapy: From Physics to Clinical Applications
Low-Field Multi-Parametric MRI: Opportunities and ChallengesPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14214

MO-C-TRACK 5 Multiparametic MRI for Precision Radiotherapy: From Physics to Clinical Applications
New Developments of Multi-Parametric MRI Techniques and Radiotherapy ApplicationsPresented by Jing Cai, PhD Hong Kong Polytechnic University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14215

MO-C-TRACK 6 President's Satellite Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Cancer Care
The African PerspectivePresented by Wilfred Ngwa, PhD Brigham and Women’s Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14292

MO-C-TRACK 6 President's Satellite Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Cancer Care
The Caribbean and Latin American PerspectivePresented by Eduardo Cazap Latin-American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14293

MO-C-TRACK 6 President's Satellite Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Cancer Care
The Asian PerspectivePresented by Niloy R Datta Former Consultant, Kantonsspital Aarau
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14294

MO-C-TRACK 6 President's Satellite Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Cancer Care
The Global Perspective as Viewed from the IAEAPresented by May Abdel Wahab International Atomic Energy Agency
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14295

MO-C-TRACK 6 President's Satellite Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Cancer Care
The Industry PerspectivePresented by Dow Wilson Varian Medical Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14296

MO-C-TRACK 6 President's Satellite Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Cancer Care Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14298

MO-D-TRACK 3 ADCL Calibrations - More Than Just a Number
A Calibration Is More Than Just a NumberPresented by Wesley Culberson, PhD University of Wisconsin Madison
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 14261

MO-D-TRACK 3 ADCL Calibrations - More Than Just a Number
How Do Calibration Labs Work On a Global Scale?Presented by Malcolm McEwen, PhD National Research Council
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.9 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 14262

MO-D-TRACK 3 ADCL Calibrations - More Than Just a Number
How Calibrations Can Help Save LivesPresented by Stephen Kry, PhD The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14263

MO-D-TRACK 3 ADCL Calibrations - More Than Just a Number
What's New in the World of Calibration Labs?Presented by Kim Working, MS Q.E.D. Medical Physics, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.9 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 14264

MO-D-TRACK 3 ADCL Calibrations - More Than Just a Number Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14265

MO-D-TRACK 4 An Introductory Odyssey Through Spin Physics
MRI Physics Within a Voxel – The Generation of Basic Image Signal and ContrastPresented by Anthony Wolbarst, PhD University Kentucky
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14258

MO-D-TRACK 4 An Introductory Odyssey Through Spin Physics
MRI Image Formation: Conventional and Rapid ApproachesPresented by Nathan Yanasak, PhD Augusta University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14259

MO-D-TRACK 4 An Introductory Odyssey Through Spin Physics Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14260

MO-D-TRACK 5 Cranial SRS Advances
Introduction to SRS for Multiple TargetsPresented by Daniel Letourneau, PhD Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 31 responding
VLID: 14284

MO-D-TRACK 5 Cranial SRS Advances
SRS Using a Single IsocenterPresented by Richard Popple, PhD University Alabama Birmingham
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 21 responding
VLID: 14285

MO-D-TRACK 5 Cranial SRS Advances
SRS Using Multiple IsocentersPresented by Brian Winey, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.9 (higher is better), with 21 responding
VLID: 14286

MO-D-TRACK 5 Cranial SRS Advances Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 14287

MO-D-TRACK 6 Professional Economics Update
Professional Economics Updates: Part IPresented by Jonas Fontenot, PhD Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14233

MO-D-TRACK 6 Professional Economics Update
Professional Economics Updates: Part IIPresented by Wendy Smith Fuss, MPH Health Policy Solutions
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14234

MO-EF-TRACK 4 ACR Programs and Updates
ACR ProgramsPresented by Dustin Gress, MS American College of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14271

MO-EF-TRACK 4 ACR Programs and Updates
New MR Safety GuidancePresented by Joseph Och, MS Geisinger Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14272

MO-EF-TRACK 4 ACR Programs and Updates
Updates On SBB and MammographyPresented by Thomas Ruckdeschel, MS Alliance Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14273

MO-EF-TRACK 4 ACR Programs and Updates
DIR FluoroPresented by Aaron Jones, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14274

MO-EF-TRACK 4 ACR Programs and Updates Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14275

MO-E-TRACK 1 More than Just a Pretty Picture: Making MRI Quantitative
What Is Quantitative MRI and How Can I Do It?Presented by Kathryn Keenan National Institute of Standards
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14280

MO-E-TRACK 1 More than Just a Pretty Picture: Making MRI Quantitative
Sources of Error in Quantitative MRI (qMRI) Parameter Estimation: A Signal Processing PerspectivePresented by Joshua Trzasko Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14281

MO-E-TRACK 1 More than Just a Pretty Picture: Making MRI Quantitative
Quantitative MRI of Demyelinating DisordersPresented by Christine Lucas Tardif McGill University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14282

MO-E-TRACK 1 More than Just a Pretty Picture: Making MRI Quantitative Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14283

MO-E-TRACK 5 The Water Tankless Annual and Two-Hour Monthly QA, Ways to Improve Your Life with Detector Arrays Without Sacrificing Quality
Linac QA with Detector Arrays – Is the Water Tank Dead?Presented by Peter Balter, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14288

MO-E-TRACK 5 The Water Tankless Annual and Two-Hour Monthly QA, Ways to Improve Your Life with Detector Arrays Without Sacrificing Quality
Beam Steering and Monitoring Photon and Electron Beam Energies with Ion Chamber with Detector ArrayPresented by Song Gao, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14289

MO-E-TRACK 5 The Water Tankless Annual and Two-Hour Monthly QA, Ways to Improve Your Life with Detector Arrays Without Sacrificing Quality
Your Detector Array Has Just ArrivedPresented by Sotirios Stathakis, PhD Mays Cancer Center - MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14290

MO-E-TRACK 5 The Water Tankless Annual and Two-Hour Monthly QA, Ways to Improve Your Life with Detector Arrays Without Sacrificing Quality Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14291

MO-E-TRACK 6 Getting Under the Hood in the IR/Cath Lab: Utilizing New Standards for Performance Evaluations
IEC Standards Related to IR/Cath (What’s the “Diesel”)Presented by Kevin Wunderle, PhD Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14236

MO-E-TRACK 6 Getting Under the Hood in the IR/Cath Lab: Utilizing New Standards for Performance Evaluations
Getting Up to Speed on NEMA XR-27 (User Quality Control Mode) for Interventional EquipmentPresented by Andrew Kuhls-Gilcrist, PhD Canon Medical Systems USA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14237

