2009 ACMP [amosv.2]
2009 ACMP
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Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: 2012/2014 Deadline and the Significance of Residency Programs to the Medical Physics Community
Byline: D Frey1 *, (1) Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Contact Email: freyd@musc.edu
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: 2012/2014 Deadline and the Significance of Residency Programs to the Medical Physics Community
Byline: D Frey1 *, (1) Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Contact Email: freyd@musc.edu
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: A Medical Physics Residency Program within a Clinical Medical Physics Practice
Byline: L Sweeney1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: lsweeney@nmpc.org
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: A Medical Physics Residency Program within a Clinical Medical Physics Practice
Byline: L Sweeney1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: lsweeney@nmpc.org
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: AAPM Position on Residency Training and Experience with an Academic CAMPEP Accredited Program
Byline: M Herman, Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Contact Email: herman.michael@mayo.edu
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: AAPM Position on Residency Training and Experience with an Academic CAMPEP Accredited Program
Byline: M Herman, Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Contact Email: herman.michael@mayo.edu
Session: MO - A-Sandler - ABR Exam Update
Title: ABR Initial Certification – 2009 Update
Byline: S Thomas1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: steve.thomas@uc.edu
Session: MO - A-Sandler - ABR Exam Update
Title: ABR Initial Certification – 2009 Update
Byline: S Thomas1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: steve.thomas@uc.edu
Session: SU - A-Monarch - Advances in Arc Therapy
Title: Advances in arc therapy
Byline: C Yu2 *, (1) Univ Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (2) Univ Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Contact Email: cyu002@umaryland.edu
Session: SU - A-Monarch - Advances in Arc Therapy
Title: Advances in arc therapy
Byline: C Yu2 *, (1) Univ Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (2) Univ Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Contact Email: cyu002@umaryland.edu
Session: SA - A-Monarch - Breast Cancer Imaging and Treatment (SAM session)
Title: An Introduction to Breast Cancer: Biology, Pathology, and the Latest in Screening and Diagnostic Tools
Byline: K Tzou, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: tzou.katherine@mayo.edu
Session: SA - D-Sandler - Digital Mammography
Title: Anode/Filter Combinations in Digital Mammography
Byline: M Flynn1 *, (1) Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI
Contact Email: mikef@rad.hfh.edu
Session: SA - D-Sandler - Digital Mammography
Title: Anode/Filter Combinations in Digital Mammography
Byline: M Flynn1 *, (1) Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI
Contact Email: mikef@rad.hfh.edu
Session: SA - D-Sandler - Digital Mammography
Title: Artifacts in Digital Mammography
Byline: W Geiser1 *, G Whitman2 , T Haygood3 , L Santiago4 , T Stephens5 , D Thames6 , (1) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (2) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (3) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (4) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (5) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (6) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Contact Email: wgeiser@mdanderson.org
Session: SA - D-Sandler - Digital Mammography
Title: Artifacts in Digital Mammography
Byline: W Geiser1 *, G Whitman2 , T Haygood3 , L Santiago4 , T Stephens5 , D Thames6 , (1) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (2) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (3) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (4) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (5) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, (6) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Contact Email: wgeiser@mdanderson.org
Session: TU - A-Monarch - TG 117 , TG 142 and TG 106 (SAM session)
Title: Beam Data Commissioning: An overview of TG-106
Byline: I Das, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Contact Email: idas@iupui.edu
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Board Certification Mechanism Taiwan Experience
Byline: T Chiang1 *, (1) National Taiwan University
Contact Email: RayKWu@GMail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Board Certification Mechanism Taiwan Experience
Byline: T Chiang1 *, (1) National Taiwan University
Contact Email: RayKWu@GMail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Board Certification Program in Hong Kong
