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June 24-28
University of Washington - Seattle

(photo courtesy of University of Washington Photography Services)

During the 2001 Summer School, you will receive inside information on ACR accreditation programs; understand the details of required physics testing and participation, as well as clinical and administrative requirements. You will also learn about the latest JCAHO accreditation and deemed status accreditation in Radiation Oncology and in other areas. Learn about the business side of accreditation: economics and relationships to reimbursement and turf. Review basic physics in the various areas. You will see details of new accreditation programs in Radiography and Fluroscopy, CT, and Interventional Radiology.

Program Summary:
  • Overview of ACR accreditation programs - the big picture
  • MRI accreditation: Phantom tests and the physics behind them; Physics of a QC program; trouble-shooting using the physics tests
  • CT accreditation: Physics related to testing, CT phantom tests
  • Ultrasound accreditation
  • Radiation Oncology accreditation
  • Nuclear Medicine accreditation
  • JCAHO accreditation
  • Mammography accreditation
  • Rad/Fluoro accreditation

Continuing Education Credits:

The Summer School has applied to CAMPEP for approximately 21.5 hours of Medical Physics Continuing Education Credits (which include 3.75 credits for mammography, one of which is a credit in stereotactic). Credits will be awarded to medical physicists who participate in the program and submit the required documentation to the Program Directors.

Program Directors:

Robert L. Dixon, PhD
Wake Forest University

Priscilla Butler, M.S.
American College of Radiology

Wlad T. Sobol, PhD
Univ Alabama, Birmingham

Priscilla Butler, MS, American College of Radiology
Geoffrey Clarke, PhD, UT Health Sciences Center
Robert Dixon, PhD, Wake Forest University
L. Stephen Graham, PhD, West LA VA Med Ctr
Maynard High, PhD, New York Medical College
William Huff, PhD, Huff-Ferras & Associates, Inc.
Geoffrey Ibbott, PhD, UT MD Anderson Cancer Ctr
Cynthia McCollough, PhD, Mayo Clinic
Andrew Karellas, PhD, Univ Mass Med Ctr
J. Thomas Payne, PhD, Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Robert Pizzutiello, Jr., MS, Upstate Medical Physics
Beth Schueler, PhD, Mayo Clinic
Wlad Sobol, PhD, Univ of Alabama Birmingham
Pamela Wilcox, MS, American College of Radiology
Charles Wilson, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin
James Zagzebski, PhD, Univ of Wisconsin
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs:  
Sherry Connors, MSc, Cross Cancer Institute sherry.connors@cancerboard.ab.ca
Steve Langer, PhD, University of Washington sglanger@oakland.edu
For additional information, contact:

Nancy Vazquez
AAPM Programs Manager
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740-3846

E-mail:  nvazquez@aapm.org
Tel:   (301) 209-3390
Fax:  (301) 209-0862

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