2011 ACMP [amosv.2]
2011 ACMP
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Session: SA - C-Ballroom 1 - The Use of In-room kV Imaging for IGRT
Title: The Use of In-Room KV Imaging for IGRT
Byline: J Wong1, D Jaffray2, F Yin3, (1) Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (2) Departments of Radiation Oncology and Medical Biophysics, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, (3) Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Contact Email: jwong35@jhmi.edu
Session: SA - F-Ballroom 1 - SBRT: The University of Kentucky Experience
Title: SBRT at the University of Kentucky
Byline: U Langner1 *, J Gorman1 , R McGarry1 , (1) University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Contact Email: ulrich.langner@uky.edu
Session: SA - D-Ballroom 1 - IGRT X-ray Imaging Dose to Therapy Patients
Title: A Perspective View of X-Ray Imaging Doses to Radiotherapy Patients for IGRT
Byline: G Ding1 *, (1) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Contact Email: george.ding@vanderbilt.edu
Session: SA - F-Ballroom 1 - SBRT: The University of Kentucky Experience
Title: SBRT: The University of Kentucky Experience - Dosimetric Verification of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images
Byline: G Narayanasamy *, J Feddock, J Gleason, R McGarry, J Molloy, Department of Radiation Medicine, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY
Contact Email: gna223@uky.edu
Session: SA - F-Ballroom 1 - SBRT: The University of Kentucky Experience
Title: Comparison of SBRT Treatment Plans Using Conventional Linear Accelerator Based Non-Coplanar Beam Arrangements Versus Tomotherapy
Byline: U Langner1 *, P Kallenberg1 , J Molloy1 , (1) University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Contact Email: kallenpj@gmail.com
Session: SA - F-Ampitheater - Advances in Breast Imaging
Title: Molecular Breast Imaging: Development of a Low-Dose Screening Test for Dense Breasts
Byline: C Hruska1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Contact Email: hruska.carrie@mayo.edu
Session: SA - C-Ampitheater - ACR Accreditation and QC of Digital Mammography Equipment
Title: MQSA Regulations and ACR Mammography Accreditation Update
Byline: P Butler1 *, (1) American College of Radiology, Reston, VA
Contact Email: pbutler@acr.org
Session: SA - C-Ampitheater - ACR Accreditation and QC of Digital Mammography Equipment
Title: ACR Mammography QC in the Digital Era
Byline: D Pfeiffer1 *, (1) Blackthorn Medical Physics, Westminster, CO
Contact Email: xraydoug@me.com
Session: SA - F-Ampitheater - Advances in Breast Imaging
Title: Breast Tomosynthesis
Byline: L Niklason1 *, (1) Hologic Inc, Bedford, MA
Contact Email: loren.niklason@hologic.com
Session: SU - A-Ballroom 1 - Image Registration, Deformation, and Enhanced Contouring for Radiotherapy
Title: Image Registration, Deformation, and Enhanced Contouring for Radiotherapy with MIM Maestro™
Byline: D Brinkmann1 *, J Piper2 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (2) MIM Software Inc., Cleveland, OH
Contact Email: brinkmann.debra@mayo.edu
Session: SU - A-Ballroom 1 - Image Registration, Deformation, and Enhanced Contouring for Radiotherapy
Title: Image Registration, Deformation, and Enhanced Contouring for Radiotherapy with VelocityAI
Byline: A Smith1 *, D Caruthers2 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (2) Velocity Medical Solutions, Atlanta, GA
Contact Email: smith.ashley@mayo.edu
Session: SU - D-Ballroom 1 - Characteristics and Clinical Use of a New Digital Accelerator
Title: Digital Versus Analogue Control Systems
Byline: I Brezovich1 *, (1) University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Contact Email: ibrezovich@uabmc.edu
Session: SU - D-Ballroom 1 - Characteristics and Clinical Use of a New Digital Accelerator
Title: Characteristics and Clinical Implementation of the Varian TrueBeam Accelerator
Byline: R Popple, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Contact Email: rpopple@uabmc.edu
Session: SU - A-Ampitheater - MRI
Title: MRI Accreditation: The Basics and Beyond
Byline: R Pooley1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: pooley.robert@mayo.edu
Session: SU - F-Ballroom 1 - Legislative Updates and National QMP
Title: How the Media Influences the Regulatory and Legislative Environments Regulatory Response to Media Influence, Chipping Away at the Issues, “CRCPD Initiatives to Make the World a Safer Place”
Byline: D Gilley1 *, (1) CRCPD, Tallahassee, FL
Contact Email: dbgilley@gmail.com
Session: SU - F-Ballroom 1 - Legislative Updates and National QMP
Title: Are You Driving the Bus Or Along for the Ride? How the Media Is Influencing Your Profession!
