Program Information
Computational Evaluation of Proton Induced Gain in a Portable Faraday Cup
S Marshall1*, A Hodgdon2 , B Currier1 , (1) Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, (2) Radsim, LLC, Newton, Massachusetts
SU-E-T-221 (Sunday, July 12, 2015) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose:The design of a new Portable Faraday Cup (PFC) used to calibrate proton accelerators was evaluated for energies between 50 and 220 MeV. Monte Carlo simulations performed in Geant4-10.0 were used to evaluate experimental results and reduce the relative detector error for this vacuum-less and low mass system, and invalidate current MCNP releases.
Methods:The detector construction consisted of a copper conductor coated with an insulator and grounded with silver. Monte Carlo calculations in Geant4 were used to determine the net charge per proton input (gain) as a function of insulator thickness and beam energy. Kapton was chosen as the insulating material and was designed to capture backscattered electrons. Charge displacement from/into Kapton was assumed to follow a linear proportionality to the origin/terminus depth toward the outer ground layer. Kapton thicknesses ranged from 0 to 200 microns, proton energies were set to match empirical studies ranging from 70 to 250 MeV. Each setup was averaged over 1 million events using the FTFP_BERT 2.0 physics list.
Results:With increasing proton energy, the gain of Cu+KA gradually converges to the limit of pure copper, with relative error between 1.52% and 0.72%. The Ag layer created a more diverging behavior, accelerating the flux of negative charge into the device and increasing relative error when compared to pure copper from 1.21% to 1.63%.
Conclusion:Gain vs. beam energy signatures were acquired for each device. Further analysis reveals proportionality between insulator thickness and measured gain, albeit an inverse proportionality between beam energy and in-flux of electrons. Increased silver grounding layer thickness also decreases gain, though the relative error expands with beam energy, contrary to the Kapton layer.
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