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Congress convenes hearing on Medical Radiation Issues, AAPM to testify

In response to issues highlighting patient safety concerns in radiology and radiation oncology practice, the Subcommittee on Health of the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce is convening a hearing on “medical radiation: an overview of the issues”. AAPM has been asked to present testimony on February 10, 2010. A number of groups will be represented at the hearing. President Herman will make a statement on behalf of the Association.

While millions of people receive medical radiation to their benefit annually, the rare events recently publicized highlight the need for improvement. AAPM intends to present the unique position of the medical physicist in the use of medical radiation and discuss specific points where more effort and progress are being made to improve the quality of care and patient safety. These include:

Many of these points, AAPM and others have been working on for years. Improvement on these issues, taken together will make the use of medical radiation safer and more effective for the people that need it.

The full AAPM statement will be posted early next week.