Program Information
CT Tools and Protocols Available Through AAPM
D Cody1*, (1) U.T.M.D Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
WE-B-116-1 Wednesday 9:00AM - 9:55AM Room: 116The AAPM CT Working Group on Nomenclature and Protocols (CT WGNP) was established in 2010; this working group is comprised of AAPM members with considerable CT experience, as well as representatives from each of the major CT manufacturers, ASRT, ACR, DICOM, FDA and Image Gently. The CT WGNP has two charges: 1. To develop consensus protocols for frequently performed CT examinations, summarizing the basic requirements of the exam and giving several model-specific examples of scan and reconstruction parameters. 2. To develop by consensus a set of standardized terms for use on CT scanners, including all parameters that control the scan acquisition or reconstruction that are programmed by the user, are displayed on the final image or included in a DICOM-specified tag, or describe a fundamental CT setting that is not always user selectable (such as a beam-shaping filter).
This working group has developed a set of tools for members and the general public that is available on the AAPM website. These tools include a Lexicon to allow users to translate important CT acquisition and reconstruction terms between different manufacturers' systems, thereby improving understanding of scan parameter meanings and decreasing the potential for parameter errors. A set of routine adult CT protocols have been provided that include Brain CT Perfusion, Routine Head, Routine Chest and Routine Abdomen/Pelvis exams. These provide a set of reasonable reference protocols for frequently performed CT examinations, summarizing the basic requirements of the exam and giving several model-specific examples of scan and reconstruction parameters. These resources directly address the original charges of the working group and continue to be the main focus of effort. Pediatric versions of these protocols are now under development.
In addition, the working group has been asked by MITA to develop additional resources specific to CT. The working group provides an excellent venue for discussion of issues that affect each of the primary stakeholders in the CT community. Recommendations were developed regarding default values for use in the CT Dose Check feature that has been incorporated into newer CT systems. Additionally, a set of educational slides specific to radiation dose issues in CT have been made created and made available. Versions of the slides that include manufacturer-specific information, particularly with respect to radiation dose reduction features available on CT scanners, are under development.
These resources will be reviewed during this lecture and directions regarding how to find and utilize this information will be given.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Dr. Cody receives 'in-kind' support of research from GE Healthcare.
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