Program Information
Validation of An Iterative Deconvolution Algorithm for the Post Treatment Y90 PET Image of Liver Cancer
H Qu*, N Yu, P Xia, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
SU-E-J-189 Sunday 3:00PM - 6:00PM Room: Exhibit HallPurpose:
To validate the interactive deconvolution method for dose calculation from breathing effect removed Y90 PET image and to quantify impact of the breathing pattern variation on the dose distribution
A computer phantom simulating the PET image of a liver tumor was constructed to investigate an internally developed program using the Van Cittert of deconvolution to remove the breathing motion effect from PET images. The tumor radius was 4 cm. Typical pixel values and noise inside and outside the tumor were taken from real patient Y90 PET images (inside tumor 415±164, outside tumor 15 ±37, negative pixels were clipped to 0). The phantom PET image was convolved with a breathing kernel (breathing amplitude 2 cm). These images were then deconvolved with the Van-Cittert deconvolution. The pixel values of the convolved and the deconvolved image are compared with the original image.
Results:The root mean square (rms) of the pixel difference between the original and convoluted image was 3.33, and between the original and the deconvolved images was 0.54.
Conclusion:The deconvolution removed most of the changes in pixel value sue to breathing.
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