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Testing Display Monitors for GSDF Compliance - a Practical Approach

D Gauntt

D Gauntt*, UAB Medical Center, Birmingham, AL


SU-E-P-29 (Sunday, July 12, 2015) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room: Exhibit Hall


To develop a simple technique for testing display monitors for compliance with the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function (GSDF), in accordance with the recommendations of AAPM Task Group 18.


We have developed a spreadsheet that can be used to compare both the luminance response and contrast response of a display to the GSDF, using luminance measurements of the SMPTE test pattern. The contrast response compares the slope of the GSDF j-index as a function of pixel value to that of the GSDF function, and should lie within the range 0.85 to 1.15.


We present the results of measurements both of primary diagnostic displays and of ultrasound and acquisition workstations, all at a tertiary care hospital. The Barco displays in the radiographic reading rooms are GSDF compliant or nearly so, while those in the ultrasound reading rooms and at the acquisition workstations generally show significantly higher contrast at low luminance levels than they would if GSDF compliant, and lower contrast at high luminance levels.


The spreadsheet that we developed allows a simple comparison of measured display contrast response to the GSDF. Although we used the SMPTE pattern, the same technique could be used with other grayscale patterns, such as TG18-QC and TG18-PQC.

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