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Correction Model of NIPAM Gel and Presage for Electron and Proton PDD Measurement
C Lin1*, T Chao2 , C Lin1 , H Nien3 , p Tu1 , C Yueh2, C Wu3 , (1) Sijhih Cathay general hospital, New Taipei City, (2) Chang Gung University, Taoyuan City, (3) Sijhih Cathay general hospital,
SU-F-T-69 (Sunday, July 31, 2016) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room: Exhibit Hall
The current standard equipment for proton PDD measurement is multilayer-parallel-ion-chamber. Disadvantage of multilayer-parallel-ion-chamber is expensive and complexity manipulation. NIPAM-gel and Presage are options for PDD measurement. Due to different stopping power, the result of NIPAM-gel and Presage need to be corrected. This study aims to create a correction model for NIPAM-gel and Presage PDD measurement.
Standard water based PDD profiles of electron 6MeV, 12MeV, and proton 90MeV were acquired. Electron PDD profile after 1cm thickness of NIPAM-gel added on the top of water was measured. Electron PDD profile with extra 1cm thickness of solid water, PTW RW3, was measured. The distance shift among standard PDD, NIPAM-gel PDD, and solid water PDD at R50% was compared and water equivalent thickness correction factor (WET) was calculated. Similar process was repeated. WETs for electron with Presage, proton with NIPAM-gel, and proton with Presage were calculated. PDD profiles of electron and proton with NIPAM-gel and Presage columns were corrected with each WET. The corrected profiles were compared with standard profiles.
WET for electron 12MeV with NIPAM-gel was 1.135, and 1.034 for electron 12Mev with Presage. After correction, PDD profile matched to the standard profile at the fall-off range well. The difference at R50% was 0.26mm shallower and 0.39mm deeper. The same WET was used to correct electron 6MeV profile. Energy independence of electron WET was observed. The difference at R50% was 0.17mm deeper for NIPAM-gel and 0.54mm deeper for Presage.
WET for proton 90MeV with NIPAM-gel was 1.056. The difference at R50% was 0.37 deeper. Quenching effect at Bragg peak was revealed. The underestimated dose percentage at Bragg peak was 27%.
This correction model can be used to modify PDD profile with depth error within 1mm. With this correction model, NIPAM-gel and Presage can be practical at PDD profile measurement.
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