AAPM 2007 Annual Meeting
AAPM Evaluation System

49th AAPM Annual Meeting
2007 Radiation Therapy Review Course
2007 Diagnostic Imaging Review Course
The 2007 AAPM Annual Meeting has been approved for continuing education credit by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs, Inc. (CAMPEP). This includes both the Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy Physics Review courses. For each hour of verified attendance (this includes scientific sessions, poster discussion sessions, symposia, professional and educational courses), 1 medical physics continuing education credit (MPCEC) will be awarded; up to eight (8) credits for general poster viewing.

To obtain MPCEC credit, attendees must complete an ON-LINE evaluation survey for each session attended.

Please Note:
  • Your badge I.D. is required to complete the evaluation survey.
  • You may only evaluate one session per time slot.
  • You will not be able to evaluate sessions which have not yet taken place.
  • Continuing Education Courses, Self Assessment Module Sessions (SAMs), Symposia and Workshops require you to evaluate EACH Speaker. Proffered and Moderated Poster sessions are evaluated as a whole.
  • The Online Evaluation System will remain posted until August 24. After midnight, August 24 the evaluation system will be removed and you will not have the opportunity to acquire MPCEC credit for the 2007 Annual Meeting or Review Courses.
  • The MPCEC credit will be released in September after the evaluation is done.

For technical assistance with evaluation system, please send an email to amosadmin@aapm.org

aapm ©2007
American Association of Physicists in Medicine