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 Program Summary

The summer school on IMRT will provide an opportunity for practicing radiation oncology physicists to learn general principles of IMRT and its safe implementation in the clinic. The school will provide a forum for the participants to discuss the instrumentation and methods used for IMRT quality assurance procedures and testing. It will also provide an opportunity for institutions that have gained experience in IMRT delivery to share their early experience with other.

Experts in all aspects of IMRT planning and delivery will describe the current state-of-the-art of this modality and teach the underlying principles of IMRT to practicing medical physicists. The lecture notes will be published as school proceedings and it will serve as the most current reference on IMRT. Summer school participants will also have an opportunity to supplement didactic lecture with interactive discussion sessions each evening to enhance their learning.

 Continuing Education

MPCEC's: Medical Physics Summer School attendees will receive 34 hours of Medical Physics Continuing Education Credits. Credits will be awarded to medical physicists who participate in the program and submit the required documentation to the Program Directors.

MEDICAL DOSIMETRIST CE's: Medical Dosimetrist Summer School attendees will receive 32 hours of Medical Dosimetrists Continuing Education Credits.

 Program Directors
Jatinder R. Palta
University of Florida
Thomas Rockwell Mackie
University of Wisconsin


James Balter, University of Michigan Radhe Mohan, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Jerry Battista, London Regional Cancer Centre Jean Moran, University of Michigan Medical Center
Thomas Bortfeld, Massachusetts General Hospital Jatinder Palta, University of Florida
Arthur Boyer, Stanford Univeristy School of Medicine Charles Pelizzari, University of Chicago
Yair Censor, University of Haifa Alan Pollack, Fox Chase Cancer Center
Cliff Chao, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Michael Sharpe, Princess Margaret Hospital
Bruce Curran, NOMOS Corporation Dave Shepard, University of Maryland
Gary Ezzell, Mayo Clinic Scottsdale George Sherouse, Sherouse Systems, Inc.
James Galvin, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Jeff Siebers, Virginia Commonwealth University
Michael Gillin, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Craig Stevens, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Kenneth Hogstrom, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Timothy Waldron, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
David Jaffray, Princess Margaret Hospital Steve Webb, Institute of Cancer Res & Royal Marsden Hospital
Paul Keall, Virginia Commonwealth University Jim Welsh, University of Wisconsin
Mark Langer, Indiana University John Wong, William Beaumont Hospital
Anthony Lomax, Paul Scherrer Institute Ping Xia, University of California San Francisco
Thomas LoSasso, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Lei Xing, Stanford University School of Medicine
Daniel Low, Washington University Ellen Yorke, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Rock Mackie, University of Wisconsin Cedric Yu, University of Maryland
Sanford Meeks, University of Iowa  

 Local Arrangements Co-Chairs

Jerry White, M.S.
Colorado Associates in Medical Physics
Chris Dennett, M.S.
Memorial Hospital
Robin Miller, M.S. (LATF)
Emory University

 Additional Information

For additional information, contact AAPM HQ:

Shantelle Corado
AAPM Programs Assistant
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740-3846
E-mail: shantelle@aapm.org
Tel: (301) 209-3378
Fax: (301) 209-0862


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