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Course Directors

Indra Das, Indiana University- School of Medicine Harald Paganetti, Massachusetts General Hospital

Invited Faculty

Bijan Arjomandy, McLaren Cancer Institute Radhe Mohan, MD Anderson
Thomas Bortfeld, Massachusetts General Hospital Shinichiro Mori, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Indra Das, Indiana University- School of Medicine Harald Paganetti, Massachusetts General Hospital
Lei Dong, Scripps Proton Therapy Center Hugo Palmans, National Physical Laboratory
Martijn Engelsman, TU Delft Narayan Sahoo, MD Anderson
Jonathan Farr, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital J. Marco Schippers, Paul Scherrer Institute
Nisy Ipe, Shielding Design Reinhard Schulte, Loma Linda University
Antje Knopf, Institute of Cancer Research Stanislav Vatnitsky, IAEA
Jon Kruse, Mayo Clinic Brian Winey, Massachusetts General Hospital
Katja Langen, University of Maryland X. Ronald Zhu, MD Anderson
Tony Lomax, Paul Scherrer Institute Timothy Zhu, University of Pennsylvania
Alejandro Mazal, Institut Curie Anthony Zietman, Massachusetts General Hospital