Byline: C Orton, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Contact Email: ortonc@comcast.net
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Board Certification Program in Hong Kong
Byline: C Orton, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Contact Email: ortonc@comcast.net
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Brazilian Certification System in Medical Physics
Byline: L Furnari1 - Associação Brasileira de Física Médica, Brazil
Contact Email: laurafurnari@hotmail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Brazilian Certification System in Medical Physics
Byline: L Furnari1 - Associação Brasileira de Física Médica, Brazil
Contact Email: laurafurnari@hotmail.com
Session: SA - C-Sandler - Mammography Present Practices
Title: Breast Imaging: Now and the Future
Byline: J Harvey1 *, (1) , , University of Virginia
Contact Email: jah7w@virginia.edu
Session: SA - C-Sandler - Mammography Present Practices
Title: Breast Imaging: Now and the Future
Byline: J Harvey1 *, (1) , , University of Virginia
Contact Email: jah7w@virginia.edu
Session: SA - F-Sandler - Advances in Breast Imaging
Title: Breast Tomosynthesis
Byline: A Smith1 *, T Wu1, Hologic Inc., Bedford MA
Contact Email: andrew.smith@hologic.com
Session: SA - F-Sandler - Advances in Breast Imaging
Title: Breast Tomosynthesis
Byline: A Smith1 *, T Wu1, Hologic Inc., Bedford MA
Contact Email: andrew.smith@hologic.com
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: CAMPEP's role in residency training
Byline: B Gerbi1 *, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Contact Email: gerbi001@umn.edu
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: CAMPEP's role in residency training
Byline: B Gerbi1 *, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Contact Email: gerbi001@umn.edu
Session: SU - D-Sandler - 4-D Cardiac Imaging
Title: Cardiac applications of dual energy CT, calcium scoring and perfusion studies
Byline: K Johnson1 *, (1) University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: Kevin.Johnson@jax.ufl.edu
Session: SU - D-Sandler - 4-D Cardiac Imaging
Title: Cardiac applications of dual energy CT, calcium scoring and perfusion studies
Byline: K Johnson1 *, (1) University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: Kevin.Johnson@jax.ufl.edu
Session: SA - C-Monarch - Challenges for Advanced IGRT
Title: CBCT technology for RT: Present and Future.
Byline: W Song1 *, (1) University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Contact Email: wysong@ucsd.edu
Session: SA - C-Monarch - Challenges for Advanced IGRT
Title: CBCT technology for RT: Present and Future.
Byline: W Song1 *, (1) University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Contact Email: wysong@ucsd.edu
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Certification of Experienced Clinical Medical Physicists
Byline: R K Wu1 *, (1) Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix , AZ
Contact Email: RayKWu@GMail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Certification of Experienced Clinical Medical Physicists
Byline: R K Wu1 *, (1) Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix , AZ
Contact Email: RayKWu@GMail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Certification of Medical Physicist - Indian Perspective
Byline: A Chougule1 *, (1) SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, IN
Contact Email: arunchougle@rediffmail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Certification of Medical Physicist - Indian Perspective
Byline: A Chougule1 *, (1) SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, IN
Contact Email: arunchougle@rediffmail.com
Session: SA - D-Monarch - New Developments in SBRT
Title: Clinical experience and recent developments in the SBRT of lung cancer
Byline: P Balter1 *, (1) University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Contact Email: pbalter@mdanderson.org
Session: SU - D-Monarch - Clinical Monte Carlo 
Title: Clinical Monte Carlo: electron beams
Byline: J Cygler1 *, (1) The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Ottawa, Ontario CA
Contact Email: jcygler@ottawahospital.on.ca
Session: SU - D-Monarch - Clinical Monte Carlo 
Title: Clinical Monte Carlo: electron beams
Byline: J Cygler1 *, (1) The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Ottawa, Ontario CA
Contact Email: jcygler@ottawahospital.on.ca
Session: SU - D-Monarch - Clinical Monte Carlo 
Title: Clinical Monte Carlo: Photon Beams
Byline: C-M Ma, Fox Chse Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: Charlie.ma@fccc.edu
Session: SU - D-Monarch - Clinical Monte Carlo 
Title: Clinical Monte Carlo: Photon Beams
Byline: C-M Ma, Fox Chse Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: Charlie.ma@fccc.edu
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Commonwealth of Virginia's Medical Reserve Corp.