MO-E-TRACK 6 Getting Under the Hood in the IR/Cath Lab: Utilizing New Standards for Performance Evaluations Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14238

MO-F-TRACK 5 The Radiation Oncology Data Sharing Landscape: Registries, Clinical Trials, Data Warehouses
Data Reporting Needs and Cancer RegistriesPresented by Colleen Fox, PhD Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14253

MO-F-TRACK 5 The Radiation Oncology Data Sharing Landscape: Registries, Clinical Trials, Data Warehouses
Clinical Trial Data ReportingPresented by Sarah Quirk, PhD University of Calgary
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14254

MO-F-TRACK 5 The Radiation Oncology Data Sharing Landscape: Registries, Clinical Trials, Data Warehouses
Standards and Data ExchangePresented by Scott Hadley, PhD The University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14255

MO-F-TRACK 5 The Radiation Oncology Data Sharing Landscape: Registries, Clinical Trials, Data Warehouses Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14257

MO-F-TRACK 6 Mentorship: Let's Look at Both Sides of the Equation
What Is Mentorship?Presented by Nancy Barrett Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14246

MO-F-TRACK 6 Mentorship: Let's Look at Both Sides of the Equation
What It Is to Be a Good Mentor?Presented by Yi Rong, PhD University of California-Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 14248

MO-F-TRACK 6 Mentorship: Let's Look at Both Sides of the Equation
Power Balances and Acknowledging the Challenges of EDI (equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in a Mentorship Program and Individual RelationshipsPresented by Faisal Khosa University of British Columbia
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14249

MO-F-TRACK 6 Mentorship: Let's Look at Both Sides of the Equation Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14252

TU-AB-TRACK 4 Updates on Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists
Automated Tools and Strategies for Shielding DesignPresented by Matthew DeLorenzo University of Virginia Health Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14344

TU-AB-TRACK 4 Updates on Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists
NCRP-147: Overview and New ChallengesPresented by Tyler Fisher, MS Therapy Physics, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14345

TU-AB-TRACK 4 Updates on Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists
Considerations for the Shielding of Nuclear Medicine and PET FacilitiesPresented by Richard Wendt, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14346

TU-AB-TRACK 4 Updates on Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists
Updated Workload and Scatter Information for Shielding Calculations: DBT and Interventional CT RoomsPresented by Kai Yang, PhD Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14347

TU-AB-TRACK 4 Updates on Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists
Shielding Design Methods From the United KingdomPresented by Colin Martin University of Glasgow
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14348

TU-AB-TRACK 4 Updates on Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14349

TU-A-TRACK 1 The Robots are Coming! AI for Breast Imaging Interpretation
Breast Cancer Detection and Characterization in the Era of AIPresented by Lubomir Hadjiiski, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14369

TU-A-TRACK 1 The Robots are Coming! AI for Breast Imaging Interpretation
Evaluation and Optimization of AI for Breast Imaging: What Can It Do, and How Good Is It?Presented by Ioannis Sechopoulos, PhD Radboud University Medical Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14370

TU-A-TRACK 1 The Robots are Coming! AI for Breast Imaging Interpretation Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14371

TU-A-TRACK 2 Quantitative Imaging for Treatment Assessment
Treatment Assessment of Radiotherapy Using MR Quantitative Imaging: Promises and ChallengesPresented by Zheng Chang, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14309

TU-A-TRACK 2 Quantitative Imaging for Treatment Assessment
FDG-PET/CT Imaging Feedback, Tumor Voxel Dose Response Assessment and Treatment Dose AdaptationPresented by Di Yan, DSc William Beaumont Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14310

TU-A-TRACK 2 Quantitative Imaging for Treatment Assessment
Hybrid PET-MRI Imaging for Radiotherapy Treatment Response Assessment: Prognostic Value and Current ChallengesPresented by Deanna Pafundi, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14311

TU-A-TRACK 2 Quantitative Imaging for Treatment Assessment Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14312

TU-A-TRACK 3 Recent Developments in Proton Therapy
AI in Proton TherapyPresented by Lei Dong, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 14305

TU-A-TRACK 3 Recent Developments in Proton Therapy
Towards a Novel Small Animal Proton Irradiation Platform for Precision Image-Guided Preclinical ResearchPresented by Katia Parodi, PhD Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munchen
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 14306

TU-A-TRACK 3 Recent Developments in Proton Therapy
In-Vivo RadiobiologyPresented by Chris Beltran, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 14307

TU-A-TRACK 3 Recent Developments in Proton Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14308

TU-A-TRACK 5 Practical Aspects of FLASH – What Physicists Should Know
The Current Status and Future Outlook of FLASH RT Delivery SystemsPresented by Peter Maxim, PhD Indiana University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.6 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14332

TU-A-TRACK 5 Practical Aspects of FLASH – What Physicists Should Know
Practical Aspects of FLASH RT IrradiationsPresented by Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, PhD University of Victoria
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14333

TU-A-TRACK 5 Practical Aspects of FLASH – What Physicists Should Know
From Pre-Clinical to Clinical Use: FLASH RTPresented by James Metz University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14334

TU-A-TRACK 5 Practical Aspects of FLASH – What Physicists Should Know Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14335

TU-A-TRACK 6 Professionalism and Soft Skills in Residency: Finding a Happy Medium Between Didactic Instruction and Self-directed Learning
Introduction: How Are We Training Residents?Presented by Hania Al-Hallaq, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14313

TU-A-TRACK 6 Professionalism and Soft Skills in Residency: Finding a Happy Medium Between Didactic Instruction and Self-directed Learning
Professionalism Training in Residency Programs: Current Status and Future GoalsPresented by Anna Rodrigues, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14314

TU-A-TRACK 6 Professionalism and Soft Skills in Residency: Finding a Happy Medium Between Didactic Instruction and Self-directed Learning
Professionalism Training in Residency Programs: Current Status and Future GoalsPresented by Irina Vergalasova, PhD Rutgers, Cancer Institute of New Jersey
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14315

TU-A-TRACK 6 Professionalism and Soft Skills in Residency: Finding a Happy Medium Between Didactic Instruction and Self-directed Learning
Adult Learning in Residency TrainingPresented by Laura Padilla, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14316

TU-A-TRACK 6 Professionalism and Soft Skills in Residency: Finding a Happy Medium Between Didactic Instruction and Self-directed Learning
Strategies for Teaching Effective Communication Skills to ResidentsPresented by Derek Brown, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14317

