360 Analysis
The deadline to purchase this item has passed.
What is a 360 Analysis?
You may be wondering about the optional $300 ticket for the 360 analysis offered through the Hay Group.
A 360 review process or feedback is when an individual's superiors, peers, subordinates, and other customers rate the individual on their emotional behaviors or "intelligence". The emotional intelligence describes the capacity for recognizing feelings, in oneself and in other individuals, as well as motivation, and managing emotions.
How one handles emotions effects how they complete their work with others. As you progress in your career, your social and emotional competence starts to be valued by others more than your technical / professional competence. Seeing your emotional intelligence self-assessment, compared with how others perceive you provides some insights unique to the "360 analysis." Your results are intended to provide guidance to you in your further development.
This is a $300 ticket item when you register for the Summer School: Medical Physics Leadership Academy. If you register for this ticket by the April 11 deadline, you will be sent an email to identify and provide email addresses for “raters”, comprising of at least one manager, and a minimum of two direct reports, two peers, two client / customers, and two “other”. For a medical physicist working in therapy, “direct reports” could be dosimetrists or medical physics residents, “client/ customers” could be therapists and /or radiation oncologists, while “other” may be administrators.
You will have to complete an online survey about yourself on questions that relate to clusters of self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. For example, you would want to rate about yourself on a Likert range (never to constantly) on things like, “is aware of own feelings” or “handles unexpected demands well.”
Additionally, the Hay Group will email your identified raters inviting them to complete the same online survey about you. (While the Hay Group sends automated emails to selected invitees, you should also let them know to expect the email inviting them to participate.) The Hay Group will then analyze the results, and you will receive a confidential written report on both your self-assessment and an anonymized summary from your individual raters. This will give you a comparison about how you perceive yourself as well as how others perceive you in these areas.
Of course, after you get your results, you should thank them for responding and discuss with them the results to help you further understand (without becoming defensive.)
If you register for the Summer School and add this ticket by the April 11 deadline, you and your identified raters have until May 22nd to complete the survey. The Hay Group will complete the analysis and Impact International will explain the results to you at the Summer School.
View a sample report, with examples of information that could be gathered. The depth of insight is all dependent on the number of raters who actually respond.
Your report will include
- Data Validity: a summary of the source and quality of the feedback data, as well as the agreement within rater groups
- ECI Summary: a summary of your strengths and areas for improvement across the four clusters of emotional competencies
- Competency Detail: definitions, levels, and scores by rater group for each emotional competency
- Item Frequency Report: a distribution of ratings by rater group for each item in the ECI
- Verbatim Comments