Byline: J Freeland1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: jennifer.freeland@vdh.virginia.gov
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Commonwealth of Virginia's Medical Reserve Corp.
Byline: J Freeland1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: jennifer.freeland@vdh.virginia.gov
Session: SU - C-Sandler - 3-D Angiography Studies
Title: Coronary Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Byline: M Stuber1 *, (1) ,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Departments of Radiology, Medicine, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Contact Email: mstuber@mri.jhu.edu
Session: SU - C-Sandler - 3-D Angiography Studies
Title: Coronary Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Byline: M Stuber1 *, (1) ,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Departments of Radiology, Medicine, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Contact Email: mstuber@mri.jhu.edu
Session: SU - A-Sandler - Vascular Imaging
Title: Credentialing of cardiologists and other non-radiologists for Fluoroscopy and CT
Byline: M Martin1 *,Therapy Physics Inc., Gardena, CA
Contact Email: melissamartin@compuserve.com
Session: SU - A-Sandler - Vascular Imaging
Title: Credentialing of cardiologists and other non-radiologists for Fluoroscopy and CT
Byline: M Martin1 *,Therapy Physics Inc., Gardena, CA
Contact Email: melissamartin@compuserve.com
Session: SA - F-Sandler - Advances in Breast Imaging
Title: CT Imaging of the Breast with a Novel New System
Byline: J Neugebauer1 *, (1) Koning Corporation, West Henrietta, New York
Contact Email: john.n@koningcorporation.com
Session: SA - F-Sandler - Advances in Breast Imaging
Title: CT Imaging of the Breast with a Novel New System
Byline: J Neugebauer1 *, (1) Koning Corporation, West Henrietta, New York
Contact Email: john.n@koningcorporation.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Current status of medical physicist certification in Poland and neighbouring regions
Byline: J Malicki1 *, (1) University of Medical Sciences, , , PL
Contact Email: julian.malicki@gmail.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Current status of medical physicist certification in Poland and neighbouring regions
Byline: J Malicki1 *, (1) University of Medical Sciences, , , PL
Contact Email: julian.malicki@gmail.com
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: Developing a clinical radiation oncology physics residency in the community cancer center setting
Byline: B Wichman*, Kansas City Cancer Center, Overland Park, KS
Contact Email: brian.wichman@usoncology.com
Session: MO - C-Sandler - Starting New Residency Program
Title: Developing a clinical radiation oncology physics residency in the community cancer center setting
Byline: B Wichman*, Kansas City Cancer Center, Overland Park, KS
Contact Email: brian.wichman@usoncology.com
Session: MO - D-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Diagnosis and Medical Management of Internal Contamination with Radionuclides
Byline: A Wiley1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: Albert.Wiley@orise.orau.gov
Session: MO - D-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Diagnosis and Medical Management of Internal Contamination with Radionuclides
Byline: A Wiley1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: Albert.Wiley@orise.orau.gov
Session: MO - D-Sandler - Ethics and Law for Medical Physicists
Title: Differentiation of the Professional, Ethical and Legal Duties of Medical Physicists
Byline: F Bagne1 , F Bagne2 *, (1) , , , (2) , ,
Contact Email: frbagne@aol.com
Session: MO - D-Sandler - Ethics and Law for Medical Physicists
Title: Differentiation of the Professional, Ethical and Legal Duties of Medical Physicists
Byline: F Bagne1 , F Bagne2 *, (1) , , , (2) , ,
Contact Email: frbagne@aol.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Education, Training and Certification of Medical Physicists in Canada
Byline: E Podgorsak1 *, (1) McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, CA
Contact Email: epodgorsak@medphys.mcgill.ca
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Education, Training and Certification of Medical Physicists in Canada
Byline: E Podgorsak1 *, (1) McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, CA
