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General Information


ADA Accessibility
AAPM wishes to take any steps required to ensure that no individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently due to the absence of auxiliary aids and services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act. If any such services are necessary in order for you to participate in the AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting, please communicate your needs well in advance by marking the "special needs" box when pre-registering.

Child Care

The AAPM will not be sponsoring child care during this meeting. The Greater Phoenix Converntion and Visitors Bureau, Visit Phoenix, has provided a list of, Childcare/Babysitting Services in the area. Parents will be responsible for making their own chlldcare arrangements. Neither AAPM or Visit Phoenix endorse any of the listed services.


The Companion's registration fee includes access to all morning and afternoon breaks, and lunch services. Tickets to the Saturday evening Welcome Reception are sold separately. Please note, there will not be a Companions' Welcome Lounge at this year's meeting.

Meeting Attire

The meeting attire is business casual for the AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting.