Program Information
3D Surface Reconstruction of a Patient Using Epipolar Geometry
J Kotoku1*, S Nakabayashi1 , A Haga2 , S Kumagai1 , T Ishibashi1 , N Arai3 , N Saotome2 , T Kobayashi1 , (1) Teikyo University, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, (2) University of Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, (3) Teikyo University Hospital, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo
SU-E-J-128 Sunday 3:00PM - 6:00PM Room: Exhibit HallPurpose:
To obtain a 3D surface data of a patient in a non-invasive way can substantially reduce the effort for the registration of patient in radiation therapy. To achieve this goal, we introduced the multiple view stereo technique, which is known to be used in a "photo tourism" on the internet.
70 Images were taken with a digital single-lens reflex camera from different angles and positions. The camera positions and angles were inferred later in the reconstruction step.
A sparse 3D reconstruction model was locating by SIFT features, which is robust for rotation and shift variance, in each image. We then found a set of correspondences between pairs of images by computing the fundamental matrix using the eight-point algorithm with RANSAC.
After the pair matching, we optimized the parameter including camera positions to minimize the reprojection error by use of bundle adjustment technique (non-linear optimization).
As a final step, we performed dense reconstruction and associate a color with each point using the library of PMVS.
Surface data were reconstructed well by visual inspection. The human skin is reconstructed well, althogh the reconstruction was time-consuming for direct use in daily clinical practice.
3D reconstruction using multi view stereo geometry is a promising tool for reducing the effort of patient setup.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI(25861128).
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