2010 ACMP [amosv.2]
2010 ACMP
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Session: SU - A-Grand Oaks N/O - CT Dose Optimization
Title: ACR Accreditation Program for CT Scanners
Byline: D Pfeiffer1 *, (1) Boulder Community Foothills Hospital, Boulder, CO
Contact Email: xraydoug@me.com
Session: SA - C-Grand Oaks N/O - New ACR QC Program for Digital Mammography
Title: ACR Mammography QC in the Digital Era
Byline: D Pfeiffer1 *, (1) Boulder Community Foothills Hospital, Boulder, CO
Contact Email: xraydoug@me.com
Session: MO - D-Grand Oaks N/O - Contracts & Negotiation Techniques
Title: Basic Retirment Planning
Byline: S Legg1 *
Contact Email: Leggs@FinancialNetwork.com
Session: MO - F-Grand Oaks N/O - Ethics
Title: Code of Ethics
Byline: C Serago1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: serago.christopher@mayo.edu
Session: MO - D-Grand Oaks N/O - Contracts & Negotiation Techniques
Title: Consulting & Contract Negotiations
Byline: A Turner1 *, (1) Medical Physics Associates Inc, Breckenridge , CO
Contact Email: apturner007@gmail.com
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Education and Training Requirements for the Certification of Medical Physicists in Korea
Byline: Rena Lee/ Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul KOREA
Contact Email: renalee@ewha.ac.kr
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Educational Requirements, Development of Practice Standards, and Establishment of Iraq Medical Physics Society
Byline: N Naji1 *, (1) Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, IQ
Contact Email: nabaanaji@yahoo.com
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Eleven Years of Board Certification Experience in Taiwan
Byline: T Chiang1 *, (1) National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, TW
Contact Email: tcc@ntu.edu.tw
Session: MO - F-Grand Oaks N/O - Ethics
Title: Ethics Curriculum
Byline: D Switzer1 *, C Serago2 , (1) Billings MRI, Billings, MT, (2) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: switz@mcn.net
Session: TU - A-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Licensure & Board Update
Title: External Factors Impacting the Practice of Clinical Medical Physics
Byline: L Fairobent1 *, (1) AAPM, College Park, MD
Contact Email: lynne@aapm.org
Session: SU - A-Grand Oaks N/O - CT Dose Optimization
Title: From fan beam to cone beam: Dose and image quality in flat panel CT
Byline: K Jones1 *, (1) U.T. M.D. Anderson, Houston, TX
Contact Email: Kyle.Jones@mdanderson.org
Session: SA - D-Grand Oaks N/O - Stereotactic Biopsy
Title: From Film Screen to Digital Mammography a Personal Tale
Byline: W Geiser1 *, (1) U.T. M.D. Anderson, Houston, TX
Contact Email: wgeiser@mdanderson.org
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: International Medical Physicists Symposium
Byline: K Adhikari1 *, (1) National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital,NP
Contact Email: kanchanadhikari@hotmail.com
Session: MO - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training I
Title: Introduction of RSO Training Lectures
Byline: D Broga1 *, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University OEHS, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: broga@vcu.edu
Session: SU - D-Grand Oaks N/O - MRI
Title: Medical Physicist’s Testing Procedures for MRI Equipment Evaluation
Byline: GD Clarke, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX
Contact Email: clarkeg@uthscsa.edu
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Medical Physicists Certification Process and Examination in the Middle East
Byline: I Duhaini1 *, A Mohamed2 , (1)Rafik Hariri University Hospital , RO, Beirut, LB, (2) Saad Specialist Hospital, Al Khubar, East, SA
Contact Email: duhaini@yahoo.com
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Medical Physics Certification Process in Mexico: A Report of the Actual Situation
Byline: V Gonzalez1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: vzgonzalez@hotmail.com
Session: SU - D-Grand Oaks N/O - MRI
Title: MRI
Byline: C Keener1 *, (1) Medical & Radiation Physics Inc, San Antonio, TX
Contact Email: keener@marpinc.com
Session: SA - F-Grand Oaks N/O - ACR's New Unified Program for Physics Testing of Digital Mammography Units
Title: New techniques for Digital Mammography, Tomosynthesis
Byline: B Ren1 *, (1) Hologic, Bedford, MA
Contact Email: bren@hologic.com
Session: MO - F-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training III
Title: Other RSO Responsibilities
Byline: D Broga1 *, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University OEHS, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: broga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - F-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training III
Title: Panel Discussion
Byline: D Broga1 *, C Cardwell2 *, M Fox3 *, L Fairobent4 *, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University OEHS, Richmond, VA, (2) Texas Department of State Health Services , Austin, TX, (3) Minneapolis Radiation Oncology, Minneapolis, MN, (4) AAPM, College Park, MD
Contact Email: broga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - F-Grand Oaks N/O - Ethics