Contact Email: epodgorsak@medphys.mcgill.ca
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Education,Training and Certification of Medical Physicists in Korea
Byline: Tae-Suk Suh1 , (1) The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, KR
Contact Email: suhsanta@catholic.ac.kr
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Education,Training and Certification of Medical Physicists in Korea
Byline: Tae-Suk Suh1 , (1) The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, KR
Contact Email: suhsanta@catholic.ac.kr
Session: SA - F-Monarch - Electronic Brachytherapy
Title: Electronic Brachytherapy QA
Byline: J Hiatt1 *, (1) Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
Contact Email: jhiatt@lifespan.org
Session: SA - F-Monarch - Electronic Brachytherapy
Title: Electronic Brachytherapy QA
Byline: J Hiatt1 *, (1) Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
Contact Email: jhiatt@lifespan.org
Session: SA - F-Monarch - Electronic Brachytherapy
Title: Electronic Brachytherapy Sources
Byline: T Rusch1 *, (1) Xoft Inc., Sunnyvale , CA
Contact Email: twrusch@Xoftinc.com
Session: SA - F-Monarch - Electronic Brachytherapy
Title: Electronic Brachytherapy Sources
Byline: T Rusch1 *, (1) Xoft Inc., Sunnyvale , CA
Contact Email: twrusch@Xoftinc.com
Session: SA - C-Monarch - Challenges for Advanced IGRT
Title: External Surrogate Measurement and Internal Target Motion: Photogrammetry as a Tool in IGRT
Byline: T Waldron*,  University of Iowa Hospital & Clinics, Iowa City , IA
Contact Email: Tim-waldron@uiowa.edu
Session: SA - C-Monarch - Challenges for Advanced IGRT
Title: External Surrogate Measurement and Internal Target Motion: Photogrammetry as a Tool in IGRT
Byline: T Waldron*,  University of Iowa Hospital & Clinics, Iowa City , IA
Contact Email: Tim-waldron@uiowa.edu
Session: SA - C-Monarch - Challenges for Advanced IGRT
Title: Feasibility of 4D IMRT Delivery for Hypofractionated High Dose Partial Prostate Treatments
Byline: R Price1 *, J Li2 , A Pollack3 , L Jin4 , E horwitz5 , M Buyyounouski6 , C Ma7 , (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (2) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (3) University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, (4) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (5) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (6) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (7) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: robert.price@fccc.edu
Session: SA - C-Monarch - Challenges for Advanced IGRT
Title: Feasibility of 4D IMRT Delivery for Hypofractionated High Dose Partial Prostate Treatments
Byline: R Price1 *, J Li2 , A Pollack3 , L Jin4 , E horwitz5 , M Buyyounouski6 , C Ma7 , (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (2) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (3) University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, (4) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (5) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (6) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, (7) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: robert.price@fccc.edu
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Formation and Goals of the International Board of Medical Physics (IBMP) Constituting Panel
Byline: E Sternick1 *, (1) Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University Medical School, Providence, RI
Contact Email: esternick@lifespan.org
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Formation and Goals of the International Board of Medical Physics (IBMP) Constituting Panel
Byline: E Sternick1 *, (1) Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University Medical School, Providence, RI
Contact Email: esternick@lifespan.org
Session: SU - C-Monarch - Alternative Therapy Techniques
Title: Laser Thermal Therapy
Byline: G Shafirstein1 *, (1) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas
Contact Email: shafirsteingal@uams.edu
Session: SU - C-Monarch - Alternative Therapy Techniques
Title: Laser Thermal Therapy
Byline: G Shafirstein1 *, (1) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas
Contact Email: shafirsteingal@uams.edu
Session: SA - C-Sandler - Mammography Present Practices
