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Protocol For Simplified Radiochromic Film Dosimetry

D Lewis

D Lewis1*, M Chan2, A Micke1, X Yu1, (1) Ashland Specialty Ingredients , Wayne, NJ, (2) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ,

SU-E-T-165 Sunday 3:00:00 PM - 6:00:00 PM Room: Exhibit Hall

Purpose: Radiochromic film provides dose measurement at high spatial resolution, but often is not selected for routine evaluation of patient-specific IMRT plans owing to ease-of-use factors. We have developed a simplified protocol that avoids complications encountered in commonly used methods.
Methods: We evaluated the simplified protocol by collecting dose-response data from six production lots of EBT3 film at doses up to 480 cGy. In this work, we used eight different scanners of two different models - Epson 10000XL and V700; post-exposure times before scanning from 30 minutes to 9 days; ambient temperatures for scanning spanning 23°F and two film orientations. Scanning was in 48-bit rgb format at 72 dpi resolution. Dose evaluation was conducted using a triple-channel dosimetry method. To validate the simplified protocol, patient specific IMRT QA was performed using a Varian Trilogy Linac to expose EBT3 films. Scanning and film analysis was done following the protocol.
Results: The results indicated that the dose-response data could be fit by a set of related rational functions leading to the description of a universal calibration curve. A simplified protocol was established where dose-response data for a specific film lot, scanner, and scanning conditions could be derived from no more than two films exposed to known doses. In most cases only one calibrated exposure was required. Using the Gamma test criterion of 2%/2mm to evaluate the measurements, passing rates ranged between 95% and 99%.
Conclusions: We have demonstrated a simplified protocol to measure doses delivered by an IMRT treatment plan using only the patient film, one calibration film, one unexposed film, and applying a single scan to acquire a digital image for calculation and analysis. The simplification and time-savings provide a practical solution for using radiochromic film for routine IMRT QA without sacrificing spatial resolution for convenience.

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