TU-B-TRACK 2 AI in Clinical Medical Physics
Imaging Applications of AI in Clinical PracticePresented by Samuel Brady, PhD Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Med Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 14340

TU-B-TRACK 2 AI in Clinical Medical Physics
AI for note-based information extraction, curation, and analyticsPresented by Dan Ruan, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.2 (higher is better), with 20 responding
VLID: 14341

TU-B-TRACK 2 AI in Clinical Medical Physics
AI in Radiation Therapy of Multicenter Clinical TrialsPresented by Ying Xiao, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 17 responding
VLID: 14342

TU-B-TRACK 3 Real Time Imaging and Tracking for SBRT
Democratizing Real-Time image Guidance and Verification: Approaches Implemented on Conventional linacsPresented by Per Poulsen, PhD Aarhus University Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14376

TU-B-TRACK 3 Real Time Imaging and Tracking for SBRT
Real-time adaptation – Rationale, system overview and clinical experiencePresented by Paul Keall, PhD University of Sydney
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14377

TU-B-TRACK 3 Real Time Imaging and Tracking for SBRT
Clinical Approaches, Experiences and Lessons Learned from a Large SBRT ProgramPresented by Grace Tang, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14378

TU-B-TRACK 3 Real Time Imaging and Tracking for SBRT Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14379

TU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging Biomarkers in Radiation Oncology and Beyond: Development, Evaluation and Clinical Translation
Imaging Biomarker Roadmap for Cancer StudiesPresented by John Waterton University of Manchester
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14327

TU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging Biomarkers in Radiation Oncology and Beyond: Development, Evaluation and Clinical Translation
Tumor Imaging BiomarkersPresented by Neelam Tyagi, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14328

TU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging Biomarkers in Radiation Oncology and Beyond: Development, Evaluation and Clinical Translation
Normal Tissue Imaging BiomarkersPresented by Tokihiro Yamamoto, PhD UC Davis School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14329

TU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging Biomarkers in Radiation Oncology and Beyond: Development, Evaluation and Clinical Translation
Future of Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers (Radiomics) in Radiotherapy and ImmunotherapyPresented by Issam El Naqa, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14330

TU-B-TRACK 5 Imaging Biomarkers in Radiation Oncology and Beyond: Development, Evaluation and Clinical Translation Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14331

TU-B-TRACK 6 Formalizing Professionalism and Soft Skills Training in Residency: Examples from Programs
Teaching Professionalism and Business Topics to Medical Physics and Radiation Oncology ResidentsPresented by Todd Pawlicki, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14319

TU-B-TRACK 6 Formalizing Professionalism and Soft Skills Training in Residency: Examples from Programs
Existing and Developing Opportunities to Teach Soft Skills to Medical Physics ResidentsPresented by Michael Roumeliotis, PhD Tom Baker Cancer Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14320

TU-B-TRACK 6 Formalizing Professionalism and Soft Skills Training in Residency: Examples from Programs
Hands-On ExercisePresented by Leah Schubert, PhD University of Colorado Denver
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14321

TU-B-TRACK 6 Formalizing Professionalism and Soft Skills Training in Residency: Examples from Programs Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14322

TU-CD-TRACK 7 GYN Brachytherapy Applicators
GYN Brachytherapy ApplicatorsPresented by Deborah Schofield Florida Hospital South
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14393

TU-CD-TRACK 7 GYN Brachytherapy Applicators
Delivering a Conformable Dose Distribution for Advanced Stages of Cervical Cancer Using a Hybrid Gynecological ApplicatorPresented by Peter Morssink Elekta
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14394

TU-CD-TRACK 7 GYN Brachytherapy Applicators
Use of the Xoft Cervical ApplicatorPresented by Luke Chan Xoft
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14395

TU-CD-TRACK 7 GYN Brachytherapy Applicators
A Who's Who of Gyn ApplicatorsPresented by Sophie Wetherall Varian Medical Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14396

TU-CD-TRACK 7 GYN Brachytherapy Applicators Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14398

TU-C-TRACK 4 Modern Mammography QC: Managing Quality Amidst a Mindset of Growth
Implementation of the ACR DMQC Manual in a Large-Scale EnterprisePresented by Katie Hulme, MS The Cleveland Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14336

TU-C-TRACK 4 Modern Mammography QC: Managing Quality Amidst a Mindset of Growth
MQSA EQUIP – A Self-Reported Pathway to CompliancePresented by Emily Marshall University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14337

TU-C-TRACK 4 Modern Mammography QC: Managing Quality Amidst a Mindset of Growth Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14338

TU-C-TRACK 5 Matters of the Heart: From Cardiac Radioablation to Cardiac Sparing and Toxicity
Clinical Outcomes After Noninvasive Cardiac Radioablation for Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)Presented by Clifford Robinson Washington University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14354

TU-C-TRACK 5 Matters of the Heart: From Cardiac Radioablation to Cardiac Sparing and Toxicity
Imaging Technologies for Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) of Cardiac Ventricular TachycardiaPresented by Minsong Cao, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14355

TU-C-TRACK 5 Matters of the Heart: From Cardiac Radioablation to Cardiac Sparing and Toxicity
Leveraging Advanced Technologies for Improved Cardiac SparingPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14356

TU-C-TRACK 5 Matters of the Heart: From Cardiac Radioablation to Cardiac Sparing and Toxicity Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14357

TU-C-TRACK 6 MPLA Session: Personal Leadership in Uncertain Times
Reading the Room: Before and After the New NormalPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14323

TU-D-TRACK 4 Stereotactic Breast Biopsy and Beyond: Principles and Radiologists’ Perspectives
Physics of Stereo Vs. Tomosynthesis-Guided Breast BiopsyPresented by Ingrid Reiser, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14380

TU-D-TRACK 4 Stereotactic Breast Biopsy and Beyond: Principles and Radiologists’ Perspectives
A Radiologists' Perspective of Image-Guided Breast ProceduresPresented by Kirti Kulkarni University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14381

TU-D-TRACK 4 Stereotactic Breast Biopsy and Beyond: Principles and Radiologists’ Perspectives Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14382

TU-D-TRACK 5 Automated Planning and Data-Driven Plan Quality Control
Patient-Specific Dose Estimation, Data-driven Quality Control, and Automated PlanningPresented by Kevin Moore UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14350

TU-D-TRACK 5 Automated Planning and Data-Driven Plan Quality Control
Automated Planning - Technical Considerations for Ensuring Safety and QualityPresented by Thomas Purdie, PhD The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14351

TU-D-TRACK 5 Automated Planning and Data-Driven Plan Quality Control
Data-driven Quality Control on Clinical TrialsPresented by Jessica Lowenstein, MS UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14352

TU-D-TRACK 5 Automated Planning and Data-Driven Plan Quality Control Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14353

TU-D-TRACK 6 Conflict to Mutual Goals: Foundational Mindset and Skills
Conflict to Mutual Goals: Foundational Mindset and SkillsPresented by Sara Kim University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14325

TU-D-TRACK 6 Conflict to Mutual Goals: Foundational Mindset and Skills Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14326

TU-EF-TRACK 1 Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: From Benchtop to a Clinical Protocol
Achievements, Challenges, and Present Status of QIBA’s Ultrasound Shear Wave Speed CommitteePresented by Timothy Hall, PhD University of WI-Madison/ADCL
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14358

TU-EF-TRACK 1 Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: From Benchtop to a Clinical Protocol
Achievements, Challenges, and Present Status of QIBA’s Ultrasound Volume Blow Flow CommitteePresented by Jeffrey Brian Fowlkes, PhD University Michigan Health Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14359

TU-EF-TRACK 1 Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: From Benchtop to a Clinical Protocol
Achievements, Challenges, and Present Status of QIBA’s Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound CommitteePresented by Michalakis Averkiou University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14360

TU-EF-TRACK 1 Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: From Benchtop to a Clinical Protocol
Novel Ultrasound Biomarkers - Acoustic Backscatter Coefficient and Related FeaturesPresented by Jonathan Mamou Riverside Research Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14361

TU-EF-TRACK 1 Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: From Benchtop to a Clinical Protocol
Novel Ultrasound Biomarkers - Acoustic AttenuationPresented by Ivan Rosado-Mendez, PhD Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14362

TU-EF-TRACK 1 Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: From Benchtop to a Clinical Protocol Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14363

TU-EF-TRACK 4 Advanced MR in Clinic
Diffusion MRIPresented by Xiaohong Joe Zhou, PhD University Illinois at Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14364

TU-EF-TRACK 4 Advanced MR in Clinic
Perfusion MRIPresented by Youngkyoo Jung, PhD University of California, Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14365

TU-EF-TRACK 4 Advanced MR in Clinic
Functional MRIPresented by Ho-Ling Anthony Liu, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14366

TU-EF-TRACK 4 Advanced MR in Clinic
MR SpectroscopyPresented by Samuel Einstein, PhD Wellspan Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14367

TU-EF-TRACK 4 Advanced MR in Clinic Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14368

TU-EF-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
Imaging/Diagnostic QA SoftwarePresented by Yu Liu, PhD Medical College of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14399

TU-EF-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
AutoQA Plus - Catphan QAPresented by Steve Dyer Qa Benchmark, Llc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14400

TU-EF-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
Interfacility and Machine Image Quality Analysis Using a Cloud-Based SystemPresented by Matt Whitaker The Phantom Laboratory, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14401

TU-EF-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
RapidCHECK Software for DiagnosticPresented by Kenneth Ruchala, PhD GAMMEX Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14402

TU-EF-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
Necessity of Monitor Quality Control and Total Management with QA SoftwarePresented by Brian Cote EIZO, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14403

TU-EF-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14405

TU-E-TRACK 5 Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE
Mechanisms of Particle RBEPresented by David Carlson, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14299

TU-E-TRACK 5 Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE
Track-End Objectives in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy to Reduce Linear Energy TransferPresented by Jakob Ödén RaySearch Laboratories AB
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14300

TU-E-TRACK 5 Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Biological Modeling in Proton and Carbon Ion Treatment PlanningPresented by Florian Kamp University Hospital, LMU Munich
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14301

TU-E-TRACK 5 Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE
Point-Counterpoint Debate On the Proposition: Variable RBE Models Should Be Used for Proton Therapy Plan OptimizationPresented by Harald Paganetti, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14302

TU-E-TRACK 5 Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE
Point-Counterpoint Debate On the Proposition: Variable RBE Models Should Be Used for Proton Therapy Plan OptimizationPresented by Robert Stewart, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14303

TU-E-TRACK 5 Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14304

TU-E-TRACK 6 Guidelines for Writing and Reviewing AAPM Task Group Reports
Overview of TG Report Writing and ReviewingPresented by Jean Moran, PhD University of Michigan Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14372

TU-E-TRACK 6 Guidelines for Writing and Reviewing AAPM Task Group Reports
Productive TG Writing in the Face of Competing Demands On TG VolunteersPresented by Sonja Dieterich, PhD UC Davis Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14373

TU-E-TRACK 6 Guidelines for Writing and Reviewing AAPM Task Group Reports
Reviewing: A Critical Part of TG Report DevelopmentPresented by Eric Gingold, PhD Thomas Jefferson University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14374

TU-E-TRACK 6 Guidelines for Writing and Reviewing AAPM Task Group Reports Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14375

TU-F-TRACK 5 Practical Integration of MRI in Clinical Radiation Oncology
Introducing MRI-only Technology: Practical Experience in Project Development, Commissioning and Clinical Deployment of MRI sim/linacPresented by Christopher Williams, PhD Brigham and Women's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14389

TU-F-TRACK 5 Practical Integration of MRI in Clinical Radiation Oncology
MRI Simulation and MRI-only PlanningPresented by Victoria Yu, MS Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14390

TU-F-TRACK 5 Practical Integration of MRI in Clinical Radiation Oncology
Design, Commissioning and Clinical Implementation of an MRI-only Brachytherapy SuitePresented by Ananth Ravi Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, University of Toronto
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14391

TU-F-TRACK 5 Practical Integration of MRI in Clinical Radiation Oncology Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14392

TU-F-TRACK 6 Why Smart AAPM and COMP Members Do Dumb Things
IntroductionPresented by Ashley Rubinstein, PhD McGovern Medical School
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 14383

TU-F-TRACK 6 Why Smart AAPM and COMP Members Do Dumb Things
Introduction to Cognitive Bias in Decision Making and the Impact On Patient SafetyPresented by Derek Brown, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 14384

TU-F-TRACK 6 Why Smart AAPM and COMP Members Do Dumb Things
Cognitive Biases You May Have Met Before (and An Exercise)Presented by Todd Pawlicki, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 14385

