Committee Tree
Ad Hoc Headquarters Site Visit Committee
- Is the AAPM HQ properly carrying out its current charges?
- Is there an effective mechanism through which the Association provides direction to the Executive Director and through which she directs the activities of AAPM staff?
- Is the current staff organization appropriately structured to support the charges assigned to it? Are staff properly supervised and evaluated? Are staff members appropriately cross-trained to support operational continuity?
- Is the staffing level properly sized relative to the HQ’s charges, and are the staff time allocations appropriately matched to the Association’s priorities?
- Are appropriate succession plans in place to prepare for retirements and departures? Do junior staff members have opportunities for professional growth within the HQ structure? Is staff retention a clear focus?
- Is there a potential role for staff to take a more active role as project managers for key elements of the Association’s functions? Would that require more staff, staff with different skills, or increased use of consultants? If this is a possibility, what changes in AAPM leadership and culture would be needed so that such support would be viewed positively?
- Is the AAPM HQ well positioned to support the Association’s needs in the near future?
- Have staffing needs been projected for the next 3-5 years, accounting for Association priorities as outlined in the Strategic Plan, technology changes (e.g. tele-working and collaboration tools), and staff/consultant skill sets?
- Is HQ space properly aligned with anticipated priorities?
- Is IT/IS infrastructure designed for minimal downtime risk, robustness relative to component or system failure, and anticipated growth?
- Do capital budgets reflect anticipated new and replacement items, and do operational budgets reflect the staffing and consultant projections as well as market-competitive compensation for the required talent pool?
- Relationship with Chapters and other Societies
- What does AAPM HQ do for AAPM Chapters? What other services could strengthen the Association’s outreach at the state level, including support for the Association’s priorities with respect to regulations and legislation?
- Do we have appropriate written agreements when AAPM HQ provides formal services to another entity (e.g. CAMPEP)?
- Do we have effective communications and strong relationships with our counterparts (at both staff and volunteer leadership levels) at organizations that play key roles in our spheres of practice? How do we track and maintain this?
- Do we have appropriate HQ resources allocated to support key cross-organizational programs such as Image Gently/Wisely, Treat/Target Safely, RO-ILS?
- Do we have appropriate HQ resources available to support a cohesive strategy for developing cross-organizational support for risk-based quality management as described in the TG-100 report? For example, do we have IT and staff resources available to support the development of repositories of risk-based quality management materials from multiple institutions?
- Fiscal management
- Have recent years’ budgets proved to be realistic predictions of actual expenses and revenue?
- What is the Association’s flexibility in responding to unexpected developments that require significant resource allocation? Are staff and volunteer leaders aware of this flexibility and of the governance framework for activating it, so we do not miss critical opportunities to act?
- How are expenses managed relative to budget through the year?
- How do administrative costs compare to external benchmarks for similar non-profit
- Do the staff cost allocations to Councils/Committees reflect the Association’s
strategic plan priorities?
- What is the process for deciding whether to add or eliminate staff positions – does the process ensure that such decisions properly align with Association priorities?