AAPM New Member Symposium and Meet the Experts
Tuesday, July 24 • 4:00pm - 5:30pm
AAPM New Member Symposium and Meet the Experts
Ballroom B, Convention Center
New Members of the AAPM are sometimes overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the Association and may be discouraged from taking full advantage of its benefits or from participating in some activities. The AAPM recognizes this, and wishes to make the Association more accessible to new members. At the New Member Symposium, you will meet the AAPM President, the Executive Director and a number of senior officers. The Symposium will focus on those services the organization provides that are especially helpful for new members, and on how new members can become active in the organization. Informal discussions with AAPM leadership and staff are part of the symposium. Refreshments will be served.
Meet the Experts! Immediately following the New Member Symposium, four experts will move to the four corners of the room for informal discussions on
Clinical Imaging Physics
Imaging Physics Research
Clinical Therapy Physics
Therapy Physics Research
Town Hall Meeting
Wednesday, July 25 • 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Town Hall Meeting
Ballroom B, Convention Center
AAPM's Board of Directors wants to hear directly from the membership. What should AAPM be working on? How can the organization better serve you? Here's your chance to be heard. Make plans to attend the Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, 4:00pm in Ballroom B.
Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, July 25 • 5:30pm - 6:45pm
AAPM Annual Business Meeting
Ballroom B, Convention Center
The AAPM Annual Business Meeting will immediately follow the Town Hall Meeting. AAPM Executive Committee members, council chairs and some committee chairs will report on the status of the organization. Also, any upcoming By-Laws amendments will be discussed.
AAPM Committee Schedule
View the 2007 Annual Meeting Committee Schedule.
AAPM Student Meeting
Sunday, July 22 • 9:30am - 11:00am
AAPM Student Meeting
Room 205AB, Convention Center
The student meeting is an opportunity for students to meet other students, enjoy a free breakfast, and learn about issues important to students of medical physics. At this year's annual meeting there will be a presentation on Medical Physics Residency Programs, as well as a panel discussion of recent graduates on different paths towards a carreer in medical physics.
On Saturday, July 21, join the AAPM Student Physicist Association Subcommittee (SPASC) for an afternoon of fl oating down the Apple
River. This will be an approximately 2.5 hour tubing
trip, starting at River’s Edge (www.riversedgeappleriver.com) in Somerset, WI. Spaces are limited, so please complete
and submit this form ASAP if you plan to attend! You may purchase up to 2 tickets - one for yourself and one for
a significant other.
AAPM Educators' Day
Tuesday, July 24 • 9:00am - 5:30pm
AAPM Educators' Day
Room 201A, Convention Center
Local educators are invited to hear presentations such as "What is Medical Physics?" with time to visit sessions and exhibits. Invitation and complimentary Educators' Day Registration Form. Organized by the AAPM Public Education Committee. Questions? Please contact Karen.
6th Annual Meeting of the RSEA
Saturday, July 21 • 9:00am - 4:30pm
Sunday, July 22 • 8:00am - 1:00pm
6th Annual Meeting of the RSEA
Room: 201A
Register for the 6th Annual meeting of the Radiotherapy Service Engineers Association, July 21-22, 2007. The RSEA is an inclusive organization dedicated to promoting the profession of Radiotherapy Service through education, awareness and interaction.