Scientific Session - Comprising the bulk of
the scientific program, scientific sessions are where the accepted
proffered abstracts are orally presented. The presentations are
shorter than those in the other sessions of the conference, and
are often within a specific scientific topic. The oral presentations
are supplemented by electronic poster presentations (see Electronic
Poster Presentation below).
Symposium - A symposium is a topical session
or sessions focusing on a current topic related to research or
practice of medical physics. The symposia often include multiple
speakers, some of them invited, to speak on the topic. Some symposia
will include a panel discussion aiming to define the current
state of the field and to distill the thinking of the experts.
Workshop - A workshop is a hands-on session
aiming to provide practical "how-to" experience or
demonstration about a particular topic. Most workshops include
lecture materials as well as an opportunity to see how a particular
task is accomplished. The topics are often highly applied, e.g.,
how to test a medical display device.
Forum - This category offers sessions dedicated
to a specific topic of interest. A forum session is topical,
similar to a symposium, but the session is less structured. The
format ranges from lectures, to panel
discussions, to question and answer periods, to debates.
New and Basic Science Sessions - These sessions
are comprised of invited, extended lectures designed to complement
areas of submission of the Scientific Program. New and Basic
Science Sessions aim to educate our members about the science
that is foundational to our field. Such materials are often needed
to be mastered before the material covered in the Scientific
Sessions or Symposia can be appreciated.
Moderated Poster Discussion Session - This category is
focused on a group of scientific posters with a brief verbal
overview given during the session. This is equivalent to an oral
presentation, but allows more audience and author discussion/interaction.
Authors will be present during the scheduled session.
General Poster Discussion Session - This category
includes scientific abstracts that are not associated with oral
or moderated poster presentations. The materials are judged
to be of high scientific quality and merit presentation at the
annual meeting. Authors will be present during the scheduled session in order to interact with meeting attendees.
Electronic Poster Presentation - This category
includes supplemental electronic postings associated with the
oral and moderated poster discussion presentations. The electronic
posters may be viewed in the "Electronic Poster Viewing Areas"
located in designated areas in the exhibit hall.
Education Council Symposium - This symposium
is designed to update our members on the various activities of
the Education Council. Emphasis is placed on the resources and
programs that are available to enhance
the skills of our members as well as resources that are available
through the Association to assist our members
when presenting programs to related health professionals and
the public.
Continuing Education Courses - Courses that
are often repeated, representing topics that new members entering
the field of medical physics will always need to know or topics
of major practical importance. These
courses include basic mammography, standard ultrasound physics,
clinical IMRT, State of the Art IMRT,
Brachytherapy, etc. These courses would be relevant for the practicing
medical physicist to know in order to
obtain or maintain certification and licensing.
Educational Poster Session - Moderated Poster
Session, however the presentations are educational in content
rather than scientific.
Professional Council Symposium - This symposium
is focused on current topics that involve the professional practice
of medical physics. Subjects may range over aspects of practice
such as legal issues, government affairs, research and clinical
funding, economics, practice management, peer relations, standards
and guidance
and ethics.
Professional Workshops will be held for specific
purposes that require multi-hour programs such as government
mandated training and education, time intensive professional
issues, or programs that involve
attendee participation.
Professional Sessions - Sessions where the
top submitted proffered professional abstracts are orally presented.
The presentations are shorter than those in the other sessions
of the conference, and are specific
to professional topics. The oral presentations are supplemented
by electronic poster presentations (see
Electronic Poster Presentation below). In addition a number of
sessions, each devoted to specific issues in our
profession, will highlight invited experts and panelists.
Note: Presentation Identifiers
* - Where indicated, denotes Presenting Author