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Correlation of Improved Target and Organ-At-Risk Dosimetric Quantities and Clinical Outcomes for Helical Tomotherapy Treated Mesothelioma
S Qi*, A Kishan , S Alexander , P Lee , M Selch , P Kupelian , M Steiberg , D Low , UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
SU-F-BRB-13 (Sunday, July 12, 2015) 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room: Ballroom B
Purpose: We have observed improved local control probability (LCP) for adjuvant mesothelioma radiotherapy following pleurectomy/decortication using Tomotherapy compared to the conventional 3D technique (p<0.05). This work assesses the correlation between the improved clinical outcomes against dosimetry quantities.
Methods: Thirty-eight mesothelioma cases consecutively treated at our clinic were retrospectively analyzed. Sixteen patients were treated using 3D technique planned on the Eclipse for c-arm accelerators prior to 7/2012; the other 22 cases were treated on Tomotherapy using helical IMRT after 7/2012. Typical 3D plans consisting of 15 MV AP/PA photon fields prescribed to 10 cm depth followed by matching electron fields with energy ranging from 8-16 MeV. Tomotherapy plans were designed using 2.5cm jaw, 0.287 pitch with directional blocking of the contralateral lung. The same prescription of 45 Gy (1.8GyX25) was used for both techniques. The dosimetry metrics for the critical structures: ipsilateral-/contralateral-lung, heart, cord, esophagus, etc were compared between two techniques.
Results: Superior LCP is closely associated with improved target coverage. Tomotherapy plans yielded dramatically better target coverage and less dose heterogeneity despite of more advanced/larger disease. The averaged PTV volumes were 2287.3±569.9 (Tomotherapy) vs. 1904.8±312.3cc (3D); V100s were: 91.1±4.0 (%) vs. 47.8±12.7 (%) with heterogeneity indices of 1.20±0.1 vs.1.37±0.38 and for the Tomotherapy and 3D plans, respectively. Compared to the 3D technique, we observed significant lower maximum cord doses (p<0.001), lower mean esophagus doses (p<0.002), and lower heart mean doses when tumor was left-sided (p=0.002). For ipsilateral-/contralateral- lungs, however, the mean doses and V20, V5 of Tomotherapy plans were significantly higher than the 3D plans (p<0.01) regardless which sides of lung were treated. However, rates of radiation pneumonitis were no different.
Conclusion: Tomotherapy achieved great improvement of plan quality including target coverage, resulting in significantly better local control over the traditional 3D technique for adjuvant radiotherapy for mesothelioma.
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