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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
AP 105-C Process for nominating members to ACR Committees 4/18/2019 12/31/2024
Policy source
April 18, 2019 EXCOM Minutes
Policy text

The Clinical Practice Committee (CPC) chair shall request that the chair of the Imaging or Therapy Practice Accreditation Subcommittee (dependent on topic) identify potential AAPM representatives to collaborative committees with the ACR. Additionally, the chair of the CPC shall request the chair of the Imaging Physics Committee (IPC) or Therapy Physics Committee (TPC) (dependent on topic) consult with the chair or chairs of the relevant subcommittee(s) of the IPC or TPC (dependent on topic) to identify potential AAPM representatives. The committee or subcommittee chairs shall request from potential nominees a short summary of their qualifications relevant to the topic of the proposed collaborative committee, as well as their CV. The committee and subcommittee chairs will provide a list of recommended candidates, with their supporting information, to the chair of the CPC, who will pass the information, along with recommendations, to the president. The president will discuss the selected candidates with the EXCOM and make the final decision from among the submitted recommendations.

Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
AP 105-A Process for nominating members to ACR Committees 11/27/2017 5/9/2018 Inactive
AP 105-B Process for nominating members to ACR Committees 5/10/2018 4/17/2019 Inactive
AP 105-C Process for nominating members to ACR Committees 4/18/2019 12/31/2024 Active

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