Title: Mammography: Basic Physics
Byline: C Wilson, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI,
Contact Email: crwilson@mcw.edu
Session: SA - C-Sandler - Mammography Present Practices
Title: Mammography: Basic Physics
Byline: C Wilson, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI,
Contact Email: crwilson@mcw.edu
Session: SA - C-Sandler - Mammography Present Practices
Title: Mammography: Dosimetry
Byline: L. Rothenberg*, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Contact Email: rothenbl@mskcc.org
Session: SA - C-Sandler - Mammography Present Practices
Title: Mammography: Dosimetry
Byline: L. Rothenberg*, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Contact Email: rothenbl@mskcc.org
Session: SU - F-Monarch - Imaging and Radiotherapy (SAM session)
Title: Managing the Imaging Dose during Image-Guided Radiation Therapy
Byline: M J Murphy, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: mjmurphy@vcu.edu
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Medical Physicist Education in P.R.China
Byline: Y Hu1 *, (1) Cancer Res Inst & Hosp of CAMS, Beijing , China, CN
Contact Email: yiminhu888@163.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Medical Physicist Education in P.R.China
Byline: Y Hu1 *, (1) Cancer Res Inst & Hosp of CAMS, Beijing , China, CN
Contact Email: yiminhu888@163.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Medical Physicists in Middle East Recommendation for Certification and Quality of Services
Byline: A Mohamed1 *, (1) Saad Specialist Hospital, AlKhobar, , SA
Contact Email: AMohamed@saad.com.sa
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Medical Physicists in Middle East Recommendation for Certification and Quality of Services
Byline: A Mohamed1 *, (1) Saad Specialist Hospital, AlKhobar, , SA
Contact Email: AMohamed@saad.com.sa
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Medical Physicists Volunteering for the Medical Reserve Corps
Byline: J Lanza1 *, (1) Florida Department of Health, Pensacola, Florida
Contact Email: John_Lanza@doh.state.fl.us
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Medical Physicists Volunteering for the Medical Reserve Corps
Byline: J Lanza1 *, (1) Florida Department of Health, Pensacola, Florida
Contact Email: John_Lanza@doh.state.fl.us
Session: TU - A-Monarch - TG 117 , TG 142 and TG 106 (SAM session)
Title: MR Data for Treatment Planning and Stereotactic Procedures: Sources of Distortion, Protocol Optimization, and Spatial Accuracy Assessment (Preview of TG117 Report)
Byline: D Brinkmann*, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Contact Email: brinkmann.debra@mayo.edu
Session: MO - A-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Opening Remarks
Byline: D Broga1 *, (1) VCU Medical Center, RIchmond, VA
Contact Email: dwbroga@vcu.edu
Session: SA - D-Monarch - New Developments in SBRT
Title: Patterns of failure seen in the SBRT treatment of paraspinal disease
Byline: D Lovelock1 *, (1) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Contact Email: lovelocm@mskcc.org
Session: SA - D-Monarch - New Developments in SBRT
Title: Patterns of failure seen in the SBRT treatment of paraspinal disease
Byline: D Lovelock1 *, (1) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Contact Email: lovelocm@mskcc.org
Session: SU - C-Monarch - Alternative Therapy Techniques
Title: Photodynamic Therapy of Prostate Cancer
Byline: T Zhu1 *, (1) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: tzhu@mail.med.upenn.edu
Session: SU - C-Monarch - Alternative Therapy Techniques
Title: Photodynamic Therapy of Prostate Cancer
Byline: T Zhu1 *, (1) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: tzhu@mail.med.upenn.edu
Session: SU - A-Sandler - Vascular Imaging
Title: Physics and applications for imaging vascular disease
Byline: D Hintenlang, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Contact Email: dhinten@ufl.edu
Session: SU - A-Sandler - Vascular Imaging
Title: Physics and applications for imaging vascular disease
Byline: D Hintenlang, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Contact Email: dhinten@ufl.edu
Session: SU - A-Monarch - Advances in Arc Therapy
Title: Planning Methods for Rotational IMRT on Linear Accelerators