Byline: L Fairobent1 *, (1) AAPM, College Park, MD
Contact Email: lynne@aapm.org
Session: SU - D-Ampitheater - Imaging for Isotopes/ Accreditation
Title: Imaging for Isotopes/ Accreditation
Byline: MT Madsen1 *, (1) Unviersity of Iowa, Iowa city, IA
Contact Email: mark-madsen@uiowa.edu
Session: MO - C-Ballroom 1 - ABR Exam Review
Title: Update On the Activities of the American Board of Radiology
Byline: G Frey1 *, (1) MUSC, Charleston, SC
Contact Email: freyd@musc.edu
Session: MO - C-Ballroom 1 - ABR Exam Review
Title: Preparing for the ABR Therapy Physics Boards: Part III (Oral Exam)
Byline: S Becker1 *, (1) New York University Langone Medical Center, NY, NY
Contact Email: Stewart.Becker@nyumc.org
Session: MO - D-Ballroom 1 - Medical Physicist Workforce Issues
Title: Medical Physics Workforce Issues in the USA
Byline: M Mills*, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Contact Email: mdmill03@gwise.louisville.edu
Session: MO - C-Ampitheater - CT Workshop
Title: ACR CTAP - The New Phantom Paradigm
Byline: D Pfeiffer1 *, (1) Blackthorn Medical Physics, Westminster, CO
Contact Email: xraydoug@me.com
Session: MO - C-Ampitheater - CT Workshop
Title: Updating Image Quality and Dosimetric Metrics for CT
Byline: J Boone1 *, (1) UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
Contact Email: jmboone@ucdavis.edu
Session: MO - C-Ampitheater - CT Workshop
Title: Hot Topics in CT
Byline: D Cody1 *, (1) U.T.M.D Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: dcody@mdanderson.org
Session: MO - D-Ballroom 1 - Medical Physicist Workforce Issues
Title: Professional Doctorate in Medical Physics (DMP): Two Year Experience
Byline: C Coffey1 *, (1) Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Contact Email: charles.coffey@Vanderbilt.Edu
Session: MO - A-Ballroom 1 - US Supply of Medical Isotopes
Title: US Supply of Medical Isotopes
Byline: P Staples1 *, D Glenn2 *, E Saito3 *, J Harvey4 *, G Piefer5 *, (1) DOE/NNSA, Washington, DC, (2) Babcock and Wilcox, Technical Services Group, Lynchburg, VA, (3) GE, Wilmington, NC, (4) NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, LLC, Madison, WI, (5) Phoenix Nuclear Labs, Middleton, WI
Contact Email: lynne@aapm.org
Session: TU - A-Ampitheater - Imaging & Image Guidance
Title: MVCT Image Guidance and QA
Byline: R Staton1 *, (1) MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando, Orlando, FL
Contact Email: robert.staton@gmail.com
Session: TU - A-Ampitheater - Imaging & Image Guidance
Title: Image Guidance Techniques on the CyberKnife
Byline: ME Masterson-McGary*, CyberKnife Center of Tampa Bay, Tampa, FL,
Contact Email: mmcgary@cyberknifetampabay.com