Program Information
Protocol Review and Optimization
K Strauss1*, A Panda2*, D Gauntt3*, (1) Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, (2) Mayo Clinic, Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ, (3) UAB Medical Center, Birmingham, AL
SA-C-BRC-0 (Saturday, March 18, 2017) 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Room: Ballroom C
Protocol review and optimization is a cornerstone of the medical physicist’s responsibilities. In addition to satisfying recommendations and requirements of several accreditation and oversight bodies, systematic review of image protocols ensures that antiquated techniques are abandoned in favor of improved modern methods. Further, it helps to streamline workflow as unnecessary protocols are removed and protocol gaps are filled.
Once protocols are reviewed and possible deficiencies are identified it is the responsibility of the medical physicist, in collaboration with technologists and radiologists, to optimize the protocols and ensure the best possible experience for the patient. This optimization aims to guarantee diagnostic quality while keeping avoiding unnecessary radiation, contrast material, scan time, and other negative factors.
This lecture will provide an overview of the protocol review, management, and optimization.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand methods of optimizing pediatric radiographic imaging
2. Understand the issues related to MRI protocol review and management
3. Understand methods to document CT protocols and ensure they are accurately represented on the CT scanners
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