Title: Panel Discussion Ethics
Byline: C Serago1 *, D Switzer2 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (2) Billings MRI, Billings, MT
Contact Email: switz@mcn.net
Session: SA - A-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Physics Perspectives of PET Imaging
Title: PET/CT Facility Design
Byline: J A Anderson1 *, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Dallas, TX
Contact Email: jon.anderson@utsouthwestern.edu
Session: SA - A-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Physics Perspectives of PET Imaging
Title: Physics Perspectives of PET Imaging
Byline: O Mawlawi*, MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX
Contact Email: omawlawi@mdanderson.org
Session: SA - C-Grand Oaks N/O - New ACR QC Program for Digital Mammography
Title: Printers in Digital Mammography
Byline: C Keener1 *, (1) Medical & Radiation Physics Inc, San Antonio, TX
Contact Email: keener@marpinc.com
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Professional Certification of Medical Physicists- IOMP Perspective
Byline: KY Cheung, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
Contact Email: kycheung@ha.org.hk
Session: MO - D-Grand Oaks N/O - Contracts & Negotiation Techniques
Title: Professional Track - Contracts and Negotiation Techniques
Byline: D Goff1 *, (1) Medical & Radiation Physics Inc, San Antonio, TX
Contact Email: dgoff@marpinc.com
Session: SU - A-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Therapy QC for Linacs: AAPM TG Report 142
Title: QC for Linacs: AAPM TG Report 142
Byline: C Serago1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: serago.christopher@mayo.edu
Session: MO - D-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training II
Title: Real-Time Detector Test
Byline: D Broga1 *, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University OEHS, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: broga@vcu.edu
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Recent Developments of the IBMP Initiative
Byline: R Wu, Barrow Neurological Institute & St Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ
Contact Email: RayKWu@gmail.com
Session: MO - A-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - NRC Update
Title: Revision of NRC's Safety Culture Policy Statement and Proposed 10 CFR Part 37, "Physical Security of Byproduct Material"
Byline: C Carpenter, (1) Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs, Rockville, MD, (2) Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs, Rockville, MD
Contact Email: Cynthia.Carpenter@nrc.gov
Session: MO - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training I
Title: RSO and Nuclear Medicine
Byline: D Broga1 *, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University OEHS, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: broga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - D-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training II
Title: RSO and Radiation Therapy
Byline: M Fox1 *, (1) Minneapolis Radiation Oncology, Minneapolis, MN
Contact Email: mfox@mropa.com
Session: SU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Shielding-What do you need to tell your Vendors? How Mistakes Happen
Title: Shielding-What do you need to tell your Vendors? How Mistakes Happen
Byline: R Brent1 *, (1) NELCO, Woburn, MA B.Smith NELCO, Woburn MA
Contact Email: agusky@nelcoworldwide.com
Session: SU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Shielding-What do you need to tell your Vendors? How Mistakes Happen
Title: Shielding-What do you need to tell your Vendors? How Mistakes Happen
Byline: D Harrell1 *, (1) Shielding Construction Solutions, Inc., Tucson, AZ
Contact Email: daniel.harrell@shieldingconstruction.com
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: Situation of Professional Development of the Medical Physicist in P.R. China
Byline: Y Hu *, CN
Contact Email: yiminhu888@163.com
Session: MO - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training I
Title: So You Want to Be An RSO
Byline: C Cardwell1 *, (1) Texas Department of State Health Services , Austin, TX
Contact Email: Cindy.Cardwell@dshs.state.tx.us
Session: SA - D-Grand Oaks N/O - Stereotactic Biopsy
Title: Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
Byline: M Martin1 *, (1) Therapy Physics, Inc., Gardena, CA
Contact Email: melissa@therapyphysics.com
Session: TU - C-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - International Medical Physics
Title: The Pursuit of International Medical Physics Performance Excellence
Byline: E Sternick (1),Rhode Island Hospital/Brown Medical School, Providence, RI
Contact Email: esternick@lifespan.org
Session: MO - F-Grand Oaks P/Q/R - Radiation Safety Officer Training III
Title: The State View
Byline: C Cardwell1 *, (1) Texas Department of State Health Services , Austin, TX
Contact Email: Cindy.Cardwell@dshs.state.tx.us
Session: MO - D-Grand Oaks N/O - Contracts & Negotiation Techniques
Title: Your First Job: How to Get It and What To Do Afterwards
Byline: R Tarver1 *, (1) East Texas Medical Center, Tyler, TX
Contact Email: rbtarver@etmc.org