Program Information
Measurement of Stray Radiation Within An Active Scanning Proton Therapy Facility: EURADOS WG9 Intercomparison Exercise of Active Dosimetry Systems
J Farah1*, L Stolarczyk2 , C Algranati3 , C Domingo4 , V Dufek5 , F Fellin3 , E Frojdh6 , S George6 , R Harrison7 , M Klodowska2 , J Kubancak8 , Z Knezevic9 , M Liszka2 , M Majer9 , V Mares10 , S Miljanic9 , O Ploc8 , M Romero-Exposito4 , W Ruhm10 , K Schinner10 , M Schwarz3 , S Trinkl10 , F Trompier1 , M Wielunski10 , P Olko2 , (1) IRSN - Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, Fontenay-aux-roses, (2) Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, ,(3) Trento Proton Therapy Center, Trento, ,(4) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, ,(5) National Radiation Protection Institute, Prague, ,(6) CERN, Geneva, ,(7) University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne, ,(8) Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, ,(9) Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, (10) Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, Neuherberg, ,
WE-D-17A-5 Wednesday 11:00AM - 12:15PM Room: 17APurpose:
Intercomparison of active dosemeters in the measurement of stray radiation at the Trento active-scanning proton therapy facility.
EURADOS WG9 carried out a large intercomparison exercise to test different dosemeters while measuring secondary neutrons within a 230 MeV scanned proton therapy facility. Detectors included two Bonner Sphere Spectrometers (BSS), three tissue equivalent proportional counters (TEPC-Hawk) and six rem-counters (Wendi II, Berthold, RadEye, a regular and an extended-range Anderson & Braun NM2B counters). Measurements of neutron ambient dose equivalents, H*(10), were done at several positions inside (8 positions) and outside (3 positions) the treatment room while irradiating a water tank phantom with a 10 x 10 x 10 cc field.
A generally good agreement on H*(10) values was observed for the tested detectors. At distance of 2.25 m and angles 45°, 90° and 180° with respect to the beam axis, BSS and proportional counters agreed within 30%. Higher differences (up to 60%) were observed at the closest and farthest distances, i.e. at positions where detectors sensitivity, energy, fluence and angular response are highly dependent on neutron spectra (flux and energy). The highest neutron H*(10) value, ~60 microSv/Gy, was measured at 1.15 m along the beam axis. H*(10) decreased significantly with the distance from the isocenter dropping to 1.1 microSv/Gy at 4.25 m and 90° from beam axis, ~2 nanoSv/Gy at the entrance of the maze, 0.2 nanoSv/Gy at the door outside the room and below detection limit in the gantry control room and at an adjacent room. These values remain considerately lower than those of passively scattered proton beams. BSS and Hawk unfolded spectra provide valuable inputs when studying the response of each detector.
TEPCs and BSS enable accurate measurements of stray neutrons while other rem-meters also give satisfactory results but require further improvements to reduce uncertainties.
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