TU-F-TRACK 6 Why Smart AAPM and COMP Members Do Dumb Things
Tools to Combat Bias in Everyday PracticePresented by Suzanne Evans, MD Yale University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14386

TU-F-TRACK 6 Why Smart AAPM and COMP Members Do Dumb Things Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14388

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies
IntroductionPresented by Marc Kachelriess, PhD DKFZ Heidelberg, FS05
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14464

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies
Tube MA and KV: Options for Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)Presented by Joscha Maier German Cancer Research Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14465

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies
Prefiltration: Optimization of X-Ray SpectraPresented by Michael McNitt-Gray, PhD David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14466

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies
Beam Shaping: Dynamic Fluence Field Modulation TechniquesPresented by Grace Jianan Gang, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14467

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies
Quality Control: Are the Dose Reduction Claims Justified?Presented by Frederic Noo University Utah
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14468

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies
Summary and OutlookPresented by Marc Kachelriess, PhD DKFZ Heidelberg, FS05
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14469

WE-AB-TRACK 1 How Low Can CT Dose Go? Future Dose Reduction Technologies Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14470

WE-AB-TRACK 4 Molecular Imaging Guided Interventions
Molecular Imaging Guidance of Surgical Procedures - Review and Current StatusPresented by Fijs Van Leeuwen Leiden University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14491

WE-AB-TRACK 4 Molecular Imaging Guided Interventions
Practice and Prospects for PET/CT Guided InterventionsPresented by Assen Kirov, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14492

WE-AB-TRACK 4 Molecular Imaging Guided Interventions
Standardizing the Use of FDG-PET in Radiotherapy for Consistency in Imaging, Treatment Planning and Treatment AssessmentPresented by Shiva Das, PhD Univ North Carolina
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14493

WE-AB-TRACK 4 Molecular Imaging Guided Interventions
Molecular Imaging Guided Focused UltrasoundPresented by Andreas Meltzer, University Leipzig
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14899

WE-AB-TRACK 4 Molecular Imaging Guided Interventions Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14494

WE-A-TRACK 2 Development of New Affordable Medical Physics Technology for the Developing World
IAEA Activities in Imaging: The Success StoriesPresented by Virginia Tsapaki, PhD International Atomic Energy Agency
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14475

WE-A-TRACK 2 Development of New Affordable Medical Physics Technology for the Developing World
IAEA Remote and Automated QC for Diagnostic and Mammographic FacilitiesPresented by Douglas Pfeiffer, MS Boulder Community Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14476

WE-A-TRACK 2 Development of New Affordable Medical Physics Technology for the Developing World
Low-Cost Healthcare Solutions for Tuberculosis Screening and Pregnancy Risk Prediction Using X-Ray, Ultrasound and Deep LearningPresented by Bram van Ginneken University Hospital Utrecht
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14477

WE-A-TRACK 2 Development of New Affordable Medical Physics Technology for the Developing World
Despite Popular Belief Kilovoltage X-Rays Can Go a Long WayPresented by Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, PhD University of Victoria
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14478

WE-A-TRACK 2 Development of New Affordable Medical Physics Technology for the Developing World Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14479

WE-A-TRACK 5 Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers
Overview of Pediatric Radiotherapy: Photon, Proton, and BeyondPresented by Chia-Ho Hua, PhD St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14495

WE-A-TRACK 5 Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers
For the Proposition: Proton Therapy is Technically Superior to Photon TherapyPresented by Stella Flampouri, PhD Emory University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14496

WE-A-TRACK 5 Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers
Against the Proposition: Photon Therapy is More Versatile and Delivery is Less Uncertain Than Proton TherapyPresented by Ping Xia, PhD The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14497

WE-A-TRACK 5 Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers
For the Proposition: Proton Therapy for Pediatric Patients: Positively NecessaryPresented by Dennis Mah, PhD Procure Treatment Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14498

WE-A-TRACK 5 Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers
Against the Proposition: Very Few Pediatric Patients Will Clinically Benefit from Protons Over Photons (Does Every Gy Matter?)Presented by Arthur Olch, PhD Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14499

WE-A-TRACK 5 Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14500

WE-A-TRACK 6 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise - Radiation Oncology Progress Report and Open House
Profile UpdatesPresented by Scott Hadley, PhD The University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14408

WE-A-TRACK 6 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise - Radiation Oncology Progress Report and Open House
Profile Testing and ConnectathonPresented by Walter Bosch, DSc Washington University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14409

WE-A-TRACK 6 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise - Radiation Oncology Progress Report and Open House Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14410

WE-B-TRACK 5 Joint AAPM-ESTRO Symposium: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Radiotherapy Practice
AI for Segmentation in Clinical Practice: How to Get to Fast Implementation?Presented by Mark Gooding Mirada Medical
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14501

WE-B-TRACK 5 Joint AAPM-ESTRO Symposium: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Radiotherapy Practice
AI in Treatment Planning: How to Move Forward?Presented by Laurence Edward Court, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14502

WE-B-TRACK 5 Joint AAPM-ESTRO Symposium: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Radiotherapy Practice
AI for Predicting Outcomes: Where to Start?Presented by Olivier Morin, PhD University of California San Francisco
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14503

WE-B-TRACK 5 Joint AAPM-ESTRO Symposium: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Radiotherapy Practice Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14504

WE-B-TRACK 6 Are You the One Dropping the Ball? Tools, Tips and Tricks for Improving Workplace Efficiency in the Clinical and Research Setting
From the “Procrastination Equation” to “Getting Things Done”Presented by Parminder Basran, PhD Cornell University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14415

WE-B-TRACK 6 Are You the One Dropping the Ball? Tools, Tips and Tricks for Improving Workplace Efficiency in the Clinical and Research Setting
Tools, Tips and Tricks for Improving Research ProductivityPresented by Luc Beaulieu, PhD Centre Hospitalier Univ de Quebec
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14416

WE-B-TRACK 6 Are You the One Dropping the Ball? Tools, Tips and Tricks for Improving Workplace Efficiency in the Clinical and Research Setting
IT Locked You Down? Tips for Improving Clinical Productivity Using Typical Health Authority InfrastructurePresented by Thorarin Bjarnason, PhD Interior Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14417

WE-B-TRACK 6 Are You the One Dropping the Ball? Tools, Tips and Tricks for Improving Workplace Efficiency in the Clinical and Research Setting Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14418

WE-CD-TRACK 2 Advances of Radiomics and Genomics in Cancer Management
Radiomics & Deep Learning in Radiogenomics and Diagnostic ImagingPresented by Maryellen Giger, PhD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14450

