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40th Annual Meeting of
the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
August 9-13, 1998 San Antonio, Texas

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Ma, C PO-104 , PO-99 , PO-50 , PO-168 , PO-161 , TU-D2-5 , WE-B1- , PA-83 , PA-84
Ma, L PO-168 , PO-161 , PO-104 , PO-162 , WE-D1-6 , PA-84 , PA-83
Ma, R WE-C2-8 , PA-52
Mabry, M SU-C1-1
Macey, D PA-3 , PA-36
MacKay, J PO-45
Mackie, T MO-E2-7 , TU-C1-1 , TU-C4-8 , PO-172 , PO-173 , PO-166 , PO-10 , PO-144 , PO-153 , WE-C1-6 , WE-D2-7 , PA-86 , PA-97 , PA-98 , PA-26
Macklis, R PO-146
MacMahon, H MO-D2-8
MacPherson, M MO-D2-2
Madsen, E PO-145
Mageras, G MO-C1- , TU-D1-9 , TU-E1-1
Magnusson, P PO-126
Mah, D TU-D1-9
Mah, E WE-D4-7
Maidment, A TH-B4-
Maier, V PA-10
Maldjian, J TU-D1-1
Mangiafico, P MO-E4-3
Mansour, F TU-D3-1
Manzione, J TH-C4-6
Maolinbay, M PO-143 , WE-D2-6
Maor, M TU-D2-10
Maris, T PO-12
Markoe, A PO-60
Marks, J PO-148
Marks, L PO-189
Marks II, R TU-C1-4
Marsh, L MO-E2-4 , TU-D2-8
Marshall, M PO-185
Martel, M MO-E2-4
Martell, J TU-C4-4 , TU-C4-5
Martin, J WE-D4-1
Martinez, A TU-D1-5
Maryanski, M MO-E1-1 , PO-121 , PO-52 , PO-155
Maser, R PO-45
Massullo, V PO-36
Mathur, T WE-C4-3 , WE-C4-5 , WE-D4-3
Matthews, J PO-207
Maughan, R WE-C2-7 , WE-C2-6 , WE-D2-9 , PA-51
Maxwell, R PA-82
May, S TU-D2-6
Mayo, C WE-C2-4
Mazonakis, M PO-12
Mazzilli, T PA-37
McColl, R TU-B3- , PO-32
McCourt, S PA-94
McCullough, E PA-53
McCurdy, B WE-C1-7
McDavid, W PO-56 , PO-20
McDonald, R PO-137
McDonough, J PO-106 , PO-175
McEwen, M WE-D2-1
McGary, J PO-208 , PO-188 , PA-91
McGee, K PA-55
McGhee, P PA-54
McKinnon, J PA-48
McLean, I WE-D4-4
McLellan, J PA-61
McMahon, J PO-66
McNitt-Gray, M WE-B4-
McShan, D MO-E2-4 , TU-C1-6 , TU-C1-7 , PO-89 , PO-102 , TU-D2-8 , WE-C1-3 , WE-D1-2
Medin, P PO-151
Meek, A PO-83 , PO-51
Meeks, S PO-155
Mehta, M PO-153
Meigooni, A PO-54 , PO-61
Meiler, R TH-C2-7
Mellenberg, D PA-11 , PA-11
Mendenhall, N PA-87
Mercier, J MO-D2-7
Merrick, G PO-20 , PO-21 , PA-42
Mesa, A WE-C1-9
Messing, E MO-D2-11
Michalski, J TU-D2-1
Micka, J PA-76
Middleton, R PO-187
Miften, M PO-103 , PO-86
Miga, M PO-6
Mijnheer, B MO-A1- , TU-C1-7
Mikkelsen, T TU-C4-2
Miller, B MO-E2-1
Miller, C PO-44
Miller, D WE-C2-2
Miller, H TU-A6-
Miller, J TU-D3-8
Miller, S TU-C2-5
Minter-Larson, G SU-B1-
Mistretta, C WE-E4-1
Mitch, M TU-C2-10
Mobit, P WE-D2-10 , WE-D2-10
Modrick, J PO-10
Mohamed, F PO-9
Mohan, D PO-180
Mohan, R TU-C2-6 , PO-94 , PO-200 , WE-C1-4 , WE-C1-5 , WE-D1-3 , TH-A1-
Mohiuddin, M PO-61
Mohktar, B PA-81
Mok, E PO-104 , TU-D2-5
Molloi, S WE-A4- , WE-C4-5 , WE-C4-3 , WE-D4-3
Monti di Sopra, F PO-113
Moonis, G PO-21
Moran, J PO-102
Moreau, M PO-119
Morin, R MO-C1-
Morioka, C WE-C4-7
Moros, E PO-47
Moses, E PO-93 , TU-D2-6 , TU-D2-3
Mott, J PO-46
Mould, R MO-D1-2
Mourad, W MO-E4-7
Mourtada, F MO-E1-2 , TU-C2-10
Moyers, M WE-C2-2
Mubata, C PO-87
Mueck, K PO-40
Muller-Runkel, R PO-198
Mullokandov, E PO-72
Mundt, A PO-25
Murphy, B PA-76
Murphy, M PO-170 , PA-66
Murray, B PO-192
Murthy, R TH-C4-6
Muthuswamy, M PA-96
Mutic, S MO-E2-6 , PO-150 , PO-111 , WE-D1-10
Myers, K TU-E4-1
Myerson, R PO-47
Myrianthopoulos, L TH-C2-10