Program Information
IMRT Verification Using the On-Board EPID
J Dormer*, A Witztum , X Ding , P Jin , T Zhu , Univ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
SU-E-T-474 Sunday 3:00PM - 6:00PM Room: Exhibit HallPurpose:
To verify IMRT and Rapid Arc (RA) plan’s agreement with treatment delivery for radiation therapy using an on-board EPID compared to MapCHECK2 and ArcCHECK.
On-board EPID (Exact arm) is commissioned using manufacturer’s Preconfigured Data Input Package (PDIP). Portal dose calculation engine for comparison with measurement was commissioned with PDIP. The absolute dosimetric calibration of the EPID is performed using 10x10cm field size at 105cm source to image detector distance with 90.7 CU in the integrated mode. The dark and flood field of EPID were also calibrated in the integrated mode for all energies and dose rates. The output dose-response data from the manufacturer was verified. The improved gamma test method was used for EPID data analysis. Gamma test were used for MapCHECK2 (or ArcCHECK). The sensitivity of the method was tested using collimator rotation at 3 degree and 5 degree. Student T-test was used to distinguish the difference among the groups.
IMRT: The average of Gamma passing rate using EPID and MapCHECK2 is 98.9±1.6% and 98.7±2.0% (p = 0.342). There is no statistical difference between two groups.
RA: The average of Gamma passing rate using EPID and ArcCHECK is 97.2±2.3% and 93.2±4.1%. (p = 0.002). EPID significantly improved the RapidARC plan passing rate compared to the ArcCHECK. 5% dose change typically causes between 3 – 55% change in Gamma.
Using the EPID, we were able to perform QA verification on IMRT plans comparable to MapCHECK2 (p=0.342) and superior to that of ArcCHECK (p=0.002) using Gamma 3%, 3mm criteria. The sensitivity of EPID was found to be comparable to that of the MapCHECK2 and ArcCHECK. EPID dosimetry is faster (4.3 mins vs. 10 mins) due to easier setup and integrated data processing.
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