WE-CD-TRACK 2 Advances of Radiomics and Genomics in Cancer Management
Radiomics and Genomics: Emerging Methods for Data IntegrationPresented by Joseph Deasy, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14451

WE-CD-TRACK 2 Advances of Radiomics and Genomics in Cancer Management
Genomics Applications in Gastrointestinal Cancers: From Screening to TherapyPresented by Isabella Tai BC Cancer Agency At Vancouver
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14452

WE-CD-TRACK 2 Advances of Radiomics and Genomics in Cancer Management
Applications and Challenges Using Radiomics for Radiation Therapy Treatment AssessmentPresented by Fang-Fang Yin, PhD Duke University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14453

WE-CD-TRACK 2 Advances of Radiomics and Genomics in Cancer Management Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14454

WE-CD-TRACK 4 Fluoroscopic Dose Tracking: Trials, Tribulations, and Successes
An Example Pre-, Intra- and Post-Procedure Clinical Workflow for General Fluoroscopy and FGI ProceduresPresented by Bryan Schwarz, PhD University of Florida
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14455

WE-CD-TRACK 4 Fluoroscopic Dose Tracking: Trials, Tribulations, and Successes
Fluoroscopy Dose Tracking: Experiences with Homegrown, Non-Commercial SolutionsPresented by Ryan Fisher, PhD MetroHealth
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14456

WE-CD-TRACK 4 Fluoroscopic Dose Tracking: Trials, Tribulations, and Successes
Fluoroscopy Dose Tracking: A Guide from Acquiring Data to Creating National BenchmarksPresented by Olav Christianson Landauer Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14457

WE-CD-TRACK 4 Fluoroscopic Dose Tracking: Trials, Tribulations, and Successes Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14458

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
Building Bridges with Medical Physics Equipment: The AAPM/IOMP Equipment Donation ProgramPresented by Stephanie Parker, MS Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14480

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
IAEA Perspective on the Role and Responsibilities of Medical Physicists in Radiation Protection of PatientsPresented by Debbie Gilley, MPA IAEA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14481

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
A Decade of Radiating Hope - Lessons Learned, Obstacles and OpportunitiesPresented by Peter Sandwall, PhD Riverside Methodist Hospital Ohio Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14482

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
Telehealth Brigades: A Way for All to Join the MissionPresented by Benjamin Li Rayos Contra Cancer
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14483

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
Status of Medical Physics in Africa - A Kenyan PerspectivePresented by Aggrey Wakhule Kenyatta National Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14484

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
Insight from Industry: How *not* to Promote the Safe & Effective Adoption of Radiotherapy in LMICPresented by Cleverson Perceu Lopes Hospital Albert Einstein
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14485

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success
Connecting the Dots: Panel DiscussionPresented by Derek Brown, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14486

WE-CD-TRACK 6 International Symposium: AAPM and International Activities-Bending Silos to Foster Success Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14490

WE-C-TRACK 3 Small Animal Radiotherapy: What’s New?
The Potential of Automated QA in Radiation Biology Using Comprehensive EPID-Based QA Tools for Image-Guided Small Animal IrradiatorsPresented by Yannick Poirier, PhD University of Maryland School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14509

WE-C-TRACK 3 Small Animal Radiotherapy: What’s New?
A Novel Platform for Efficient Small Animal IMRTPresented by Ke Sheng, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14510

WE-C-TRACK 3 Small Animal Radiotherapy: What’s New?
Preclinical Models for Radiation Induced Normal Tissue ToxicityPresented by Mihaela Ghita CCRCB
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14511

WE-C-TRACK 3 Small Animal Radiotherapy: What’s New? Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14512

WE-C-TRACK 5 An Immuno-Oncology Primer for Physicists
Immuno 101 in the RT ContextPresented by Jonathan Schoenfeld Harvard/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14471

WE-C-TRACK 5 An Immuno-Oncology Primer for Physicists
Modeling Impact of RT On the Immune Status of the HostPresented by Jian-Yue Jin, PhD University Hospitals, Case Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14473

WE-C-TRACK 5 An Immuno-Oncology Primer for Physicists Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14474

WE-D-TRACK 5 Physics Requirements for Implementing a Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Program
Clinician’s Perspective/ExperiencePresented by Bennett Greenspan, MD None
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14433

WE-D-TRACK 5 Physics Requirements for Implementing a Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Program
Radiation Safety and QA for Fixed ActivityPresented by Stephen Graves University of Iowa
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14434

WE-D-TRACK 5 Physics Requirements for Implementing a Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Program
Advanced Physics and Dosimetry TopicsPresented by Robert Hobbs, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14435

WE-D-TRACK 5 Physics Requirements for Implementing a Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Program Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14436

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Introduction and History of AIPresented by Dan Nguyen, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 14443

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
AI in Medical ImagingPresented by Hua Li, PhD Carle Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 14444

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
AI in Treatment PlanningPresented by Steve Jiang, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 14445

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
AI in Outcome and Toxicity PredictionPresented by Johan Van Soest Maastricht University Medical Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 14446

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
AI in the Clinic: Error Detection and PreventionPresented by Leigh Conroy, PhD The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 15 responding
VLID: 14447

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
A Road Map for Robust AIPresented by Gilmer Valdes, PhD University of California San Francisco
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.4 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 14448

WE-EF-TRACK 3 Radiation Therapy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14449

WE-E-TRACK 1 Hot Topics in Breast MRI
The Radiologist’s Perspective of Breast MRIPresented by Kirti Kulkarni University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14505

WE-E-TRACK 1 Hot Topics in Breast MRI
Who’s Afraid of Gadolinium? A Review of the EvidencePresented by Jennifer McDonald Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14506

WE-E-TRACK 1 Hot Topics in Breast MRI
Fast, Low Contrast, and No Contrast Techniques for Breast MRIPresented by Federico Pineda, PhD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14507

WE-E-TRACK 4 Current Status and Issues with Dental and Maxillofacial CBCT: Potential Methodologies for Quality Control and Management of this Technology
Suggestions for Testing Evaluation of Dental and Maxillofacial CBCTPresented by Dimitris Mihailidis, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14411

WE-E-TRACK 4 Current Status and Issues with Dental and Maxillofacial CBCT: Potential Methodologies for Quality Control and Management of this Technology
Dose Metrics and Practical Dose Measurements for Dental and Maxillofacial CBCTPresented by Eric Gingold, PhD Thomas Jefferson University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14412

WE-E-TRACK 4 Current Status and Issues with Dental and Maxillofacial CBCT: Potential Methodologies for Quality Control and Management of this Technology
Regulatory and Accreditation ConsiderationsPresented by Robert Pizzutiello, MS
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14413

WE-E-TRACK 4 Current Status and Issues with Dental and Maxillofacial CBCT: Potential Methodologies for Quality Control and Management of this Technology Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14414

WE-E-TRACK 5 End to End (E2E) Testing in Radiation Therapy
Introduction to End-to-End (E2E) QA: Evidence of Its Benefits and Practical Considerations Implementing In-House E2E QA in the ClinicPresented by L. John Schreiner, PhD
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14440

WE-E-TRACK 5 End to End (E2E) Testing in Radiation Therapy
Implementing Clinical and Pre-Clinical E2E QAPresented by Mark Oldham, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14441

WE-E-TRACK 5 End to End (E2E) Testing in Radiation Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14442

WE-E-TRACK 6 Clinical Communication Training for Medical Physicists
The Importance and Impact of Physicist-Patient InteractionsPresented by Todd Atwood, PhD University of California San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14419

WE-E-TRACK 6 Clinical Communication Training for Medical Physicists
Teaching Residents Effective Communication SkillsPresented by Derek Brown, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14420

WE-E-TRACK 6 Clinical Communication Training for Medical Physicists
Teaching Graduate Students Effective Communication SkillsPresented by Laura Padilla, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14421

WE-E-TRACK 6 Clinical Communication Training for Medical Physicists
Implementing a Physicist-Patient Communication ProgramPresented by Jay Burmeister, PhD Wayne State University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14422

WE-E-TRACK 6 Clinical Communication Training for Medical Physicists Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14423

WE-F-TRACK 4 Diagnostic Imaging and 100 mSv+ Doses
Do patient receive 100mSv+ from diagnostic scanning?Presented by William Sensakovic, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14459

WE-F-TRACK 4 Diagnostic Imaging and 100 mSv+ Doses
Patients with Over 100 mSv Doses: Experience from Large Scale Studies to Assess the MagnitudePresented by Madan Rehani, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14460

WE-F-TRACK 4 Diagnostic Imaging and 100 mSv+ Doses
Patients with Over 100 mSv Doses: Experience from Large Scale Studies to Assess the MagnitudePresented by Megan Lipford, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14461

WE-F-TRACK 4 Diagnostic Imaging and 100 mSv+ Doses Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14463

WE-F-TRACK 5 Dual Energy CT Applications in Radiotherapy
Dual Energy Computed Tomography for Proton Dose CalculationPresented by Boon-Keng Kevin Teo, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14437

WE-F-TRACK 5 Dual Energy CT Applications in Radiotherapy
Applications of DECT: Tissue Differentiation, Treatment Response, and Function AssessmentPresented by Jessica Miller, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14438

WE-F-TRACK 5 Dual Energy CT Applications in Radiotherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14439

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
What is Effective Communication and How to Use it to Lead your Diverse Radiation Oncology TeamPresented by Julianne Pollard-Larkin, PhD The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14424

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
What is Unconscious Bias and How can we use Diversity, Inclusion and Equity to Combat It?Presented by Laura Cervino, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14425

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
Strategies for Women to Lean In on Radiation Oncology TeamsPresented by Kristi Hendrickson, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14426

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
Strategies for Underrepresented Physicists to Lean In on Radiation Oncology TeamsPresented by Stephen Avery, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14427

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
How to make your Radiation Oncology Team more Inclusive to Junior PhysicistsPresented by Titania Juang, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14428

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
Effective Communication is The Key to Highly Reliable Rad Onc TeamsPresented by Eric Ford, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14429

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams
Effective Communication is the Key to Medical Physics LeadershipPresented by Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21287-0006 UNITED STATES
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14898

WE-F-TRACK 6 Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14432

TH-AB-TRACK 1 Joint EFOMP|AAPM Symposium: Total Body PET: The Ultimate Molecular Imaging Tool
State-Of-The-Art in Scanner Design and TechnologyPresented by Simon Cherry, PhD University of California-Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14547

TH-AB-TRACK 1 Joint EFOMP|AAPM Symposium: Total Body PET: The Ultimate Molecular Imaging Tool
Future Developments and Challenges in Scanner DesignPresented by Joel Karp University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14548

TH-AB-TRACK 1 Joint EFOMP|AAPM Symposium: Total Body PET: The Ultimate Molecular Imaging Tool
Overview of Potential Clinical and Research ApplicationsPresented by Terry Jones University of California, Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14549

TH-AB-TRACK 1 Joint EFOMP|AAPM Symposium: Total Body PET: The Ultimate Molecular Imaging Tool
Possibilities and Challenges in Data AnalysisPresented by Adriaan Lammertsma Amsterdam University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14550

TH-AB-TRACK 1 Joint EFOMP|AAPM Symposium: Total Body PET: The Ultimate Molecular Imaging Tool Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14551

TH-A-TRACK 2 Next Steps in Image-Guided Surgery: Improvements in Planning and Delivery
Photonics for Guiding, Monitoring and Treating in Surgical ProceduresPresented by Robert Weersink University Health Network
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 14552

TH-A-TRACK 2 Next Steps in Image-Guided Surgery: Improvements in Planning and Delivery
Planning and Monitoring of MR-Guided AblationsPresented by Elena Kaye Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14553

TH-A-TRACK 2 Next Steps in Image-Guided Surgery: Improvements in Planning and Delivery
Integration of Robotics and Navigation with Intra-Operative ImagingPresented by Ali Uneri Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14554

TH-A-TRACK 2 Next Steps in Image-Guided Surgery: Improvements in Planning and Delivery Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14555

TH-A-TRACK 6 Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Liability in Clinical Medical Physics Practice
AAPM Perspectives on Scope of Practice, Ethics and Liability for Medical Physicists in the Land of OpportunityPresented by Brent Parker, PhD The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14522

TH-A-TRACK 6 Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Liability in Clinical Medical Physics Practice
COMP Perspectives on Scope of Practice, Ethics and Liability for Medical Physicists in the Great White NorthPresented by Charles Kirkby, PhD Jack Ady Cancer Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14523

TH-A-TRACK 6 Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Liability in Clinical Medical Physics Practice
Clinical Medical Physicist Perspectives on Scope of Practice, Ethics, and LiabilityPresented by Bassem Elshahat, PhD Memorial University of Newfoundland
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14524

TH-A-TRACK 6 Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Liability in Clinical Medical Physics Practice Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14525

TH-B-TRACK 2 Image Guided Ablation: Is It Heating Up or Cooling Down?
MR-Guided Microwave and Cryo AblationPresented by Krzysztof Gorny, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14542

TH-B-TRACK 2 Image Guided Ablation: Is It Heating Up or Cooling Down?
MR-Guided Laser Ablation in OncologyPresented by R. Jason Stafford, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14543

TH-B-TRACK 2 Image Guided Ablation: Is It Heating Up or Cooling Down?
VT Ablation with External Beam RadiotherapyPresented by Amanda Deisher, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14544

TH-B-TRACK 2 Image Guided Ablation: Is It Heating Up or Cooling Down?
3D Ultrasound-Guided Focal Liver Tumor AblationPresented by Aaron Fenster, PhD Robarts Research Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14545

TH-B-TRACK 5 Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction
Introduction: Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction from Analytic to Data-DrivenPresented by X. Allen Li, PhD Medical College of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14537

TH-B-TRACK 5 Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction
Radiomics and Radiogenomics Modeling with Machine LearningPresented by Issam El Naqa, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14538

TH-B-TRACK 5 Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction
Multimodality Radiomics and deep Learning for Outcome Modeling: Application in Head & Neck CancerPresented by Jan Seuntjens, PhD Medical Physics Unit, McGill University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14539

TH-B-TRACK 5 Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction
Opportunities and Challenges of Outcome Modeling & Response Prediction for Radiation TherapyPresented by X. Sharon Qi, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14540

TH-B-TRACK 5 Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14541

TH-B-TRACK 6 The Evolution of the ABR Certification Program to its Current State
Historical Perspective of the ABRPresented by Matthew Podgorsak, PhD Roswell Park Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14529

TH-B-TRACK 6 The Evolution of the ABR Certification Program to its Current State
The Initial Certification (IC) ProgramPresented by Kalpana Kanal, PhD University Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14530

TH-B-TRACK 6 The Evolution of the ABR Certification Program to its Current State
The Maintenance of Certification (MOC) ProgramPresented by Robert Pooley, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14531

TH-B-TRACK 6 The Evolution of the ABR Certification Program to its Current State Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14532

TH-CD-TRACK 2 Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies: How do we get there and where can it take us?
Quantitative SPECT and PET in Absorbed Dose Calculations for Radionuclide TherapiesPresented by John Sunderland University of Iowa
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14513

TH-CD-TRACK 2 Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies: How do we get there and where can it take us?
Calculating and Reporting Absorbed Dose from Radionuclide TherapiesPresented by Sara St. James, PhD UCSF
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14514

TH-CD-TRACK 2 Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies: How do we get there and where can it take us?
Mathematical Models to Improve Prediction of Absorbed Dose from 90Y MicrospheresPresented by Emilie Roncali University Of California, Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14515

TH-CD-TRACK 2 Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies: How do we get there and where can it take us?
Optimizing Treatment with Radionuclide Therapy and ImmunotherapyPresented by Russell Rockne City of Hope
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14516

TH-CD-TRACK 2 Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies: How do we get there and where can it take us? Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14517

TH-CD-TRACK 3 Re-Irradiation Imaging, Planning and Biology
What We Know and Don't Know About Re-Irradiation: Review of the LiteraturePresented by Mary Feng University of California San Francisco
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14556

TH-CD-TRACK 3 Re-Irradiation Imaging, Planning and Biology
Treatment Planning and Special Medical Physics ApproachesPresented by Martha Matuszak, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 14557

TH-CD-TRACK 3 Re-Irradiation Imaging, Planning and Biology
Radio-Biology of Re-Irradiation Getting Solid EvidencePresented by Andrew Jackson, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 1.6 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 14558

TH-CD-TRACK 3 Re-Irradiation Imaging, Planning and Biology
Pan Canadian Approaches to Re-IrradiationPresented by Michael Milosevic Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and University Health Network
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 14559

TH-CD-TRACK 3 Re-Irradiation Imaging, Planning and Biology Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14561

TH-CD-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
Imaging/Diagnostic QA SoftwarePresented by Yu Liu, PhD Medical College of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14562

TH-CD-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
Ocean – RTI’s QA Software – How Can It Improve Workflow?Presented by Erik Wikstrom Rti Group North America
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14563

TH-CD-TRACK 7 Imaging/Diagnostic QA Software
QA Solutions for Cone Beam and Computed Tomography QAPresented by Felix Schofer QUART
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14564

TH-C-TRACK 4 NCRP 184 - Radiation Exposure to Patients in the United States
Overview of NCRP 184 results with deep dive into CT & Nuclear Medicine exposuresPresented by Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14518

TH-C-TRACK 4 NCRP 184 - Radiation Exposure to Patients in the United States
NCRP 184: Radiation Exposure to Pediatrics PatientsPresented by Donald Frush, MD Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14519

TH-C-TRACK 4 NCRP 184 - Radiation Exposure to Patients in the United States
NCRP 184: Radiation Exposure from cardiac and non-cardiac interventional proceduresPresented by Donald Miller, MD Food and Drug Administration
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 14520

TH-C-TRACK 4 NCRP 184 - Radiation Exposure to Patients in the United States Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 14521

TH-C-TRACK 5 Development of a Clinical Program for MR-Linac Technology: Tips from Installation to Clinical Implementation
MRI Safety in Radiation Oncology EnvironmentPresented by Jihong Wang, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14533

TH-C-TRACK 5 Development of a Clinical Program for MR-Linac Technology: Tips from Installation to Clinical Implementation
Clinical Readiness of an MR-Linac: Tips and TricksPresented by Brian Keller, PhD Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, Department of Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 14534

TH-C-TRACK 5 Development of a Clinical Program for MR-Linac Technology: Tips from Installation to Clinical Implementation
Adaptive radiotherapy in an MR-Linac : Effective and streamlined implementation of an online adaptive RT ProcessPresented by Jennifer Smilowitz, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 14535

TH-C-TRACK 6 Y-90: Physician and Physicist Perspectives
Professional and Practical Challenges in Y-90 MicrospheresPresented by Nathan Busse Denver Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 14526

TH-C-TRACK 6 Y-90: Physician and Physicist Perspectives
An Interventionalist's Perspective on Radioembolization: Technical Aspects, Clinical Management and OutcomesPresented by Mamdouh Khayat Ohio State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 14527