Byline: M Earl1 *, (1) Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine, Glen Burnie, MD
Contact Email: mearl001@umaryland.edu
Session: SU - A-Monarch - Advances in Arc Therapy
Title: Planning Methods for Rotational IMRT on Linear Accelerators
Byline: M Earl1 *, (1) Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine, Glen Burnie, MD
Contact Email: mearl001@umaryland.edu
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Public Health Response to Radiation Emergencies and Potential Roles of Volunteer Radiation Professionals
Byline: A Ansari1 *, (1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Contact Email: asa4@CDC.GOV
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Public Health Response to Radiation Emergencies and Potential Roles of Volunteer Radiation Professionals
Byline: A Ansari1 *, (1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Contact Email: asa4@CDC.GOV
Session: SA - D-Sandler - Digital Mammography
Title: QC of Digital Systems
Byline: M Martin1, Therapy Physics Inc., Gardena, CA
Contact Email: melissamartin@compuserve.com
Session: SA - D-Sandler - Digital Mammography
Title: QC of Digital Systems
Byline: M Martin1, Therapy Physics Inc., Gardena, CA
Contact Email: melissamartin@compuserve.com
Session: MO - A-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Radiation Emergency Preparedness in the DOE (NNSA) with a General Overview of REAC/TS and It’s Role in the NNSA –FRMAC Emergency Response
Byline: A Wiley1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: Albert.Wiley@orise.orau.gov
Session: MO - A-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Radiation Emergency Preparedness in the DOE (NNSA) with a General Overview of REAC/TS and It’s Role in the NNSA –FRMAC Emergency Response
Byline: A Wiley1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: Albert.Wiley@orise.orau.gov
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Radiation Reserve Volunteer Corps
Byline: D Gilley1 *, W Passetti2 , J Williamson3 , (1) , , , (2) Florida Bureau of Radiation Control, Tallahassee, FL, (3) Florida Bureau of Radiation Control, Tallahassee, FL
Contact Email: debbie_gilley@doh.state.fl.us
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Radiation Reserve Volunteer Corps
Byline: D Gilley1 *, W Passetti2 , J Williamson3 , (1) , , , (2) Florida Bureau of Radiation Control, Tallahassee, FL, (3) Florida Bureau of Radiation Control, Tallahassee, FL
Contact Email: debbie_gilley@doh.state.fl.us
Session: SA - A-Monarch - Breast Cancer Imaging and Treatment (SAM session)
Title: Radiation Therapy in the Management of Early Stage Breast Cancer
Byline: J Peterson1 *, (1) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Contact Email: peterson.jennifer2@mayo.edu
Session: MO - D-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Real-time Detector Test
Byline: Dean W. Broga1 *, (1) VCU/VCU Medical Center, RIchmond, VA
Contact Email: dwbroga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - D-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Real-time Detector Test
Byline: Dean W. Broga1 *, (1) VCU/VCU Medical Center, RIchmond, VA
Contact Email: dwbroga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - D-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: Receiving a Patient Contaminated With Radioactive Material
Byline: R Beauchamp1 *, (1) , ,
Contact Email: Robert.Beauchamp@orise.orau.gov
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Role of CAMPEP in the Credentialing Process
Byline: T Solberg1 *, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Tx
Contact Email: timothy.solberg@utsouthwestern.edu
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Role of CAMPEP in the Credentialing Process
Byline: T Solberg1 *, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Tx
Contact Email: timothy.solberg@utsouthwestern.edu
Session: SU - C-Sandler - 3-D Angiography Studies
Title: SPECT and PET/CT for cardiac imaging
Byline: T Turkington, Duke University
Contact Email: timothy.turkington@duke.edu
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Status of Medical Physics in the Middle East
Byline: I Duhaini1 *, (1) Rafik Hariri University Hospital, Beirut , Lebanon, LB
Contact Email: duhaini@yahoo.com
Session: TU - C-Monarch - Creating an International Medical Physics Credentialing Board
Title: Status of Medical Physics in the Middle East
Byline: I Duhaini1 *, (1) Rafik Hariri University Hospital, Beirut , Lebanon, LB
Contact Email: duhaini@yahoo.com
Session: TU - A-Monarch - TG 117 , TG 142 and TG 106 (SAM session)
Title: Task Group 142: Quality Assurance of Medical Accelerators
Byline: J Hanley1 *, (1) , Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ
Contact Email: jhanley@humed.com
Session: SA - F-Monarch - Electronic Brachytherapy
Title: The Biology of 50KV EBT vs Ir-192 HDR for Vaginal Cylinder Gyn Brachytherapy
Byline: C Orton, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Contact Email: ortonc@comcast.net
Session: SA - F-Monarch - Electronic Brachytherapy
Title: The Biology of 50KV EBT vs Ir-192 HDR for Vaginal Cylinder Gyn Brachytherapy
Byline: C Orton, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Contact Email: ortonc@comcast.net
Session: SU - F-Monarch - Imaging and Radiotherapy (SAM session)
Title: The Role of In-Room kV X-Ray Imaging for Patient Setup and Target Localization
Byline: F Yin1 *, (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Contact Email: fangfang.yin@duke.edu
Session: SU - C-Monarch - Alternative Therapy Techniques
Title: The Role of MRI-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Cancer Therapy
Byline: L Chen1 *, (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: lili.chen@fccc.edu
Session: SU - C-Monarch - Alternative Therapy Techniques
Title: The Role of MRI-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Cancer Therapy
Byline: L Chen1 *, (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Contact Email: lili.chen@fccc.edu
Session: MO - A-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: The Terrorist Nuclear Threat and Incident Response Planning
Byline: J MacKinney1 *, (1) US Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC
Contact Email: John.Mackinney@dhs.gov
Session: MO - A-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: The Terrorist Nuclear Threat and Incident Response Planning
Byline: J MacKinney1 *, (1) US Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC
Contact Email: John.Mackinney@dhs.gov
Session: SA - D-Monarch - New Developments in SBRT
Title: Treatment Planning for CyberKnife Radiosurgery
Byline: M Witten*, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, NY
Contact Email: witten@earthlink.net
Session: SA - D-Monarch - New Developments in SBRT
Title: Treatment Planning for CyberKnife Radiosurgery
Byline: M Witten*, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, NY
Contact Email: witten@earthlink.net
Session: SU - D-Sandler - 4-D Cardiac Imaging
Title: Use of 320-slice MDCT in Vascular, Cardiac and Brain Studies: Initial Clinical Experience and Radiation Dose Assessments
Byline: M Arreola, L Lavoie, M Ghita, Department of Radiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Contact Email: arreom@radiology.ufl.edu
Session: SU - D-Sandler - 4-D Cardiac Imaging
Title: Use of 320-slice MDCT in Vascular, Cardiac and Brain Studies: Initial Clinical Experience and Radiation Dose Assessments
Byline: M Arreola, L Lavoie, M Ghita, Department of Radiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Contact Email: arreom@radiology.ufl.edu
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: VCU Medical Center 3 Tier Response and HAZMAT HICS Team
Byline: Dean W. Broga1 *, (1) VCU/VCU Medical Center, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: dwbroga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - C-Monarch - Medical Response to Radiation Incidents
Title: VCU Medical Center 3 Tier Response and HAZMAT HICS Team
Byline: Dean W. Broga1 *, (1) VCU/VCU Medical Center, Richmond, VA
Contact Email: dwbroga@vcu.edu
Session: MO - A-Sandler - ABR Exam Update
Title: What should Prospective ABR Oral Board Examinees be prepared for ?
Byline: K Wijesooriya *, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0375
Contact Email: KW5WX@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Session: MO - A-Sandler - ABR Exam Update
Title: What should Prospective ABR Oral Board Examinees be prepared for ?
Byline: K Wijesooriya *, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0375
Contact Email: KW5WX@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu