Program Information
The Use of On-Board KV Imaging During Respiratory-Gated VMAT Delivery to Determine the Correlation and Phase Shift Between External Marker Motion and Internal Tumour Motion
I Xhaferllari1,2*, O El-Sherif1,2, S Gaede1,2,3, (1) London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON, (2) Department of Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, (3) Department of Oncology, Western University, London, ON
WE-AB-303-10 (Wednesday, July 15, 2015) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Room: 303
Purpose:To determine the correlation between internal tumor motion and external surrogate motion and any potential phase shifts during respiratory-gated VMAT delivery using on-board kV imaging.
Methods:A respiratory motion phantom was used to trace the motion of an internal target, embedded with a 3 cm moving target, and an external surrogate. On-board kV projections were acquired at 11 frames per second during VMAT delivery on a TrueBeam v.1.6 (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) operating in developer mode. Full motion encompassed treatment delivery using sinusoidal motion with 4 second period and 2 cm peak-to-peak amplitude, and real-patient breathing (RPB) motion was programmed to the phantom. Respiratory-gated treatment deliveries (30-60% gating window) on five additional RPB waveforms were programmed to investigate correlation within the gating window. To investigate the capability of during treatment kV imaging to detect phase shifts during gated delivery, a second phantom with independent motion was used. Eight controlled phase shifts in intervals of 0.4 seconds were added to the sinusoidal motion. For each phase shift, the Pearson linear correlation coefficient statistical test was performed for each set of respiratory traces. The phase shift was calculated by shifting the external trace, in time, until maximum correlation was obtained.
Results:A strong internal and external correlation was obtained for both the free-breathing (sinusoidal R²=0.993 and RPB R²=0.990) and respiratory-gated cases (range from R²=0.986-0.996). There was no significant difference between the programmed shift and that acquired using on-board kV imaging (p=0.899, R-squared = 0.997).
Conclusion: During treatment kV imaging has the capability to verify intrafractional anatomical position. It can be accurately used as a tool to quantify internal and external correlation, and determine phase shifts within the gating window, and ultimately, the accuracy of respiratory-gating treatment delivery.
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